Battlezone / Any beginners up for a game of Horse?
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 17:11:52
@ShadowParadox Our tack on game was a disaster, so I say we try a different game. Horse is a basketball game, but we can do a pen spinning version (I'm British, so if you already play this game then I'm probably patronising you): Someone posts a link. Then the others have 48h hours to film and post that same link or they lose one of their 5 lives. Then everyone takes turns posting challenges and anyone who fails to match them within 48h loses another life. Lose all your lives and your eliminated from the game. Last one standing wins. Shall we say… links of no more than five, and no power tricks allowed? If you're up for it, post a link and we'll get started. :D mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 17:14:24
No power tricks?! Awwwww.... Lol jk yh alright im training my mx spinning so this should be good
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 17:48:41
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 18:13:00
Okay, I'll start us off with a nice easy one: (pd) Sonic 34-23-12 > Charge 12 > (pu) Powerpass (index catch) I also propose one more rule: each challenge video needs to show the link performed twice, one straight after the other. That way you can't fluke an absolute beast. :D mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 18:22:03
ok i'm in, but you can remove on of my of my lives, because i can't do a powerpass edit: are hybrids allowed?
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 18:32:40
i cant do power pass ima cry ill learn it rn i hope
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 19:31:10 @MPC i wasnt sure if it was a complete power pass or not so if not just tell me and ill try a refilm Also i dont thunk thats as easy as you say :P
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 20:37:56
Nice work - someone lay down one of your fave links. :D mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 20:40:30
Hey why cant i go? :( @MPC lol
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 21:15:15
Can I join? :)
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 21:26:07
Haha. I'd already tagged you @Gren of course you can. Welcome to the Moulin Noob. :D mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 22:43:16
I'm /in (don't panic)
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 22:46:29
I'm panicking.
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 08:02:22
Ceru Seiyu wrote: I'm /in (don't panic)
But yyyyyyyyyyyy dooooooooodddddd?!??!?!?! -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 08:50:28
Okay here's a less powerpassy version of the one from yesterday. The recording is pants but it'll have to do: (pd) Sonic 34-23-12 > Shadow 12-T1 > FLTA rev I really suck at the last bit of this (so much so that I go off screen). I see others do the shadow to FLTA rev bit and it looks so much better. So hopefully someone can educate me. You got 48 hours peoples. :D mpc @Ceru Seiyu
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 11:58:59
My vid
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 13:52:42
Nice work @Gren I forgot to tag you in. Get involved. :D mpc
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 14:12:14
@MPC /in (if it's not too late XD)
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 15:28:32
Hell yes @Ceru Seiyu is involved. :P
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 15:36:22
YAY!! I'm in... I should be good at this, I pen spin AND play basketball :P
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 15:48:57 R1
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 16:03:31
Sorry I only just saw this. I'm /in gimme a minute to get home first.
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 16:10:29
[video=youtube;f2nfLdct07I][/video] just passing by hehe
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 16:58:02
Dunno if it's correct thou
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 19:47:32
@Walkaz Yes! That's what mine was meant to look like. :( mpc
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 19:48:29
Btw @ShadowParadox has already shotgun'd laying the challenge down for R2. :D mpc
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 20:20:10
Shotgun R3!! [B]EDIT:[/B] @MPC Horse R1
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2014 23:58:25
Shotgun R4. R4 and you're out.
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 00:35:00
@MPC I've never been too good at Horse :P Here's my pathetic attempt anyway:
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 02:39:22
Explain the rules of this game to me :<
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 04:08:44
I'm sorry gais but /out I can't do this as of right now I have too much stuffs going on rn maybe another time
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 07:39:02
Nice work @Solid – if you like we can still deal you in while you sit out (you a poker player?), that way you can rejoin the game whenever you like. You'll only have until R5 tho. cos by R6 you'll be horse. :( mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 07:44:41
@MPC how long until the next?
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 10:04:47
@ShadowParadox my challenge post says '1 day ago'. As soon as that says '2 days ago' I guess anyone who hasn't posted loses a life and then you kick us off with R2. :D mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 11:17:48
I'll have better lighting next time (my hand looks real dark....), can't wait for my round, already got a linkage in mind :P
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 15:56:36
Sorry @MPC but no I'm way to busy lately and barely have time to even check my phone let alone upsb maybe another time on v5!
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 16:45:54
Wait then have I already lost a life? D:
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 18:17:09 wrote: Wait then have I already lost a life? D:
No, you can still put your vid foward. Not gonna be a long time until it's 2 days tho. -
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2014 20:57:38
can i still join? O: if yes i start with 4 lifes, can't do a powerpass when starting at 12 sry, and btw i thought no power tricks?! xD
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 05:59:02
YOUSTEN wrote: can i still join? O: if yes i start with 4 lifes, can't do a powerpass when starting at 12 sry, and btw i thought no power tricks?! xD
Powerpass isn't a power trick and MPC posted and i think the first round has ending/ ending in a couple of hours or so... -
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 06:15:38
Hey @YOUSTEN We decided powerpass was a bit cruel so I changed the challenge to this: The post still shows as '1 day ago' so you've got time to enter this round. Probably 5 or 6 hours. In fairness, being a non-power trick, I guess powerpass is a slightly misleading name. :D mpc
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 11:00:48
I can't do a shadow 12-T1 :<
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 11:13:50
Here's how it works, : You start like a normal shadow 12-12. After the push, you turn turn up your thumb to interrupt the spin. The end of the pen that hits your thumb should be the one that was pointing back towards your wrist at the start of the trick. Watch the video that Walkaz posted to this thread yesterday. :) mpc
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 14:28:01
Sorry for being late! Will provide breakdown later This round ends on wednesday @15:30
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 15:16:17
I hope i got it right wait until it's my turn:devildance:
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:30:10
Okay I'm gonna need a breakdown for that one @Ceru Seiyu mpc
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:32:23
hey i just came home from work! i will do the combo real quick pls wait for me : D
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:38:01
I'm happy to give @YOUSTEN a late pass for R1. He joined the game quite late. Anyone object? mpc
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:40:05
@ShadowParadox what time zone? Bd pls ^_^
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:47:19
well what do i have to do for R1 then? i mean i can't watch your new R1 video because youtube says it doesn't exist O:
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:54:13
Walkaz's video is here:
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 16:59:37
@MPC No respect shadow, only had a couple of miniutes to film....
