Board Comments / Greeting PM

  1. Monk
    Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 03:23:57

    Several new members barely get onto the site since most of them don't know anyone here. (imo) There should be a feature where new accounts made will be sent a greetings message, and recommending them to post on the member introductions forum.

  2. Nick
    Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 04:03:46

    Like just about every other forum and wiki ever

  3. Yamaguchi
    Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 04:09:20


  4. nv16
    Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 05:52:17

    it does have member introduction message that gets sent tho, well either than or zombo was feeling nice and decided to send me one but either way I've got a PM in my upsb inbox from zombo introducing me to the board that I got on 02-25-2013 when I signed up to the board

  5. pauliux00
    Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 07:47:53

    Yep, Zaddo auto-sends a message when someone registers.