Tutorials Pending Approval / G-fusion

  1. Taeko
    Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 17:12:35

    Why G-fusion ? Because this mod is the perfect fusion between G2 and G3 =D Let's see him : Hello ! I'm Taeko from FPSB, and I will show you how to make that mod =) Parts : - [B]1 G2[/B] (all) - [B]1 G3[/B] (all) - [B]1 Signo DX[/B] (grip, ink) - [B]1 Anyball[/B] (grip) - [B]1 Signo Broad[/B] (1cm of grip) - [B]1 HGG[/B] (ink) Characteristics : COP=COG Lenght : ~19,5cm Weight : ~15g =D Do you like it ? If you want the insert, just tell me here ;) Enjoy' !

  2. Soren
    Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 22:39:54

    What a brilliant mod

  3. LighT*
    Date: Sat, Nov 29 2014 00:41:37

    Soren wrote: What a brilliant mod
    and a brilliant modder

  4. Taeko
    Date: Mon, Dec 1 2014 15:46:08

    Wow thanks a lot guys, I'm so proud to see you like my work =)