Tutorials Pending Approval / Inverse Poppin Mod (By Lost Angelus)
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2014 00:37:22
[B][COLOR="red"]*NOTE: I will be adding additional steps and pictures for adding grips and how to make this mod LONGER if the standard length is too short for your liking. Please check this tutorial for updates![/COLOR][/B] This is my new Inverse Poppin Mod! I created this pen for people who like their Pen Mods to be a little shorter and lighter... But fear not! I will be adding additional steps for instructions on how to make this mod longer if the standard length is too short for you. Keep in mind that this tutorial contains 2 different methods for creating this mod, and which method you use will depend on which materials you use. YOU DO NOT NEED GRIPS to make this mod, although it's definitely recommended. Therefore, adding grips and how much is all up to your personal preference. Also, you are not required to use the exact same tips that I used in the tutorial; I have included some alternative tips which you may use, in case you want the mass to be different, or don't have the right tips. Also, this pen mod is capable of writing!
=========================== Stats: =========================== [B]Inverse Poppin Mod[/B] COG=COP Length: 17.7 cm (Soon I will be adding steps/instructions to make it longer) Weight: Depends on Tips & Grips used (Min Mass: 10 g) Style: Double Capped Writing-Mechanism: Writable Ink-Type: Ballpoint Ink Estimated-Cost: Unsure =========================== Materials List: =========================== [COLOR="red"][B]*Please read BOTH Methods in this tutorial, in case you don't have Poppin Highlighters[/B][/COLOR] [B]METHOD 1 MATERIALS:[/B] [B]•2 Poppin Highlighters •2 Uni-Ball Signo Tips[/B] (Alternative tip choices below) •OPTIONAL: 1 Poppin Pen (if you want a different colored barrel & writing capability) •OPTIONAL: Inserts for the translucent caps •OPTIONAL TIP ALTERNATIVES: Zebra F301 tips, Dr. Grip COG (the small tips) [B]METHOD 2 MATERIALS:[/B] [B]•2 Poppin Pens •2 Uni-Ball Signo Tips[/B] (Alternative tip choices below) •OPTIONAL TIP ALTERNATIVES: Zebra F301 tips, Dr. Grip COG (the small tips) =========================== Tutorial: =========================== (Step instructions are written under each picture) [B]Method 1[/B] [SPOILER="Method 1: Using Poppin Highlighters"]
[B]1.[/B] Gather your materials. You will need 2 Poppin Highlighter Caps, 2 Signo tips, and 1 Poppin Pen Barrel (This 1 Poppin pen is OPTIONAL, and is if you want writing capability and/or want different color combinations).
[B]2.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"](Read WHOLE step before doing!)[/COLOR][/B] Remove the 2 Poppin Highlighter caps and VERY CAREFULLY try to detach the little tube inside the cap. You may try dislodging the little tube by hammering some type of thin barrel (such as a Bic) downwards, until the little tube breaks off inside the cap. YOU MUST BE CAREFUL NOT TO LEAVE GASHES OR SCRAPES on the inside of the cap while doing this! Drilling this tube loose is easy, because the rotation of the drill bit twists the tube and separates from inside the cap (You will hear a "Snap" noise, so don't flip out). If you DO drill, [B][COLOR="red"]USE A DRILL BIT SIZED 9/32" OR SMALLER.[/COLOR][/B] Using a thick drill bit will scrape up the insides of the cap. Don't overthink this step. All you have to do is find some way to dislodge that little tube without scratching the insides of the cap. A picture of before and after can be seen below:
[B]3.[/B] This is a "Before and After" pic of dislodging the little tube inside the cap. The cap on the bottom is what it looks like AFTER you dislodge the tube. The cap above is what it looks like BEFORE you dislodge it. [B][COLOR="red"]Don't worry about pulling out this dislodged tube at this time! In the next step, we will be removing the plug on the top of the Poppin Highlighter cap.[/COLOR][/B]
[B]4.[/B] Use some kind of thin barrel such as a Bic or the drill bit to hammer out the plug in the top of the cap from the inside. Don't worry if the dislodged tube from the previous 2 steps is still in the cap. By pushing the Poppin Highlighter's plug out from the inside, you will also be pushing out the dislodged tube. Again, be cautious to not scuff up the inside of the cap, because scratch marks will be easily visible with translucent caps.
