Off-topic / Pokemon Black/White
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 20:39:08
Only one more week :woop: Can't wait for this :>
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 23:18:18
Wow, they're releasing it this fast? Didn't HG/SS just come out? O.o YES it's compatible with Gen IV.
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 23:20:27
wow u have sexy girls in your signature and you still play pokemon? :pointlaugh::rofl::biglaugh:
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 23:21:53
GTFO jan. Don't dis pokemon. so gtfo. Fuckin annoying
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 23:29:19
That's only for Japan though right, the release date? And no idea when a shoddybattle/netbattle equivalent will come out. Haven't been keeping up with competitive Pokemon. :(
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 23:54:34
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 00:57:29
Jan wrote: wow u have sexy girls in your signature and you still play pokemon? :pointlaugh::rofl::biglaugh:
What does that have to do with anything? Besides, I only see one girl in my signature. And yea it's Jap release only. -
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:12:43
Pika-chu!!! Man i didn't see Pokemon since i was like 8
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 03:58:07
The new starter evolutions...
really? If so I'm definitely getting the grass dude.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 05:19:13
The fucking water guy is where it's at. old pics are old btw.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 12:35:56
I'll probably pick the wate one as well :D Definitely won't go with the fire one since I want victini
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 16:41:58
I'm debating it. I really did not want a whole new generation. But the gameplay looks fucking sick.
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 00:49:11
who cares, my acekard hasn't been used in a while :D
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 03:13:05
leaked? not ofc.
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 09:25:21
Btw,Dawn and May are soo f-word'ing cute..
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 02:03:12
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 02:31:49
ArmorKingRulez wrote: Btw,Dawn and May are soo f-word'ing cute.. -
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 03:55:46
Dawn was cute, May wasn't.
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 06:42:47
they are both NOT cute. jessie is better :D [sarcasm]
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 07:19:31
I'm not sure if I'll buy it as I don't really play pokemon that much anymore, but I'll deffinatelly give it a try with my SuperCard DS2. I'll get the grass starter, mainly because he looks like excalabur from Soul Eater :p
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 13:10:24
Kirby wrote:
Why,they're both adorable... -
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 15:57:10
Frip wrote:
I swear the bird in the top right is a digimon. -
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 17:50:21
jlsyber wrote: I swear the bird in the top right is a digimon.
Birdramon? lol. -
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 23:22:21
Frip wrote:
why does the trainer look like the guy from yugioh xD? -
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 08:09:10
The ultimate Pokemon Imperialdramon and WarGreyMon... lol
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 09:50:38
oh my god..fucking ugly starters.. = =
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 16:43:50
Somebody post here when it's leaked k
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 00:20:38 Some of these Pokemon are on steroids. O_o
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 03:34:21
seriously.. I hope that at least the dragons go to uber. Aakeoso's ability "weak-kneed" seems to be very hindering, so that's not too bad. Hihidaruma is just gonna be a choiced attacker, but idk what Encourage does + fire type isn't TOO bad. victini remains my favorite though. [] I wonder what impact the pokemon with those horrible speed stats will have. maybe trick room ? less focus on speed?
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 05:10:32
I'm more in support of starting the ban list from scratch, since our judging of which Pokemon should be uber as of now is based on the 4th gen metagame, which will probably be very different from the 5th gen. Though it has been confirmed that Ononokusu learns Dragon Dance which pretty much sends him to uber imo. But playtest first. Hihidaruma I think will end up OU assuming it has a decent movepool. Encourage removes the secondary effects from all its moves and increases the base power instead. I can see it running a choice set pretty effectively. Trick room is always a possibility, more viable than before, but I think it's still going to be dominated by sandstorm. And definitely more emphasis on speed if anything. Stall isn't looking too good with these Pokemon. Too many fast and hard hitting Pokemon that would classify as wall-breakers. :(
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 05:25:20
Ononokuso only has the physical spectrum though... As long as it doesn't get FirePunch, a physical Steel wall would check both Ononokuso and Sazando :) //e steel wall w/ EQ, otherwise Magnezone.>_> //e^2 I'm liking Shubarugo
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 12:44:09
oh my god...even the legendaries are fuckin ugly!! = = anyway getting the game more for the strength of the pokemon & story rather than looks lol
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 17:18:15
rom is leaked... playing right now, but there is AP. as in your pokemon dont get exp :| pm me for dl link if you really cant find it :)
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 18:25:32
Pocket_Monsters_Black_JPN_NDS_DSi-BAHAMUT Not yet working on my flashcard though... (also - not on my DS Lite ;______;)
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 22:19:23 It's time to relearn everything about Pokemon. Omg. Drought Ninetales, Drizzle Politoed, Speed Boost Blaziken. Shadow Tag Shanderaa. wtf?
