Board Help / [INFO] [HELP] Pictorial Guide to the Shoutbox
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 23:07:59Pictorial Guide to the ShoutboxBecause other guides, like strat1227’s (, don’t have pictures and aren’t easily accessible, I thought I would make a guide with pictures to perhaps help newer members with the shoutbox, so they are better able to whine, complain, lie, ask questions, and discuss sexual topics. When you log in, you should get a screen like this (without the boxes):
BLACK BOX: Change the action. Shouting, ignoring, unignoring. PINK BOX: Change the target of the shout. [COLOR="red"]RED BOX[/COLOR]: Change size of the shoutbox. This allows you to see more of the shoutbox. For example, here I have changed the size from default to 250.
LIGHT BLUE BOX: Access the shoutbox archive. This allows you to look at past shouts, up until the last time the shoutbox was cleared. [COLOR="yellow"]YELLOW BOX[/COLOR]: Hide/Unhide the shoutbox. GREEN BOX: Active users. [COLOR="orange"]ORANGE BOX[/COLOR]: A box containing the shouts, in this case being about piracy. [COLOR="blue"]BLUE BOX[/COLOR]: Enter your questions, answers, compliments, insults, etc. to broadcast to the entirety of online UPSB members. Clicking on the shouter’s name allows you to report their shout for flaming, spamming, excessive sarcasm, and other inappropriate behavior. Clicking on the shouter’s name also allows you to view their profile, ignore and unignore, and send a private message. The sticky (top of shoutbox) is something that appears no matter what and carries important announcements/links to threads that the moderators choose. The tabs above the shoutbox allow you to choose which box you want to shout in.
Typing /me (text) displays something like this: *Nick has swag* @5:46 PM It is useful only for making jokes, and no one knows why it was even thought of. Again, also look at strat’s guide to the shoutbox, and if you have any questions/comments/concerns, please ask me below. If found helpful please +1 this post!
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 06:01:25
Much more useful than other explanations! Thanks @Nick :D:D
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 10:02:32
not very necessary because we're moving to v5 but gj