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 17:03:30
BREAKDOWN : ta rev -> pass 12-23 -> twisted sonic 23-12 -> inverse twisted sonic rev 12-23 -> pass rev 23-12 -> twisted sonic rev 12-23 -> twisted sonic 23-12 -> neo sonic 12-tf Extra points if done smooth
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 17:05:30
uhhh /out I was too busy to record a video
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 18:50:47
ok here my video for round 1! :P
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2014 20:57:00
round 2 (:
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 16:32:48
I'd never done inverse Tw Sonic rev before. I like. :) Not sure if this is smooth enough for extra special Shadow points. Probably not. I originally suggested we have a limit of 5 steps to each link. Since @ShadowParadox managed to cram in 8, I was wondering: do we want to place a limit on how long the links can be or not? What does everyone think? mpc.
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 17:43:48
maybe not more than 10 tricks linked or something :P next round tomorrow?
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 17:45:37
MPC u did TA Rev - 23 and then tw sonic. but its TA Rev - 12 and then pass 12 -23 -> tw sonic O:
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 19:15:40
YOUSTEN wrote: maybe not more than 10 tricks linked or something :P next round tomorrow?
I think 7-8 links is sufficient, 10 is a bit too much. It's basically a mini combo :) -
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 02:59:29
My apologies for the weird angle in which my hand is in the lower left corner :/ but everything is visible. Hope I get some of those points, Shadow ;)
MPC wrote: I was wondering: do we want to place a limit on how long the links can be or not? What does everyone think?
I think 8 is okay. -
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 07:50:44 My entry :)
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 10:30:17
I love how my YouTube keeps recommending me videos of actual horses to watch now. :D @ShadowParadox I reckon the bonus point for doing it smooth should be a 'benefit of the doubt point' - to use as a free pass for minor imperfections in later rounds. Ceru says he is /out so who wants to be the challenger for R4? (AfroSquared is challenging for R3). Sounds like we are agreed that 7 or 8 tricks should be the max for each link, yeah? mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 11:13:17
@MPCi think 7-8 tricks are ok. I wanna be the challenger for round 4 *evil smile*
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 11:27:28
I'll be the challenger for r5
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 14:01:33
Okay so challengers are: R3 (which can start in like an hour):
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 14:13:15
Btw here are the complete playlists for rounds one and two: R1: R2: Who you reckon is performing best so far? mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 14:16:45
Anyone without any letters xD
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 14:27:40
Walkaz :D ok of the real participants YOUSTON had the best performance
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 14:59:10
I agree, That look right to everyone? mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:00:44
What doss H and HO mean?
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:11:32
@m1ch1 it represents how many lives you've lost. So when you've lost all 5 lives, it will say HORSE and you're out. :P mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:19:12
Hey Guys R3 is here! If you have no R2 vid you lose a life. Breadown: Twisted Sonic 23-12 >Neosonic 12-T1 >Neosonic Rev T1-12 >Inverse Sonic Rev 12-23 >Pass 23-34 >PinkyBak 34-34 (Nice and easy :)) This round ends @4:20pm in 2 days.
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:43:06
so do you actually have to do every combo twice or not?
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:43:47
i think only the challenger has to.
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:53:41
ok here is my entry. First again :P
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 15:57:28
YOUSTEN wrote: so do you actually have to do every combo twice or not?
Only the challenger has to do it twice. You only have to do it once. :) -
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 16:07:35
@MPC can we at least use a power trick x1? pplllllllsssssss?????
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 16:15:27
@ShadowParadox it ain't up to me - we a democracy up in herr. :) I personally would prefer not to have power tricks in. I only know one power trick (SymBak) so if one comes up in a challenge I'd have to learn that power trick and integrate it into the rest of the link in 2 days. Which ain't gonna happen. So if someone uses a power trick, I instantly lose a life. :( I think your R2 link was exactly the type of link we want. I couldn't do it right away, but with some practice, I learned it and now I will use parts of it in my own links. But like I said, it's up to everyone else. They're are 8 players, so if five say they want power tricks in, they're in. :) mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 16:15:52
ShadowParadox wrote: @MPC can we at least use a power trick x1? pplllllllsssssss?????
I think most of the participants can barely do power tricks. I can only do pun kan and sym bak.
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 16:17:39
ShadowParadox wrote: @MPC can we at least use a power trick x1? pplllllllsssssss?????
no :'c -
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 16:17:55
@ShadowParadox - when you film your vids for each round tho, if you wanna stick a fancy finisher on the end of each link, go 4 it. :) mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 16:20:20
no one does power tricks?! the urge is too strong!!! lol but i guess ill leave it for now
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 17:04:18
I think simple power tricks like SymBak and Double Bust should be allowed. Bakfalls should be allowed too, many of us here can do it. Power tricks like pun kan and hai tua shouldn't allowed. Multiple spreads are in the middle....
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 17:08:19 MLG pro xD
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 17:22:54
I didn't know my linkage was palm down able. Nice :) @ShadowParadox
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 19:52:23
What lmao why am I so far behind, I can't do any of these xD
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 19:59:27
here my round 3 video :P
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 20:41:49
AfroSquared wrote: I think simple power tricks like SymBak and Double Bust should be allowed. Bakfalls should be allowed too, many of us here can do it. Power tricks like pun kan and hai tua shouldn't allowed. Multiple spreads are in the middle....