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 00:29:21
Drought Ninetales and Drizzle Politoed... Finally I can use a rain dance team without my kyogre. >_<
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 02:05:42
Saving and EXP confirmed working. I don't know if I want to play it in japanese though...
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 05:27:04
Just beat the second gym...going to Hiun city, where I can finally pick up victini o_O
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 09:07:32
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 01:49:17
BUMP How's Black/White turning out? Is the NA release date set yet? Are you guys going to get Black or White?
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 23:16:06
[video=youtube;-XsSoMBVF3w][/video] ^ hahah
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 06:00:56
Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott are the english starter names. Unova = area name
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 23:01:32
hoiboy wrote: BUMP How's Black/White turning out? Is the NA release date set yet? Are you guys going to get Black or White?
Pokemon black is good. I have the Japanese game. I have not been playing it much lately though...been pretty busy -
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 01:28:39
Bump Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but who got the shiny beasts yet?
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 22:23:50
Wind wrote: Bump Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but who got the shiny beasts yet?
Isn't that only in stores? Sucks .__. I really wanted them. Just too lazy. Raikou lasts till the 9th. -
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 03:01:48
got raikou
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 03:07:00
Frip wrote: Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott are the english starter names. Unova = area name
As always English naming is horrible ._. well this time around Japanese naming was so unoriginal... The story line is good, but seriously half the new pokemon looks mad retarted -.- It only has 8 boxes to store pokemons too --; My lv100s alone take up half the computer ._. -
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 03:41:19
meh, they really botched the designs this time sazandora looks really awesome though
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 04:23:10
Dats about it tho (And maybe Reshiram and Zekrom) Like hav u seen the mushroom? (gay) And naming of the zebra pokemon (super-unoriginal) Story line and graphics are awsome but pokemon designs killed it IMO
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 07:20:20
I love the gameplAy!!! That one big city with the circular camera angles is fricking awesome!! I will definitely grab the Eng version when it comes out. On a competetive note, shibirudon looks really good. It is a bulky electric which can attack from both physical and special sides, but is lacking in speed. No weaknesses cause of levitate, and has a above average movepool. Id run mine Bold @lefties with Thunderbolt/grass Knot/Thunder Wave/U-Turn. Tank a hit, dish out heavy damage or paralyze, then U-Turn. Maybe use Thunder for a Rain Team, might have trouble with sun teams.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 21:43:59
They r seriously runnin out of ideas ._. some don't even look like pokemon an more --;
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 01:57:06
Meh. I'm not going to use any of the new pokemons in my main party anyways. Game play looks sick though. On another note, I got 4 of the shiny raikous. (Y)
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 02:06:04
I had a shiny raikou but looks better normal Colored so I gave it lol My shiny:2 deoxys,1 dialga,1 Darkrai,1 Arseus,1 charzard,1 Entei and some others I can remember now
Wind wrote: Meh. I'm not going to use any of the new pokemons in my main (Y)
As for this ^ I'm not sure cuz they do look retarted but they are strong ._. -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 02:17:05
Van wrote: I'm not sure cuz they do look retarted but they are strong ._.
Nah. Besides the final form of kibago, all the other guys are pretty bad. Like sure they're attack or special attack are high, but it's pointless without good speed stats. =\ Well... the non legendaries that is. -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 04:17:24
The final form of Kibago sucks, just fyi.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 04:28:47
wait, so many shinies? hax or rng abuse?
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 04:31:26
I play pokemon online on the PO server... so you know. My name is Frip with an Omega tag :D
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 04:59:29
I legidly got all of those and my lv100s From GTS XD lol I got 100 lv100s from GTS and maybe like 15 from training them myself Shiny, some ppl just give me them on GTS when i wanted a lv100 of that OR, when ever I see a cool lookin shiny that I can easily get in GTS, I get them So I got all my ppl legidly, no hax
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:33:29
Frip wrote: The final form of Kibago sucks, just fyi.
All the new ones suck... It just happens I like it >.> -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 05:34:48
Smogon anyone? I'm still playing Gen 4 OU.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 18:00:28
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 21:24:25
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 23:39:02
Soo, I got white, just wondering who else got them and their thoughts on them lol.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 23:53:29
i just finished transferring all my guys from my diamond and black emulator to white time to start raping the game :O
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 00:03:49
I have White, but I can't play it until Friday, if I like it I will be purchasing Black too.
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 00:13:45
Beat the game 3 months ago, but I liked the story line I gotta say, I was dissapointed by the looks and the naming for most of the new pokemons And btw, there's a thread here already
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 00:23:49
FCK YEA I got 2 badges. Just caught victini and now i'ma stop for today :D
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 00:40:00
I'm going to pick this up tomorrow. Then to transfer from all the 4th gen games and HG and SS ^_^
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:49:03
Is it really true that you have to beat the first gym leader until you can trade?