[B]5.[/B] Next, take your 2 Uni-Ball Signo Tips (or the alternative tips) and push them into the caps with the tip pointing inwards. Make sure when you put in the tips, that it is on the side of the cap where you just pushed out the cap's plug (insert the tips in the side of the cap which has 2 rings). I recommend you put the tips on the table pointing up, put the caps over the tips, and then push the caps downwards onto the tips. When the tips are in correctly, they will be snug fit; so you don't need any glue or tape to keep them in place. Click the Spoiler below for a picture of some other tips which you may use: [SPOILER="Alternative Tips:"]
Alternative tips which fit are: •Zebra F301 •Dr. Grip COG or MP (must be small, like in pic) •Dr. Grip Full Black (American) •Dr. Grip Pure White (American) •(I'm working on adding more to this list)[/SPOILER]
[B]6.[/B] Use rubber tipped pliers, or wrap your pliers with tape and CAREFULLY remove the backplug on the Poppin barrel. Make sure to use something to prevent your pliers from leaving teeth marks on the backplug when you're pulling the plug out. After the backplug is removed, do ONE of the following: •Remove the inktube and put the backplug back onto the Poppin barrel. Without the inktube, the mod should be perfectly balanced, but is incapable of writing. •Wrap some office tape/electrical tape around the back section of the inktube (where the backplug covers the end of the tube). You MAY have to remove the backplug more than once and add/remove tape to the back of the inktube, to make sure the inktube is quiet and the tape makes it balanced. Too much tape makes it back-heavy. Too little tape makes it front-heavy. Once you get it perfect, put the backplug back onto the Poppin barrel.
[B]7.[/B] Put the caps onto the front and the back of the Poppin barrel and you're done! This step is ALSO the OPTIONAL step where you may rub the barrel and/or caps with paper to remove the glossy/slick texture. You may also add your choice of grips and paper inserts to the caps during this step. GOOD JOB MAKING YOUR INVERSE POPPIN MOD! You deserve a Gold Star![/SPOILER] [B]Method 2[/B] [SPOILER="Method 2: Using Regular Poppin Pens"]
[B]1.[/B] Gather your materials. You will need 2 Poppin Ballpoint pens and 2 Uni-Ball Signo Tips (or 2 of the alternative tips)
[B]2.[/B] Remove the clips from both of the Poppin Pen caps. I recommend you use pliers. Be careful not to leave teeth marks on the caps when removing the clips with pliers. You CAN get teeth marks on the plastic top of the clip. You're removing the clip; so as long as you don't leave gashes on the cap when pulling out the clips, you'll be fine. If you DO get scratches or teeth marks on the caps when removing the clips, DON'T WORRY; You can put grips on the caps to hide the teeth marks when you've finished the mod.
(Please read Steps 3A AND 3B ENTIRELY before you start drilling/sanding!) [B]3A.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"][/COLOR][/B] Get your drill and find a drill bit which isn't as wide as the inside of the Poppin Cap (The drill bit should easily be able to fit inside the cap). You will be drilling the top of the cap from the inside, so the drill is pushes out the plug from the inside (See step 2 and 3 in Method 1, if you are confused). When you're done with step 3A, your cap will basically be a tube. Make sure to do the same to the other cap as well. [B]3B.[/B] Now, this step is kind of nit-picky. You can do this part 3 different ways; drilling, sanding, or shaving with a knife. Using progressively thicker drill bits, you will be experimenting to make the hole wide enough to fit a Uni-Ball Signo tip. So, SLOWLY drill into the end of the cap where the plug just was, and [B]ONLY DRILL ABOUT 0.5 CM DEEP INTO THE CAPS! You DO NOT want to put the drill bit through the entire cap, because you ONLY need to widen the hole of the cap so the tip will fit in.[/B] If you decide sand or shave the inside of the cap with a knife, make sure you don't sand the inside of the entire cap. Again, you only want the hole wide enough to fit the tip in (If you see in the picture above, the cap on the left has a hole that's wider at the end, and becomes thicker towards the inside) The reason why you DO NOT drill/sand the entire inside of the cap, is because you'd be making the entire cap REALLY thin and easy to fracture. Plus, the caps' holes would be too wide to stay on the pen barrel. If you widen this hole too much, the cap will be too thin and may fracture easily; But if you don't widen it enough, you may crack the caps trying to force the tips in.