You're just listing all the ones you can do aren't you? :P -
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 21:11:15
One thing to point out to @AfroSquared - when I laid down the very first challenge, it had a powerpass in it and that turned out to be a bit too advanced. So double busts and multiple spreads….? I think the main point is that power tricks look impressive on their own, so there's not really any point having them in a game built around linkages. The whole point is to use fairly basic tricks to come up with creative and interesting links. It's like cooking: you could use super fancy and expensive ingredients, but it's more impressive to create something yummy and original with things everyone has in their fridge. :D mpc
Date: Wed, Sep 24 2014 21:15:36 if you only started July then that's not surprising. Give us a rough overview of what tricks you know. Remember, it doesn't have to look totally pro, you can just stutter through it, all long as the breakdown is correct. Like I said in last post: I think it's way more impressive to come up with links that look cool using really basic tricks. Much more impressive than just spam > spam > spam > hai tua. :P
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 01:54:53
@MPC I know all the tricks, the thing that's getting me is that I can't do the reverses or inverses of them nor can I do them in different slots.
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 04:30:44
I'm gonna have to default this one... I won't have time to film until tomorrow at least 10:30pm D: next round for sure though ;)
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 05:49:29
@ShadowParadox that was a good attempt. You just gotta do it the right way up and you'll be thru R3. :P Nah, if the challenger is okay with you palm-downing it, then it stands. mpc
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 07:31:25
@MPC no pd?! Furreal?!
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 12:41:25
Dang symbak is considered simple now? :'( :'(
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 12:49:47
ShadowParadox wrote: @MPC can we at least use a power trick x1? pplllllllsssssss?????
you have no idea how hard a single power trick can be made...xD -
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 13:13:54
@MPC okay well I'll just film as soon as I can and hope it's on time!
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 14:21:32
about the topic of the power tricks: i think the game is to show linkages und not power. i really want to see want kind of linkages every person uses and not spam>spam>triple hai tua, because that is what you see everywhere. (i don't say that powertricks can't be used in linkages, but beginners tend to spam them)
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 15:29:26
ShadowParadox wrote: You're just listing all the ones you can do aren't you? :P
teehee...:P you got me... -
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 17:32:16
@i.suk I can well believe that. :S I s'pose I better shut up and film this link. It's gonna be scrappy as hell. :( mpc
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 17:45:31
You'll do fine @MPC, however the first day is up guys. You have exactly 20 hours and 15 minutes (in whatever time zone to avoid confusion :P) So if you haven't submitted by this time, you have lost a life.
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 18:03:39
Eh, I can't the reverse inverse sonic :'(
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 18:29:17
Okay, it ain't exactly pretty but I think I've done okay considering I'd never done inverse sonic b4 (norm or rev). Give it a go , I don't gotta be immaculate. :) mpc
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 18:40:14
For the inverse sonic, do you have to do a rev. charge > reverse inverse sonic, or can you do just inverse sonic rev.?
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 19:12:42 i just went straight to this tutorial by SuperVValrus: I'm not saying I've mastered it or anything, but this vid got me doing it adequately within 24h. I found the most important thing was learning exactly when to curl your ring finger inwards to pull the pen inside your mid finger. mpc
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 22:05:06 Does anyone know how to remove this annoying playlist option? I'm new to youtube and dunno how to remove it :/
Date: Thu, Sep 25 2014 22:11:07
@Gren Just look up the name of your video and your youtube username in the search bar, and it gives you an individual video. For example, I searched "Horse3 grenps" to find the link above.
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 04:21:08
@AfroSquared I'm late, aren't I? Well here it is, please don't be too disappointed :P I could hardly keep my eyes open while filming. <-- pinkybak fails
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 05:55:56
Laugh wrote: @AfroSquared I'm late, aren't I? Well here it is, please don't be too disappointed :P I could hardly keep my eyes open while filming. <-- pinkybak fails
What you on about?! There's still 10 hours left from the posting off his post. Perhaps stop being a pessimist and worrying about the time limit which is still hours away -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 07:09:41
Nice work @m1ch1 comes up with for R4. He's had each round uploaded in minutes so far. mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 07:40:14
U gais be spamming dis for postcount...
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 09:28:00
Xzeria wrote: U gais be spamming dis for postcount...
So are you -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 09:57:04
ShadowParadox wrote: So are you
Perhaps. -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 13:08:51
ShadowParadox wrote: What you on about?! There's still 10 hours left from the posting off his post. Perhaps stop being a pessimist and worrying about the time limit which is still hours away
Haha sorry I'm a paranoid person when it comes to deadlines :P I'm not trying to be pessimistic, that's just how I roll. -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 14:08:32
can i post the round 4 video or is there still time for
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 14:31:30
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 14:35:59 *AHEM* I'M SORRY I SUCK.
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 14:42:14
Ok here is Round 4: Breakdown: Tw. Sonic 23-12 > Tw.Sonich rev 12-24 > Sonic 24-12 > Inv.Shadow ~ FLTA rev not so difficult... For the ones who can't see the Inv. Sonic. Her is what I mean:
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 16:11:03
Got my vid @m1ch1, for some weird reason i can't spin when i have just cut my nails (I'll probably need to grow them like Juminuwo :P)<------Horse R4
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 16:26:13
@AfroSquaredthere is no charge after the sonic ;)
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 16:34:17
@m1ch1 I think that was an inv.sonic EDIT: I meant inverse shadow...
