Trading / Buying / SPRiNGFiELD's Trade Thread: SALE!
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 04:16:08
[COLOR="red"][SIZE="7"]I HAVE 13 WL ON UPSB V3! [/SIZE][/COLOR] HELL YEA 2ND TRADE THREAD EVER CREATED IN THE ENTIRE OF UPSB V4!:banana: Hi I am SPRiNGFiELD from Singapore, i can get quite some pens. I am low in cash so dont tell ask me to do major trades in one time as i have limited pocket money. Smaller trades will be more appreciated although some larger trades are fine =D I HAVE: Handmade duct tape wallet LOL
from top to bottom: 2 x light green emboss pens officemate pens 2 packs of rare coloured lakubo grip subs (or individual pens) 1 black lakubo 3 more Zhigao 转转笔 (chinese penzgear thingy)
from left to right: Authentic EP comssa with namae body combo SOLD 2 X Red taro marker (marvy sub kinda thing) Rushon + gaopen combo (takoya/nekura mod kit) SOLD Grip avaire mod body black and grey combo flexible body kUzu mod lookalike clear tornado with highlighter sub body (not in picture) combo
Twinart Mod Kit (without tips) Dathroat's mod offer me a price or some pens I have/Can get: - Anyballs - Storyballs (anyball sub) - Jedo - Jedo subs - Sailor Gels in ALL COLOURS - G1 Grip for S777 MX - G2 - G2-EX for twinart mod - G3 (tinted metal tip for original F1r3fly G3 mod) - BIC Round Stic Grip - ZIG Clean Colour for twinart mod - Sun Star TwinArt for twinart mod and zyavuxa mod - Super Grips Pens/pencils - Pilot 2020 shaker pencils - Super Gels - Nextage pens and pencils - Jimnie Gel - Signos DX ALL COLOURS - Ballsigns - Laknocks (lakubo grip) skyblue, pink, black, green, red , blue - Lakubo grip sub in (translucent lime green and grey) RARE - Signo Broads - Pilot G-tech/Hi-tec C - Zebra Telescopics - Tapliclips for Key3 Mod [COLOR="red"]- Pilot Dr Grip Gspec[/COLOR] - Uniball Fusion (for white MX backplugs and Guitrums Marker mod fusion) - Crayola supertips (MANY AVAILABLE) - Japanese pencil from Daiso - Japanese pencil mod caps from daiso - Silicone Grip MP - Sailor Gels - Double action MP (daiso) [COLOR="red"]- basically any daiso stuff[/COLOR] - Old HGR (HGG Tip) - White mx backplugs - All colours Playcolour 2 [COLOR="red"]- Alfa gel MP (for seven watercolour mod) (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)[/COLOR] - tornado mod caps [COLOR="red"]- METAL TIPPED NEEDLEPOINTS! I want: MONEY! VERY WANT! 1x skyblue vp 1x skyblue hgg 1x lime green hgg PM me if you guys are interested. Hope to trade with you soon. I will post pictures as requested (this excludes my dick)
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 14:34:38
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 03:58:17
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 06:02:52
I will post pictures as requested (this excludes my dick)
wtf? got any nice stuffs recently? -
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 14:08:24
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 12:41:25
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 09:04:36
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 09:13:44
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 09:17:25
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 09:21:16
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 09:21:46
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 09:51:36
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 10:05:16
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 10:49:26
cmon people! added some new things into the grabbag!
Date: Wed, Sep 29 2010 04:30:28
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 11:23:37
big bump