Spammer's Bin / Orgin of the Name

  1. Pen15
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2014 13:25:54

    My name is Pen15. Despite the obvious. My name is really from 15 pens. I have 15 pens. Ive always had 15 pens. That is why im called Pen15. Clear some stuff up with you people. That's the origin of my name.

  2. Soren
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2014 13:43:08

    Awesome puppy!

  3. Xienix
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2014 14:29:36


  4. AfroSquared
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2014 16:34:13

    Pen15 wrote: My name is Pen15. Despite the obvious. My name is really from 15 pens. I have 15 pens. Ive always had 15 pens. That is why im called Pen15. Clear some stuff up with you people. That's the origin of my name.
    hmmm.....but what if you got or lost a pen then it will pen(insert the amount of pens you have now), therefore you will need to keep on changing your name because pen15 wouldn't be valid. It will be penis because pen15 is no longer 15 pens because you don't have 15 pens. Even if you lost a pen then bought another one, the time period in which you had 14 pens would be the time period your name meant penis. Moreover, people reading this comment can't say that pen15 is still valid for whatever reason, when you have 14 pens because you just directly stated:
    I have 15 pens.....That's the origin of my name.
    Therefore, no other reasons are valid since you, the creator of the name, stated that is the ONLY origin of ''pen15'' unless you change your name Btw sorry for this i'm just bored :P

  5. Pen15
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2014 20:04:23

    hey m,an i always got 15 pens secured in a x-case it super secured i dont lose pens. ACTUALLy i m,eant mods. never lost a mod

  6. Soren
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2014 20:27:53

    Lol this got removed to spammers bin.