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 16:39:51
m1ch1 wrote: @AfroSquaredthere is no charge after the sonic ;)
It might not look it because i have a crappy camera, but it was the inv. shadow ~ fl ta rev hybrid thingy you did. If you slow the vid down with the settings on youtube, then you will see that i release the pen after the half charge (the start of an inverse shadow) to do fl ta rev. Sorry for the misunderstanding :P -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 16:52:47
@AfroSquared if you slow down my video, there is no half charge :) The sonic goes directly into the Inv.Sonic(or Shadow, whatever). So if i think of it's Sonic ~ Inv.Sonic(or Shadow, whatever) ~ FL TA rev ... Just try to do a FL TA rev after the Sonic
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 17:03:41
Ok @m1ch1 i'll try and refilm and post today or tomorrow. I'm ok with it, it's just that an inv. shadow starts with a half charge so i got confused :)
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 18:22:19 I'll just leave this here
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 18:53:33
@casual thanks man, that's saved me so much playing and pausing on YT. :) mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 18:58:19
btw good job on R3 :) mpc
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 18:59:33
@MPC ty, you too <3
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 22:52:37
round 4 ..
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 09:36:50
Happy weekend peoples! Here' my R4 entry. It's a bit glarey; sorry about that. mpc
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 22:40:30
Sorry, but my family and I are going to Berlin for a week so im out of this : Gl hf!
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 02:17:22
Round Four -->
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 09:50:59
when does R5 come and who does it?
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 09:59:57
Okay, playlist for R4: Just a few hours left I think. No entry yet from @YOUSTEN mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 10:00:52
Mines coming up filming now EDIT :
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 10:18:18
Oooh, @m1ch1 is gonna approve of that charge at the end. :P mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 10:25:35
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 10:42:54
Haha. The challenger is the judge. It's his link - he decides if it's been done correctly or not. :P mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 10:52:12
Ok since it's an early round i gonna approve the ones, who did a charge(or half charge, whatever)after the sonic, since i had difficulties in breaking down the combo.
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 11:51:07
Sound reasoning are you posting for R4? Either way, stick your R5 challenge up whenever you're ready. mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 12:27:30
Yes i get to keep my combo thanks @m1ch1
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 14:51:44
ehm... round 5 or is still busy with round 4?
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 15:43:22
I'll upload soon <3
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 15:45:52
The challenge post says '2 days ago'. No problem so long as @m1ch1 agrees to a late pass. :D mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 16:39:37
Oh, I was talking about R5. You can add a U to mine :3
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 17:00:58 wrote: Oh, I was talking about R5. You can add a U to mine :3
U? Are we playing house? -
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 17:57:28
I think we need to intensify the complexity of the combos. We probably need to finish HORSE by the time v5 is up, unless we can continue on v5 but it will kinda hard to pick up where we left off. @MPC. Do you agree??? In addition, we need to become a lot stricter with deadlines and execution (ironic since m1ch1 gave me a break in r4 :P). The game can't go on forever especially with v5 coming. Do you agree everyone?
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 18:04:09
POOOOOWWWWEEEERRRRR!!!!...(if any uk guys get that jeremy clarkson reference, then you win...jk...)
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 18:22:19
@AfroSquared yeah, I'm with that. We all get how the game works now - time to get competitive. I don't think there's any reason to change the rules (8 tricks max, no power tricks), but we should actively try to eliminate each other - challenge with the most complex links you got. If you've got an obscure trick trick that others won't know, get it in there. Be ruthless. For example: I withdrew a powerpass link in R1 'cos ppl said it was too hard. So if we're gonna get competitive, I'm gonna pitch the most difficult powerpass link I can come up with when it's my turn to challenge. And I say zero tolerance now for deadlines and incorrect execution. Smoothness not so much an issue, I think. In this game, there are gonna be some scrappy links. But if the breakdown is wrong, or it's late, you lose a life. No re-films allowed. What do we think people? mpc
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 18:39:49
yea sounds good, and when this game is done we start a new horse ! ^-^
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 21:38:53
Wait 8 tricks max?
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2014 21:49:05 Demon's Devil's Sonic 34 - 23 > Twisted Sonic Bust > TA Harmonic T1 - 23 > Twisted Sonic > Neosonic > FL TF Charge Reverse > Bak 12-12 EDIT: I totally forgot about the double link thing where I'm supposed to do it twice. Here's the double one:
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 02:30:29
Round Five --> @YOUSTEN?
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 10:24:14
Nice link I have some breakdown questions tho: I've never done DD Sonic b4 and all the tutorials say you end up in 12, not 23. That TF charge rev has an FLTA rev afterwards, no? The end slot - shud be t1 surely? 12 wud need a topspin catch. I'm confused. :( mpc
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 11:37:47
DD Sonic can end in 23. And also, FL TF Charge Reverse is the name of that trick, where you do TF Charge and then FL TA. And the end slot is 12. o_O It doesn't require a top spin.
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 12:45:01
Actually a fl tf charge is something different than tf charge > fl ta. And i've problem ls with the shadow to twisted sonic part. I'm aleays doibg a devils shadow. edit :i confused it with FL Tumbcharge rev/Rex Trick Btw: is rex trick a power trick? and my round 5 video
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 15:20:44
m1ch1 wrote: is the rex trick a power trick?
:noface: -
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 15:24:07
@AfroSquared No to the question or no to use it?
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 15:38:21
m1ch1 wrote: @AfroSquared No to the question or no to use it?
No to the question. Rex trick isn't power -
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 16:17:48 here is my r5. During the Devil's Demons Sonic 12 -23, my pen got caught on my curtain, please tell me if i need to redo. :P Sorry for the double post...
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 17:14:26
Hey @AfroSquared how you get your vid to embed in your post? Also, I swear you need a better place to film, bro. I wouldn't let a curtain interfere with any aspect of my life. :D mpc
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 17:29:54
MPC wrote: Hey @AfroSquared how you get your vid to embed in your post?
