Off-topic / Drawing Combos
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 12:19:40
Hey you guys! like penspinning? GREAT do you guys like creating combos that you can practice over and over? GREAT Do you hate writing out those pesky written notations? GREAT Well i have found a fun, intricate, and unique way to 'draw' a combo:
You may see this and ask, "What is this? it just looks like the word 'reign'!". Well, it is indeed the word reign! but with a closer look and a little knowledge in physics and you will see that this is actually a combo written out on a 2-dimensional plane! "How!?", you might ask. I'll tell you! first look at the dots. Each dot is a variable that has potential to influence whatever is relative to them. You'll notice that I labeled one of the dots "gravity". This dot will be constantly repelling anything downward, no matter where it is. Now notice the other dots. What could these be? These are your fingers of course! Going from left to right you can associate the dots with your pinky, ring, middle, pointer, and thumb (which is naturally placed under your four fingers, between your middle and pointer finger). Now look at the letters and notice that they are formed by one line being bent by these dots. This line represents and object moving around your fingers over time. Can you guess what object that is!? you're right! the pen! Now you should be able to correlate this drawing with standard notation and the results should be: pass (05-43) > ringaround (43-43) > inverse pass (43-32) > pass (32-21) > inverse middlearound 1.5 (32-21) > thumbaround (21-21) > indexaround (21-1T) > reverse-inverse pass (1T-05). (Please note this notation was drawn in written in the format of someone spinning with their left hand.) I would suggest using this method when planning out combos on paper because you'll know you've formed a good combo when you've successfully formed a word! Hopefully you can now see how poetry is formed in the same way penspinning is! With math of course!
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 12:35:59
This seems like a really cool idea but it probably needs a lil more explaining with better diagrams cause I only really half understand exactly how this works. This is all well and good for passes an arounds but how do you notate things that have conic spins like charges and sonics? also,
spenpinner wrote: pass (05-43)
whut? which finger is 0 and which one is 5??? last time I checked I only have 4 fingers lol -
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 13:41:58
I think you will need to explain this one a lot more than you have haha. Reminds me of Hexbinmos's pen spinning musical notation. It's worse than CSN to read though (Btw you can't have an inverse pass)
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 14:25:17
i want to see how you break down a fel2fram combo with that notation. [SPOILER="ok i tried it"]
[/SPOILER] ok i think it is an interresting concept, but it seems to be difficult to break down a complex combo with this notation.
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 15:39:14
I understand perfectly but it would only work for shorter combos or you'd have the lines crossing over eachother and make a mess. A solution to this could be to draw multiple illustrations but that would defeat it's purpose.
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 16:06:35
another thing: how do you describe turning the hand (PU > PS...)
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 16:21:32
Omg youre a genius! I could definitely tell that drawing was a pass (05-43) > ringaround (43-43) > inverse pass (43-32) > pass (32-21) > inverse middlearound 1.5 (32-21) > thumbaround (21-21) > indexaround (21-1T) > reverse-inverse pass (1T-05).
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 18:31:50
double post
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 18:33:43
nv16;291417]This seems like a really cool idea but it probably needs a lil more explaining with better diagrams cause I only really half understand exactly how this works. This is all well and good for passes an arounds but how do you notate things that have conic spins like charges and sonics? also, whut? which finger is 0 and which one is 5??? last time I checked I only have 4 fingers lol[/QUOTE] As for conic tricks, you use letters that represent cones like 'V' or 'W'. This is true, as for direction of charge; its written on a two dimensional plane, and we can only perceive the x and y axis of the pen. In order to define the charge direction I would have to add a Z axis to the diagram, which i may do in the future. also, 05 means that there is no finger supporting the pen while it rests to the left of the pinky. (its continuous so it starts and ends at 05). EDIT: Shadow suggested i use colors to represent the Z axis. So an addition to the diagram would be to highlight the individual letters with colors corresponding to the direction of charge. For example i could say that blue represents a normal charge, red for reverse, and purple for tipped. [QUOTE=Ceru Seiyu;291419]I think you will need to explain this one a lot more than you have haha. Reminds me of Hexbinmos's pen spinning musical notation. It's worse than CSN to read though (Btw you can't have an inverse pass)[/QUOTE] How easy it is to read is all relative to one's perception, sir. And if I can have an inverse sonic then you'd be crazy to think that i cant have an inverse pass. [QUOTE=Xzeria;291425]I understand perfectly but it would only work for shorter combos or you'd have the lines crossing over eachother and make a mess. A solution to this could be to draw multiple illustrations but that would defeat it's purpose.[/QUOTE] the idea is to form penspinning into linguistics. just form multiple word combos, and place them together as sentences to create poetry. Its art man. [QUOTE=m1ch1 wrote: another thing: how do you describe turning the hand (PU > PS...)
In a sense that there would be a palm-side switch mid word, for example look at the diagram and say i turn my hand facing palm-up during the 'i', then the 'g' and 'n' would simply be flipped to 'd' and 'u'. so the word would then spell 'reidu'. I find this a very beautiful way to create combos because you can theorize how magnificent a combo will look judging by how much meaning there is in the word that it creates. -
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 22:48:17
spenpinner wrote: As for conic tricks, you use letters that represent cones like 'V' or 'W'. This is true, as for direction of charge; its written on a two dimensional plane, and we can only perceive the x and y axis of the pen. In order to define the charge direction I would have to add a Z axis to the diagram, which i may do in the future. also, 05 means that there is no finger supporting the pen while it rests to the left of the pinky. (its continuous so it starts and ends at 05). EDIT: Shadow suggested i use colors to represent the Z axis. So an addition to the diagram would be to highlight the individual letters with colors corresponding to the direction of charge. For example i could say that blue represents a normal charge, red for reverse, and purple for tipped. How easy it is to read is all relative to one's perception, sir. And if I can have an inverse sonic then you'd be crazy to think that i cant have an inverse pass. the idea is to form penspinning into linguistics. just form multiple word combos, and place them together as sentences to create poetry. Its art man. In a sense that there would be a palm-side switch mid word, for example look at the diagram and say i turn my hand facing palm-up during the 'i', then the 'g' and 'n' would simply be flipped to 'd' and 'u'. so the word would then spell 'reidu'. I find this a very beautiful way to create combos because you can theorize how magnificent a combo will look judging by how much meaning there is in the word that it creates.
Oh okay you're trolling cool story bro -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 00:18:06
What are we posting? a book?
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 02:14:41
Pen15 wrote: What are we posting? a book?
Next up, thanks to this new notation system, I'll be spinning, Harry Potter and the deathly hallows -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 02:37:26
nv16 wrote: Next up, thanks to this new notation system, I'll be spinning, Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
50 layers of onion -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 04:29:13
Ceru Seiyu wrote: Oh okay you're trolling cool story bro
no. -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 06:13:02
So I drew a combo and this came out.....
Pen spinning = illuminati confirmed
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 06:16:09
JackyMacky wrote: So I drew a combo and this came out..... Pen spinning = illuminati confirmed
I like the phallic sense that it portrays. gj. -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2014 06:16:51
JackyMacky wrote: So I drew a combo and this came out..... Pen spinning = illuminati confirmed
Jacky is illuminati b0ss confirmed