Tutorials Pending Approval / Taeko mx
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 10:16:31
Hi guys =) It’s been several years since I began modding, I’ve made tens of mods but I’ve never had the opportunity to name one. Whenever I was satisfied with my work, I could tell it was good, but not right yet, it was too soon. That’s what’s new with this mod, which I like every bit of, and which I’ll show you shortly Ü
This is an asymmetrical mod, pretty heavy and balanced, with a high aesthetic potential.Spoiler
In my view, this mod embodies many aspects that matter to me in modding, that make me say « nice job, it’s clean, it’s a clever one » when I finish a tutorial. I took care in using the full potential of each part: there’s a proper place for each part and, put together, they make for a consistent assembly, spinnable and pleasant to the eye. To me, each part of a pen has its importance, which is why I always collect anything and everything, thinking it might come of use some day. I discovered endless features of many pens by dint of assembling this and that, by turning around, using, reusing and turning around again each part of the pen. A signo tip perfectly fitting a 094 cap, that’s plain magic. A G1 cap holding in a signo broad cap: magical. A flexgrip tip that you can only fit on a signo ink and not on a G-2 or G-3 ink: magical. That’s what I love in modding, that [i]is modding. I have always refused to use glue in my mods, to me, it would feel like cheating: “it doesn’t fit, so I’ll make it fit, I’ll just add some glue!”. Glue is banned from my creations. I’ve never used it in my mods, except in a bid to fight against powers stronger than myself, like war, wear, and for grips that tend to loosen with time. To me, a good mod must be accessible to everyone, and it must be resistant. I made tons of mods that were too rickety, that fell apart as soon as they fell down the stairs. A mod should also be something that you can carry around with you at all times, it must be resistant enough to remain in your pocket without breaking, and it should look good too. And speaking of aesthetics, this is a fundamental issue to me. I like to make things look nice, I have sometimes spent more time on the choice and arrangement of the colors than on the assembly process – you get it, it’s capital to me. I think my work is pretty recognizable, drawing my inspiration from the best modders, I borrowed what I liked here and there: the stripes on the inserts made by TEK, Densen’s cutgrip technique, the photo montages inspired by TEK or Neptune, Near/VT’s cleverness, Guitrum's clean work, I could go on. Another point is that I came to prefer asymmetrical mods to symmetrical ones. For one thing, aesthetically speaking, I think asymmetrical mods have, in essence, a better aesthetic potential. They also allow for more options to make use of the various parts: a symmetrical mod always requires twice the components and is subjected to the constraints of symmetry, reducing the number of aesthetical and useful variation possibilities. A little history, and then we’ll move on to the mod itself. Starting from scratch, I made myself a workshop, little by little, and learned to make do with what I could find to make my mods. Now, I have access to most of the pens used in pen spinning and I enjoy modding more and more, overcoming the constraints. Learning to become resourceful and all these constraints led me to work in a more economical way, which is why nothing is superfluous in this mod, every part has been added for a reason. To me, the Taeko MX is a good compromise between these various aspects. It combines usefulness, aesthetics and spinnability while still clever, using the full potential of each part in an effort to be economical; altogether, it is an accessible mod. I made several versions of them, and there are more to come. I’ll show you the main version and a first customized variant; you’ll only have to choose according to your spinning preferences. This imposing introduction may seem pompous but I wanted to allow you to understand exactly why this mod is so important to me as I make my way as a modder, and the turning point it represents: I now have everything I need to do what I love, as can be seen in this mod, I am proud of what I have achieved and am more motivated than ever to keep modding =)[/I]Characteristics : [B]Weight [/B]: 19g [B]Lenght [/B]: 20cm [B]COP=COG[/B] Material : -[B]1 RSVP[/B] (Body, ink, grip) -[B]1 G2[/B] (grip, clip) -[B]1 Impact[/B] (grip, tip) -[B]1 new RSVP RT[/B] (tip) -[B]1 Signo DX[/B] (tip) -[B]1 Hyperjell[/B] (Cap, Grip) -[B]1 094[/B] (cap) -[B]1 G3[/B] (tip) Variant : You can replace the impact grip by a spoko grip ; you also can replace the HJ grip by a Signo DX/Broad grip.
You have just finished your first Taeko mx \o/ 1st variantion :
additional material : - [B]1 HGG[/B] (tip) 1st step - remove the removable part of the HJ clip 2nd step - File the rest of the clip 3rd step - before putting the G3 tip into the HJ cap (12), Put the HGG tip into the bottom of the cap 4th step - Cut the little piece of the G2 clic, file it and put it into the little hole in the cap, where there was the HJ clip 2nd variation :
Additional material : - [B]1 HGG[/B] (tip) -[B]1 G1[/B] (tip) instead of the G3 tip 1st step - remove the removable part of the HJ clip 2nd step - File the rest of the clip 3rd step - before putting the G1 tip into the HJ cap (12), Put the HGG tip into the bottom of the cap 4th step - Cut the little piece of the G2 clic, file it and put it into the little hole cap, where there was the HJ clip 5th step - Cutgrip the impact grip I'll put some variations again in the future =) The insert : [B]Bonus :[/B]
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 13:45:18
that's a nice mod though it heavy 19g...
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 14:43:43
super clean modding edit: really love the second edition.
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 15:40:23
Great tut, i'll definitly mod me one of these beautys as soon as i get new 094er ;)
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 18:06:05
This mod looks so amazing Imma go make one
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 18:57:03
Can you post the insert?? I'm definitely gonna make one!
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 22:35:26
Love your comments guys <3 I added the inserts to the tuto =) If you want more colors, just tell me ! PS : I can trade 094 and RSVP RT's tip il you need =)
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 05:11:00
Bruh, this mod is not bad at all. Love your color schemes.~ (:
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 07:57:03
Beautifully done :o
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 19:37:50
Looks sweet
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 20:59:09
Am i the only one who noticed the Yin Yang in the grip cuts??
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2014 01:07:13
Solaire wrote: Am i the only one who noticed the Yin Yang in the grip cuts??
No, I saw it to =D ok ok, I know where is the door...