Basically, you see in a youtube vid link it has ''watch?v='' you copy the rest of that url from ''watch?v='', then when posting you put youtube]paste rest of link[/youtube]. :P YOU NEED TO PUT A [ BEFORE THE FIRST YOUTUBE. -
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 18:01:27
Laugh wrote: Round Five --> @YOUSTEN?
yea (: i do round 7 then :P -
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 18:33:40
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2014 18:42:20
round numero 5! :D
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2014 07:29:07
Okay I've almost cracked this demons dumbass devils dogfish sonic, so I shud be able to film later. I swear, my spinning has improved more in this last week than it did in the previous two months. :) mpc
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2014 11:24:24
MPC wrote: I swear, my spinning has improved more in this last week than it did in the previous two months. :) mpc
I envy you, i haven't made much improvement in the last month or so....:( -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2014 18:39:22
Okay, looks like I'm the last one to hobble thru this round. It's a bit stuttery, but I think I got each trick correct.
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2014 18:44:38
Now I just wait to see what terrors @Laugh has in store for R6. :S mpc
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2014 22:19:39
@MPC terrors I deal out build character ;) sonic 34-23 > inv sonic 23-12 > powerpass 12-23-34 > [pd] demon's sonic 34-12 > FL bak 12-12 > FL TA (the demon's sonic to FL bak could also be notated as demon's sonic bust, I think).
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2014 23:32:14
@Laugh Did you get demon's sonic and devil's sonic confused? Devil's sonic is the shadow.
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 00:23:54
Ooh, a power pass link. This is a pleasant (and merciful) surprise. :) mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 00:41:03 wrote: @Laugh Did you get demon's sonic and devil's sonic confused? Devil's sonic is the shadow.
Yes, thanks for correcting me and /edited. -
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 15:56:57
Remove one of my lifes. I can't do a powerpass and i already tried it for many times and i can't do thast sh*t.
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 17:24:49
@m1ch1 dude, you can totally learn powerpass in a day and half. Shoeman6 has the best tutorial - Focus on using the tip of your mid finger for the initial push to topple the pen up over itself. The way Shoeman teaches it, you do Tw sonic and then you basically start a neo sonic, but don't release it. Then curl your index and mid finger in, almost at the same time but the index slightly before. Powerpass always looks like the pen is at 45-90 degrees to the floor, but it shud be almost horizontal as it's rotating. It's a b****d to learn, but you can totally do it in a day and a half. :D mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 17:39:57
@MPCok i try it, before i had no motivation for it, maybe i don't get it until the next round ;)
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 17:50:04
/i n s e k a i edit:lol wtf i meant to post in hobby's express cv, what is this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @YOUSTEN
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 18:03:21
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 20:14:57
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2014 20:31:45
Sekai wrote: /i n s e k a i
haha thats totally fair... '^' -
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 05:36:18
[QUOTE=Sekai;289699]/i n s e k a i edit:lol wtf i meant to post in hobby's express cv, what is this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @Sekai was strolling into town like horseman of the apocalypse. Trashing the noobs for a giggle. :D mpc
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 14:22:02
powerpass was easier than i tought, but crap execution:
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 17:14:10
Horse R6 (so hard....)
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 19:46:42
Just so you guys know: it makes me immensely happy that the first challenge I've found easy is the one everyone else finds hard. :D btw, great job @m1ch1 - and just yesterday you weren't even gonna bother trying. :) mpc
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 20:05:29
round 6, omg laugh the powerpass is so hard xD
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 20:06:17
so when do i have to post round 7?
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 21:04:34
Playlist for R6: Only one missing is @Laugh ticks over to '2 days ago'. mpc
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2014 21:15:44
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 00:05:11
Okay it's up to to @YOUSTEN posts the challenge tho. Horse waits for no man. :D
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 01:15:48
@YOUSTEN puts up his challenge. Whichever comes first.
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 11:29:37
i just woke up so i try to do the challenge now! :3
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 13:33:45
here the challenge for round 7: breakdown: Inv Sonic 23 - 12 -> Pass Rev 12 - 23 -> Tw. Sonic Rev 23 - 34 -> Tw Sonic 34 - 23 -> Pass Rev 23 - 34 -> Ringaround 34 - 34 -> TA <3 ALL PALM DOWN PLS like in the video :P have fun :3
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 15:17:53
ok the ringaround is challenging :D
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 15:49:14
Yes! I just learned ring around, time to put it to use :D
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 17:21:15
"ALL PALM DOWN PLS like in the video" - Yeah, that's the spirit! :) I can do every trick in that breakdown, really well. But still that link looks bloody hard. :S mpc
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 20:17:54
Lmao I give up I can't do this.
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2014 21:14:27
haha i mean all palm down that are palm down and the rest palm side.... :O
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 00:29:15 wrote: Lmao I give up I can't do this.
Never give up! Keep fighting! -
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 00:36:14
Laugh wrote: Never give up! Keep fighting!
listen to her! :D -
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 08:21:44
Is that a forfeit ??
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 10:12:00
m1ch1 wrote: powerpass was easier than i tought, but crap execution:
Hey, @m1ch1 filming ONE DAY after he said: "Remove one of my lifes. I can't do a powerpass and i already tried it for many times and i can't do thast sh*t." If you don't try, you'll never know whether you could surprise yourself. :) mpc -
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 12:09:51
Yeah Twisted Sonic 34-23 I frickin' hard for me! But in one hour i got it down really smoothly. YOU CAN DO THE SAME Horse R7 <------YAY
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 13:03:56
Nice work @AfroSquared :) I think this round is probably gonna make a HO of me - I haven't got much time to practice, and this link requires a LOT of practice for me. Either way, I'll get my R8 challenge video done for when this round is finished. :) That will take much less time. mpc
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 13:21:05
ringaround difficulty: normal. But everytime after the pass rev 23-34 i do a fingercrossing 43 instead of the push for the ringaround ;(
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 14:07:52
m1ch1 wrote: ringaround difficulty: normal. But everytime after the pass rev 23-34 i do a fingercrossing 43 instead of the push for the ringaround ;(
I had the same problem XD, that's why my ring around isn't really smooth in the combo. -
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 14:37:32
It's amazing how you can know all the component tricks so well but find it soooo hard to string them all together. mpc
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2014 18:05:53 Jesus christ this is by FAR the hardest link so far!