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:53:22
I'm going to Nuzlocke this shit once I get it, eventually.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 14:16:48
Sorry guys I am still playing Emerald Version.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 14:27:42
Fail. I'm still at GBC 1st gen version. GLITCH CITY FTW. PrinceXD
juggalo666666 wrote: Sorry guys I am still playing Emerald Version.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 14:30:21
I prefer to stick with the classics because whenever game freak makes remakes they always add new crap that wasn't needed. For the record i still have gold version and blue version.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 04:32:08
i still have an almost perfect blue version
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 03:30:20
So yeah. Just finished the game a few days ago. So anyone got their team set up yet?
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 18:55:48
How good is the three on three battling?
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 18:58:32
I get my DS and white tomorrow. I can't wait.
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 18:59:04
pokemon yellow forever and always :wub:
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 19:34:06
I'm planning to actually make a team after o get this victini to lv100 That should be done within today... But ya; I only played to collect, so I have a lot of shinys and lv100s but none has awesome stats
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 13:07:45
every new edition after red/green/blue/yellow are too much... back in the good days there were only 151 pokemon now there's like thousands who should keep up with that ?
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 16:10:43
Goofy wrote: every new edition after red/green/blue/yellow are too much... back in the good days there were only 151 pokemon now there's like thousands who should keep up with that ?
Hey dude, I agree with you. I loved crystal and gold. The new pokemon lack originalty -
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 20:52:54
Got it, beat the game. Still need to do some side quests though. I got my team setup, just need to EV/IV train most of them. Hydreigon Excadrill Garchomp Tyranitar Azelf Getting Zorua, but I need another DS. >_<
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 02:45:39
Im on route 6 I have level 33 dewott, 32 gurdurr, 32 zebstrika. I need to get the final evo of pidove D: and i need more peeps on my team. Any suggestions?
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 02:53:59
Having 19 dittos to breed for good IV's and natures is hella cool. takes about 1 hour to get a good poke :D
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 03:05:20
Team at the moment: Dewott Victini Zebstrika Gigalith Tirtouga Solosis (Gonna get Lilligant soon, not sure what to switch out just yet) Just beat 5th gym, they're at ~30-32 :) hehe
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 05:11:17
I beat all the Gym Leaders just using Emboar and Zebstrika. Haha. But idunnooo, still trying to figure out my team/learning competetive playing.
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 08:54:44
I beat it on the Thursday after it came out at like 1am XD I wanted to beat it before my friend. Currently I'm just trying to complete the Unova dex. I have like 125 so far i think. Not too sure about what to use for a competative team. My current guys are lame. Sawk, Serperior, Seismitoad, Zebstrika, Musharna, and Bisharp (used to be an audino until recently XD) XD It's pretty bad, but whatever. I think i'ma try and get a nice Darmanitan with zen mode tho.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 02:31:16
I dunno about Darmanitan. His attack is fine, but when he switches to zen mod(50% HP left) his atk and sp. atk get switched, which is kinda stupid 'cause you should focus on atk or sp. atk and not both. Eh. I don't think it's really usefull, but if you are gonna use Darmanitan, keep his HP up.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 02:36:40
Lol i currently have a conkeldurr emboar elektross seismitoad excadrill, and fraxure all level 41 >.< im at the ice type gym
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:10:56
Well actually darmanitans def and sp def increase by a bunch as well when going into zen mode. So I was thinking maybe use belly drum to go into zen mode and then do something, idk. not sure if that would work tho XD
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:15:23
I've kind of got good type coverage, competitive roles, and all that jazz. All that's missing is a strategy that helps my whole team. Right now, I don't have any pokemon that benefit from another like ninjask and its baton pass. It's all physical sweeper, special sweeper, all around, special and physical wall... Two things: [video=youtube;oJxvmtCwAZY][/video] Have you seen anything like this before? 0.o And I just remembered that if you breed two pokemon and one is from a different nationality, the chances of the offspring being shiny is increased by nearly 87.5% in the Generation V games. Source: serebii I'm trying to breed a shiny eevee which right now is a pain.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:32:27
I'm about to enter the 8th gym city: Swoobat lv 43 Basculin lv 42 Electric Spider lv 42 Venipede lv 44 Candle fag lv 43 Pants Lizard lv 45 my team is full of brokemanz 8)
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 05:21:08
Anyone have an account on Smogon? Anyone going to VGC this year?
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 04:56:41
Could someone give a good suggestion on who to use for the battle subway thing. Like what movesets would probably good and stuff >< Cuz I want to get the EV training items but i dont kno who I should go with.
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 05:58:33
Hao 2 lvl pkmanz fast? Im playng Fire Rd
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 21:37:51
Anyone get any good dream world pokemon yet?