General Discussion / Official UPSB Tournament 2014 - Round 2 Results & Semi-finals Line-Ups
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 03:10:23
Thank you for your patience UPSB, here are the results.
Judgement: [SPOILER="Judge 1"]Diobrando vs Nashi Diobrando Difficulty:4 Execution:3 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:4 Total 14 Nashi Difficulty:2.5 Execution:2.5 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:4 Total: 12 WINNER = Diobrando --------------------------------------- Iota vs Rotation87 Iota Difficulty:4 Execution:4 Presentation:4.5 Originality/Creativity:4 Total 16.5 Rotation87 Difficulty:5 Execution:3.5 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:3 Total: 14.5 WINNER = Iota ----------------------------------------- Sekai vs Zkhan Sekai Difficulty:4.5 Execution:4 Presentation:2.5 Originality/Creativity:2.5 Total 13.5 Zkhan Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3 Presentation:3.5 Originality/Creativity:3.5 Total: 13.5 WINNER = Tie ----------------------------------------- Alvaris vs Van Alvaris Difficulty:3 Execution:4.5 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:2.5 Total 13 Van Difficulty:4 Execution:3.5 Presentation:2 Originality/Creativity:3 Total: 12.5 WINNER = Alvaris[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 2"]Diobrando - 16 pts Win Creativity: 5 Execution: 3 Difficulty: 5 Presentation: 3 Nashi – 12.5 pts Creativity: 3.5 Execution: 3 Difficulty: 3 Presentation: 3 Iota – 16 pts Win Creativity: 4 Execution: 4 Difficulty: 4 Presentation: 4 Rotation87 – 14.5 pts Creativity: 3 Execution: 4 Difficulty: 4.5 Presentation: 3 Sekai – 13.5 pts Tie Creativity: 2 Execution: 3.5 Difficulty: 3.5 Presentation: 4.5 Zkhan – 13.5 pts Tie Creativity: 3.5 Execution: 2 Difficulty: 3.5 Presentation: 4.5 Alvaris – 15 pts Creativity: 3 Execution: 5 Difficulty: 3 Presentation: 4 Van – 16 pts Win Creativity: 3.5 Execution: 4.5 Difficulty: 4 Presentation: 4[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 3"]ex/di/cr/pr - total diobrando - 3.5/3.5/3/3 - 13 nashi - 3.5/3/3/3 - 12.5 iota - 3.5/3/2/3.5 - 12 rotation87 - 3.5/3.5/2.5/3 - 12.5 sekai - 4/3.5/2/3.5 - 13 zkhan - 3/3/3/3 - 12 alvaris - 4/3/2/3 - 12 van - 4/3/2.5/3 - 12.5[/SPOILER] Next round is the semi-finals, participants good luck.Spoiler
Diobrando vs Nashi Winner = @Van[SIZE="5"]The deadline of the semi-finals is[/SIZE] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="6"]9/1/14[/SIZE][/COLOR] (May change due to participants' convenience) Late submissions are not favorable, so please submit in time. Good luck.
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 03:59:09
Dio vs Iota da hype
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 06:03:45
sweet i cant wait to see sekai vs van!!!!
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 11:14:28
Wow the battles were so close :O
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2014 00:43:28
Thanks for the battle @Sekai Good luck everyone.
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2014 02:22:04
Dio has got this shit in the bag easy. He's like the stylish version of fel2fram.
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2014 23:17:06
I am home for the weekend so I haven't had much time to prepare or film this weekend, but I will try to tonight, or monday night when I get back x.x
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 16:23:38
@Van Reminder that videos are due today. Iota, we'll see what we can do.
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 22:12:01
Date: Tue, Sep 2 2014 02:17:07
@Tigres thanks x_x I was going to film now that I'm back at my dorm and unpacked, but my roommate is a light sleeper and goes to bed around now or very soon, so I can't really without keeping him up...would it be possible for me to just film tomorrow morning/day? Forgot that that might pose an issue to filming late tonight :/
Date: Tue, Sep 2 2014 03:12:25
@Iota it's fine I am going to be busy from tomorrow anyways. [SIZE="1"]*hint,hint* I won't be logging-on for a while.[/SIZE]
Date: Tue, Sep 2 2014 03:21:37
Date: Tue, Sep 2 2014 06:11:37
I posted my vid
Date: Wed, Sep 3 2014 02:35:07
[video=youtube;1S2yqjpRXkA][/video] zzz