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 12:13:24
when does round 8 start? :P and can somebody pls make a list with the letters for each one of us?
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 12:26:11
Ok i can't do it and i'm not going to send a clip, so who is misssing?
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 14:04:41
Okay, here's how I make the scores so far: No letters: I'm just uploading my R8 challenge vid now. mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 14:23:37
Okay then peoples, time for some more powerpass practice. Yayyy! Tw Sonic 23-12 > Powerpass 12-23-34-23 > Powerpass Mirrored 23-12 > IndexBak 12-12 > Pass 12-23-34 > PinkyBak 34-34 Only legit powerpasses please - no blagging the mirrored one with a sneaky midbak 0.5 Enjoy. mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 14:27:30
:whut::whut::whut: <-----MY FACE. OMG why more powerpass!!!
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 14:35:20
MPC wrote: IndexBak 12-23 > Pass 12-23-34 > PinkyBak 34-34
i think you mean indexbak 12-12 -
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 15:01:10
Good spot @m1ch1 - /edited
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 16:09:33
What what did I seriously miss the deadline? I've already filmed so could I just upload when I get home :3
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 16:21:01
@YOUSTEN that cool with you? mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 19:22:34
Round 8:
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 20:04:38
That link is R7, me dear. But good job. Your un-lettered status has been reinstated. :) mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 21:06:17
MPC wrote: @YOUSTEN that cool with you? mpc
ofc ;) -
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2014 21:08:12
Laugh wrote: Round 8:
its round 7 :P -
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 16:23:16
@MPC I am not sure if this is acceptable (i.suk at powerpass) EDIT: my hand flourish at the end of the combo was like Spinnerpeem's :P
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 16:47:37
Good effort @AfroSquared. I don't think the lack of smoothness matters. Hell, some of mine have scrappy as hell. The breakdown's gotta be correct tho. The powerpass goes all the way down to the pinky. Yours only went to ring. It's the pinky push that you then catch in 23 for the mirrored bit. Sorry dude, but: "we need to become a lot stricter with deadlines and execution" - AfroSquared, last week. :P Plus, I got my first letter just for catching an FLTA rev in the wrong slot. :( mpc
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 16:59:33
:banghead:<-----My face when i say ''WHY AM I SO BAD AT POWERPASS!!!!'' It's ok @MPC, i understand, i'll try and refilm :)
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 17:26:46
I can see exactly where you're going wrong. At the start of the powerpass, your middle finger is doing exactly the right thing, but your index finger is getting in the way. The motion that starts powerpass is a curling in of both the index and middle finger almost simultaneously, but with the index finger going down slightly earlier. Watch my challenge vid again and you'll see the difference. Essentially, when you've done the tw sonic, you need to be curling in your index finger so that the central part (between the two knuckles of your index) becomes a little flat platform for the pen to spin on. Then it's the motion of the mid finger coming down just afterwards that creates the push. mpc
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 17:27:22
@ShadowParadox has got a pretty sweet powerpass. Maybe he's got some advice. mpc
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 17:34:26 Easy! :P lel offcam but trust me...that is a pinky bak
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 17:48:48
Very nice @ShadowParadox I didn't think you'd have much trouble with that one. When we go to v5 we should start a new game and invite some more players. Like Lost Angelus and Solid. We should invite DeathPickle too. mpc
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 17:50:01
MPC wrote: Very nice @ShadowParadox I didn't think you'd have much trouble with that one. When we go to v5 we should start a new game and invite some more players. Like Lost Angelus and Solid. We should invite DeathPickle too. mpc
Continue this game on v5. Start new game after -
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 18:12:27
AfroSquared wrote: :banghead:<-----My face when i say ''WHY AM I SO BAD AT POWERPASS!!!!'' It's ok @MPC, i understand, i'll try and refilm :)
But if the breakdown is wrong, or it's late, you lose a life. No re-films allowed.
-MPC ahem ahem :P. Nah dw mpc's choice -
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 19:04:56
I think no refilms should be allowed after the deadline has passed. So long as the refilm is submitted before then, it's okay by me. mpc
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2014 19:24:51
okay i can't do the mirrored powerpass yet so i take the H :P i will learn it but i don't have time atm cause i have to work and it will take some days to learn it O;
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 02:16:05
MPC;289904]That link is R7, me dear. But good job. Your un-lettered status has been reinstated. :) mpc[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=YOUSTEN wrote: its round 7 :P
Whoops y'all are right :P Thanks. Here's the actual round 8 --> -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 15:09:47
the same as @YOUSTEN I've got no time to learn mirrored powerpass (or i am to incompetent to do it :P ) and let's say no exotic tricks(like dual pass or difficult triangle pass variations)
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 15:20:10
m1ch1 wrote: and let's say no exotic tricks(like dual pass or difficult triangle pass variations)
Forget dat! This is a competition man, we will never finish horse if we can't have that, especially when we aren't allowed power tricks. I think exotic trick like triangle pass wiper etc. should be allowed. -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 15:30:54
Round we go...huehuehue
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 15:33:58
AfroSquared wrote: Forget dat! This is a competition man, we will never finish horse if we can't have that, especially when we aren't allowed power tricks. I think exotic trick like triangle pass wiper etc. should be allowed.
I mean tricks that are impossible to learn in 2 days or fingercrossings that need more than the common flexibility -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 15:45:28
m1ch1 wrote: I mean tricks that are impossible to learn in 2 days or fingercrossings that need more than the common flexibility
Like i said, it is a competition, if you can't learn it in 2 days.....tough. Me and you didn't submit R8 because of the powerpasses. I personally, was going to include a Flush Sonic when my round comes up in 2 days. The whole point of Horse is to encourage us to learn new tricks in a linkage if we have not learnt it before. That's how you don't lose lives. Since we can't include power tricks, we should make our linkages as difficult as possible. I say we should be allowed.:)Round we go...huehuehue
I am sure @ShadowParadox has something difficult in mind..... -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 15:53:37
... So fingercrossings are allowed?
