Collaboration Videos / Epic LED Pen Spinning by Kuma Films
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 13:36:22
[video=youtube;UVB_Utm3dFk][/video] EDIT: the behind the scene looks more fun
[video=youtube;4bzCViZuIJY][/video] -
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 14:49:13
Oh great The sequel to the most terrible pen spinning video on youtube, I'd be happier if Kuma films did not exist.
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 16:26:22
R u serious. They are awesome!!! Kuma films 4life. jk not for life but they are awesome
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 19:16:03
Ceru Seiyu wrote: Oh great The sequel to the most terrible pen spinning video on youtube, I'd be happier if Kuma films did not exist.
still > than this shit -
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 19:33:29
Monk wrote: still > than this shit
Still >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Than This Shit -
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 21:08:48
dammit shadow you stole my link :P
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 23:39:11
Ceru Seiyu wrote: Oh great The sequel to the most terrible pen spinning video on youtube, I'd be happier if Kuma films did not exist.
lol why? -
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2014 23:52:14
No, no, this video is the worst for many reasons, behold:
"i smeled durh fart" "i farted" Look at these fucking faces. This is the face of pen spinning when you search "pen spinning ANYTHING" on youtube, first result. It's impossible to search for someone with "pen spinning USERNAME" on youtube anymore because this video got so big, all you get is kuma films videos. The environment sucks and the person filming it paid no attention to actually making the spinning look good. The exposure rate is too low, the angles are horribad, the setup, lighting available and background weren't even considered. Kuma literally took the first two spinners he could find and filmed them outside with way too much emphasis on overediting and camera work that doesn't even work for this purpose. It is a prime example of someone using people's hobbys to propel their shitty filmwork. As for the content, you can barely see what's going on bar for power, and the spinners are extremely power focused (and not even much variety like say i.suk, peem, menowa or a13x, so it gets boring very fast). And sorry gland, it's a shame but kuma had the potential to get the mods filmed to where they looked like lightsabers (whole fucking point of LED mods) but he just did his same crap, so the spinning looks like garbage.
Date: Thu, Nov 27 2014 00:13:22
i mean they're better than me
Date: Thu, Nov 27 2014 11:50:59
@Ceru Seiyu well it's a pen spinning video, made by non-spinners, for non-spinners. It's popular cause it's actually enjoyable for people to watch without having to be able to say 'oh cool that's a really neat linkage.' Probably cause it's one of the only pen spinning video with nice cinematography that wasn't filmed by a toaster in the middle of the night, so it's actually able to appeal to non spinners more than the usual style of bad webcam with shit lighting over someone's desk. Even if it had good angles and really good spinners, the target audience wouldn't be able to tell the difference because era face it, watching people spin is boring unless you can actually tell what they're doing to some extent. But you're right, it isn't just about showing off psing it's more about the camera work which is a shame.
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 04:18:41
@Ceru Seiyu I'm always grateful for people who appreciate pen spinning (whether it's for commercial or not), especially make a pen spinning video. This is also a kind of support to pen spinning. The entire communities is not so active as much as few years back, wouldn't it be good if many non-spinners is interested to learn PS because of this video? and to be honest, I really like the way of filming and directing video like they do, I always wanted to do that.
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 08:46:25
I like it. :) Any art form has varying degrees of snobbery - people who are immersed in the details of it will often dislike its most commercial form. It's no different film. I love watching Euro and Asian movies that many ppl have never heard of, and I intensely dislike Transformers/Pacific Rim/Twilight/Godzilla but they're the most accessible movies, so a lot of people enjoy them. To each their own - there's no point raging against commercial iterations of your favourite art form at every opportunity. That just makes you sound like a snob who's got nowt better to do. Besides, I love Starship Troopers and I use links I learned from SuperVValrus. The snobs in each field might wanna bash me for that, but variety is the spice of life. :) mpc
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 13:51:57
At least Kuma Films changed the public's perception about pen spinning entirely. Now it is seen as a cool juggling activity instead of something kids do when they are bored, which is a pretty big thing imo. The hate for them is unnecessary. @Ceru Seiyu don't be fucking rude and start commenting on ppm and laputao's faces. Start looking at things from different perspectives. And of course TWPS and Kuma Films are actually out there to promote pen spinning and not behind their computer screens bashing shit on the net, so the hate is unnecessary.
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 14:11:53
Walkaz wrote: At least Kuma Films changed the public's perception about pen spinning entirely. Now it is seen as a cool juggling activity instead of something kids do when they are bored, which is a pretty big thing imo. The hate for them is unnecessary. @Ceru Seiyu don't be fucking rude and start commenting on ppm and laputao's faces. Start looking at things from different perspectives. And of course TWPS and Kuma Films are actually out there to promote pen spinning and not behind their computer screens bashing shit on the net, so the hate is unnecessary.
There's nothing wrong with their looks Their expressions just look like someone hit them in the face with a frying pan beforehand, who the hell poses like that for a photo lol Also stage spinning looks terrible, I don't see why anyone watching this video would want to get into spinning, with this presentation it just looks harder to learn (and more ugly) than other manipulative arts. Pen spinning has been on the news and shit, it's one thing saying promote it if the promotion makes it look dull. I'm not saying that desk-spinning collabs tailored for current spinners are the only way to go, but to think that kuma films does anything but promote himself is outlandish. Publicity alone does not make people want to get involved, see Spinz for an example of lots of publicity and very bad demonstrations Here's one of the best depictions of pen spinning: [video=youtube;7KgNCBGt51A][/video] Why is it good? It shows that it's something you never give up, every trick that's done is highlighted and it's not just endless weak linkage -> powertrick. It can be related to by NON SPINNERS as to how pen spinning would be seen if they did it. The spinners in this video are also lower skill levels than ppm and the other nonce. But yeah, go kuma films, edit every single thing the same way in all your videos and make it look like garbage, cool? -
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 15:41:17
omg ceru that video is beautiful. I completely understand and agree with your view point now. also lmao, of course of all things, this'd be front and centre of the recommended videos in a post where someone was complaining about it
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2014 16:41:33
MPC wrote: I use links I learned from SuperVValrus.
HAHAHAHA you might want to stop that....ppm and the other nonce
Ian, a very good contact juggler. @Ceru Seiyu i agree with your point of view, if i was a noob and first found out about pen spinning through kuma's vid, i would been like ''wtf?! i'm not learning this, it's too damn hard''. It also gives a false depiction of what PEN spinning is (not LED spinning). That french video of the Galaxy Note was beautiful <3. As for the first epic pen spinning, i think noobs only enjoy it because all other psing vids on youtube have bad cameras and stuff. People outside who don't really know any manipulative arts like cardistry, contact juggling, pen spinning etc. normally see them performed outside and on the street. This could be a way to attrack non-psers in because this is the only way see it performed, on the street.