[B]4.[/B] Push your Signo tips into the wider hole which you just drilled (Or, insert the alternative tips which I listed in Method 1). If the hole doesn't seem quite wide enough, and that pushing the tips in may fracture the cap, I recommend you widen the hole a little bit. You're going to have to really push those tips to get them into the caps, so just go slow or you may end up cracking the caps if you're too careless.
[B]5.[/B] Use rubber tipped pliers, or wrap your pliers with tape and CAREFULLY remove the backplug on the Poppin barrel. Make sure to use something to prevent your pliers from leaving teeth marks on the backplug when you're pulling the plug out. After the backplug is removed, do ONE of the following: •Remove the inktube and put the backplug back onto the Poppin barrel. Without the inktube, the mod should be perfectly balanced, but is incapable of writing. •Wrap some office tape/electrical tape around the back section of the inktube (where the backplug covers the end of the tube). You MAY have to remove the backplug more than once and add/remove tape to the back of the inktube, to make sure the inktube is quiet and the tape makes it balanced. Too much tape makes it back-heavy. Too little tape makes it front-heavy. Once you get it perfect, put the backplug back onto the Poppin barrel.
[B]6.[/B] Put the caps onto the front and the back of the Poppin barrel and you're done! This step is ALSO the OPTIONAL step where you may rub the barrel and/or caps with paper to remove the glossy/slick texture. You may also add your choice of grips to the caps during this step. GOOD JOB MAKING YOUR INVERSE POPPIN MOD! You deserve a Cookie![/SPOILER] =========================== [COLOR="red"]Q/A: Q: Where can I find Poppin Pens and Poppin Highlighters?! A: The only office store which I've seen sell Poppin Pens and Poppin Highlighters is "Staples." HOWEVER, [B] I am currently SELLING/TRADING Poppin Pens, Poppin Highlighters, Poppin 700 Mods, and Inverse Poppin Mods! So, if you can't find the pens or highlighters at all, or can't find the color you want, please feel free to send me a PM, message me on Instagram (My Instagram: lostangelus.upsb ), or add me on Skype (My Skype: LostANGELUS.UPSB) Also, my trading/selling thread can be found here:[/B] Q: Which method should I do? A: If you have Poppin Highlighters, then do Method 1. If you have only Poppin pens, then do Method 2. If you have BOTH the Poppin Pens and Highlighters, then it's your choice (Although Method 1 is easier, in my opinion) Q: How do I make this mod heavier? A: Add your choice of grips, and use any tips which fit in the caps and you feel comfortable with using. Q: How do I make this mod longer? A: I'm working on adding some steps/instructions on how to make this mod longer. Stay tuned and make sure to check this thread! Q: Which is cheaper? The Poppin pens, or the Poppin Highlighters? A: Surprisingly, the Highlighters are about $2.00 (USD) cheaper and come in a pack of 12, with 6 different neon translucent colors. [/COLOR] ===========================
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2014 01:39:08
The highlighter option looks the best to me. both look great im so happy you posted this!!!!! XD
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2014 12:15:18
Very simple. Very clean. Writable is definitely a plus. +1 Well done.
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2014 15:18:07
How many poppin mods have you made now?
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2014 17:01:11
@Soren, How many different ones? 3 different mods. They're awesome pens to mod with. They're extremely versatile and easy to mod with. I get lots of modding ideas with these pens. It's for sure not the last time I'll be modding with them lol