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 16:05:24
Alright! guys have NO i dea how long it took me to film this. Anyway here is the vid, you guys want the difficulty up, here we go : Breakdown(you ready for this? :P) : Bak rise 34-12 -> fl ta 12-12 -> pass 12-23 -> mirrored powerpass 23-1234 -> Gohikkake x3.
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 16:08:22
ShadowParadox wrote: Alright! guys have NO i dea how long it took me to film this. Anyway here is the vid, you guys want the difficulty up, here we go : Breakdown(you ready for this? :P) : Bak rise 34-12 -> fl ta 12-12 -> pass 12-23 -> mirrored powerpass 23-1234 -> Gohikkake x3.
BAK RISE IS A POWER TRICK LIKE BAKFALL!!!!!!!! (i'm so lucky....i can't do that shiz...) [B]EDIT[/B]: Sorry, it is...... -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 16:23:35
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 17:26:14
well i don't wanna be rude but this combo looks like crap xD
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 17:32:37
I'm with the afro man on this one. I did a powerpass challenge 'cos I saw everyone struggle with them before and they're my fave tricks. It's a competition and I want to win. :) That said, I originally planned a link that had pp normal, pp mirrored two pp revs in it. But I figured there was no point 'cos no one could realistically learn two new powerpasses variations in two days and then link them all together. So I think there needs to be a general etiquette where you don't spam exotic tricks just to be a dick, which is basically what my omni-powerpass link would have been - it didn't look good, so I switched it for one that was easier but looked a lot better. But @AfroSquared is right - the whole point of the game is you have to adapt to survive. Before this game, I'd never learned inverse sonic, inverse sonic rev or inverse tw sonic rev. But I had to learn them to stay in the game and now I'm pretty good at them. I also had a really naff pinkybak before this game too. But I had to learn it for one of the challenges and soon it was good enough to go in my own challenge link. That's the game. :) mpc
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 17:34:59
Haha, I was writing that long reply at the same time @ShadowParadox was uploading an intermediate spamfest. :P mpc
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 18:19:41
Guys, @m1ch1*cough*
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 18:25:52
nono i don't say i'm out but i don't like the look of the combo and its just not my style to spin like that, sry :P
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 19:32:10
YOUSTEN wrote: nono i don't say i'm out but i don't like the look of the combo and its just not my style to spin like that, sry :P
No I meant m1ch1 and when I said it's not bad, I wasn't replying to your comment :P -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2014 19:46:03
Okay, I was being harsh when I called Shadow's link an intermediate spamfest. I'm sorry for that one. I wrote that immediately after I saw the link and thought "well I've got no chance on that one". What I meant to say is: that's a huge step up in difficulty. In games like this, you can't make rules to cover off everything. I think @YOUSTEN did. That link used tricks that we all knew really well, but it was a challenging way to link them together. So yeah. I'm all for increasing the difficulty of the links, but not difficulty of the tricks within the links. Does that make sense? mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 11:26:37
[QUOTE=MPC;290032]Okay, I was being harsh when I called Shadow's link an intermediate spamfest. I'm sorry for that one. I wrote that immediately after I saw the link and thought "well I've got no chance on that one". What I meant to say is: that's a huge step up in difficulty. In games like this, you can't make rules to cover off everything. I think @ShadowParadox's linkage. I plan to be submitting my vid,, today or later. Come on guys, like I said before, we aren't noobs. Sometimes we just have to suck it up. (I do agree with you(-ish) but since I was the main person asking for more difficulty....I back shadow on this one) Even though, we are increasing each others spinning ability through the game, do not forget that this is a COMPETITION and Shadow has every right to post an insanely hard linkage if he wants to.....because...guess what.....he wants to win! If you dedicated some of your time, this link is fact I just need to master the ring bak rev, then I'm good to go. I am just saying guys, sometimes life isn't fair, I know it kinda isn't in the spirit of the game, but.....(gosh this is difficult to answer especially when there's so much noise at school)........but......hmmmm do you get my point here because mpc has put me on the spot :)
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 11:36:59
The reason why I'm out is not because i can't learn the linkages, because it's useless for me to learn linkages, that i will never use, because i want to focus on JEB linkages and style. The only one, that I will use in the future is [MENTION]YOUSTON[/MENTION]'s linkage. In the time I learn the linkages from this game, i can learn the linkages i want.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 15:18:54
I'm gonna have to take a letter on this one. I've got some decent bakrise practice in, but even if I nail that, I'd need so much practice to get the whole link together. It's a shame you don't want to play anymore @m1ch1. If you have a very specific style you want to spin to then I guess it makes sense. Good game. :) mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 16:07:13
Yeh I'm gonna have to take a letter on this one too. With the course load from hell there is no earthly way I'll have time to learn all this stuff.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 20:32:00
@ShadowParadox!!! Guess what i got for you :P There is some off screen bit, but everything is legit Horse R9 (Just saved my bak rise XD)
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 20:47:14
@AfroSquared good job man! Was kinda like watching a really drunk person trying to get their key in their front door, but you pulled it off. :) mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2014 21:07:44
well i take my 2nd letter then xD but i really have 0 time, i mean today i was spinning 15 min. and now i have to sleep again... guys enjoy to be in school and have so much free time... :P but in the end i will keep spinning even if i have only 15 min. per day! :3
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2014 16:25:39
It's my round but i think we should continue on v5. @MPC. I think we all need a breather and continue when v5 is up on the 12th. Do you agree?
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2014 20:01:31
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2014 15:29:58 wrote: NO. RESTART ON V5. MAKE THE DEADLINE IN 3 DAYS, NOT 2. NO OVERLY HARD LINKS ><
But then.......what would be the point of this current game. If we don't finish it, then we won't know who is the winner (Probably Shadow since he is the only one on ''No Letters'') But still, i think we should finish this first before starting a new game. And I think overly hard links should be allowed, BUT if @MPC decides not to use hard links, then 2 days sufficient period of time, not 3. :) -
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2014 18:13:11
Hey dudes, sorry I've had a crazy busy week. So, ermmm… Firstly, I'm not the decision maker here. I started the game, but I'm all about the democracy. :) I guess, now that the sun is setting on v4, we could say @ShadowParadox took a load of flak for posting that bakrise link, but actually it was me who started with the unfair challenges the round before. So that ones on me, sorry Shadow. mpc
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2014 18:24:46
Dude you didnt have to mention my name 3 times! Anyway i'll let you guys play, obviously i shouldnt be competing with people of less experience than me. Anyway have fun and good luck for the next game
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2014 19:08:30
No way dude, wouldn't be the same widdout you. :( mpc
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2014 19:22:48
MPC wrote: No way dude, wouldn't be the same widdout you. :( mpc
Alright, ill see, maybe hold off on the crazy links, have more "jeb" links -
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2014 20:05:34
Yeah, good plan. :) I don't really know what JEB links look like, but that just means it'll be educational. :D mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 08:33:06
While we're in limbo over v5, anyone up for a few more rounds of Horse? Set scores back to zero and keep to creative links with simple tricks? @Gren
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 08:58:51
MPC wrote: While we're in limbo over v5, anyone up for a few more rounds of Horse? Set scores back to zero and keep to creative links with simple tricks? @Gren
alright : D -
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 09:58:55
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 11:29:04
Alright Fine, it's my round so i'll post my link either today or tomorrow.
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 12:16:06
Okay cool. Chance to get warmed up for BATTLE ROYALE *dramatic music* I'm guessing @Laugh will be in too, when she emerges from her freaking weird timezone. :P mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 15:19:44
@deathpickle you in? mpc
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 19:13:47
sure why not this would be fun @MPC
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2014 23:27:44
MPC wrote: Okay cool. Chance to get warmed up for BATTLE ROYALE *dramatic music* I'm guessing @Laugh will be in too, when she emerges from her freaking weird timezone. :P mpc
HECK YES I'M IN. My timezone is perfectly normal! Why were you guys even up at 5AM ;) -
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2014 07:10:07
Expect my vid today at 4pm-6pm (British Time Zone) I will make it relatively easy because i really want to save links for battle royale. (Like my team signature) | | | |
Date: Tue, Oct 21 2014 16:27:28
Guys i know my Horse is due today, but i just walked 1 mile in the absolutely freezing rain without a coat, but in shorts, my PE top and my school blazer. My hands are over -9000 degrees. I can barrely type let alone spin. I'll try but it's gonna be a fairly simple link since my hands aren't capable of busting out vgg links. :P [B]EDIT[/B] @MPC WIPER TIME (simple) :D Here Horse R10 Breakdown: Wiper T1 > Wiper Rev T1 > Infinity Extended Rev T1-23 > Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 >Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Wiper T2 > FL TA
Date: Tue, Oct 21 2014 18:28:40
Ahhh, wipers! *falls to the ground, clutching chest*
Date: Tue, Oct 21 2014 20:08:45
@MPC I'm sorry but my parents took away my phone which is what I use as a cam. So I won't be able to post any vids. I guess I'm out until I can get a cam. Sorry
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 06:38:29
That sucks shadow, why did they take your phone away? @AfroSquared how do you get from TS 34-23 to wiper T2 and still have the momentum for FLTA? That bit's off screen and I can't figure it out. :( mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 11:44:42
ShadowParadox wrote: @MPC I'm sorry but my parents took away my phone which is what I use as a cam. So I won't be able to post any vids. I guess I'm out until I can get a cam. Sorry
What were you keeping on that thing -w- -
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 15:24:37
MPC wrote: That sucks shadow, why did they take your phone away? @AfroSquared how do you get from TS 34-23 to wiper T2 and still have the momentum for FLTA? That bit's off screen and I can't figure it out. :( mpc
Well after the twisted sonic, you thumb and middle finger should be on or close enough to the grip to do a wiper. When the wiper is completed, you just do a FL TA but from or near the grip. -
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 17:04:51
hey guys sorry but im /out i have no time at the moment especially because i had a car accident yesterday, sry :(
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 17:16:50
Damn, hope you're okay @AfroSquared - I'll practice it tomorrow. mpc
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 19:30:27
Ceru Seiyu wrote: What were you keeping on that thing -w-
What were you sending me don't you mean? :P Nah it's because my dad has been saying that I haven't been getting any sleep because all I do when I'm meant to be sleepin is on my phone, reddit and stuff. I don't know when I'll get it back I'm sorry -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2014 05:50:13
Okay, I will have to take a letter here. For two reasons: 1) I've been insanely busy with my girlfriend being ill (although not severely) and a prepping for a big job interview. 2) Despite insane busyness, I still found time to practice the link and just kept f***ing it up. mpc
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2014 07:27:09
MPC wrote: Okay, I will have to take a letter here. For two reasons: 1) I've been insanely busy with my girlfriend being ill (although not severely) and a prepping for a big job interview. 2) Despite insane busyness, I still found time to practice the link and just kept f***ing it up. mpc
No offence dude but this is dead -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2014 07:27:26
I will also take a letter, haven't learnt wipers yet :/
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2014 09:10:23
MPC wrote: Okay, I will have to take a letter here. For two reasons: 1) I've been insanely busy with my girlfriend being ill (although not severely) and a prepping for a big job interview. 2) Despite insane busyness, I still found time to practice the link and just kept f***ing it up. mpc
It's ok, i think we should just stop since no one is playing. Let's wait until v5. I hope your girlfriend gets better :)