Tournaments & Ladders / Beginner's Tournament Round 4: Semi Finals
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 05:22:34
J13M v. jaycy Infiknight v. Mig08 Videos are due August 24th @Mig08
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 07:42:30
UPDATE: Since I'll be in china next week, @LighT* will host for the remainder of the tournament. Post your videos in this thread. Good luck guys!
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 13:38:41
@Mig08 oh man..... Please have mercy:(
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 14:34:15
deym, i won against inn0cent? woaaah.
Infiknight wrote: @Mig08 oh man..... Please have mercy:(
Infiknight, go easy on me. hahaha. let's have an epic battle. good luck! J13M and RCS (we formed a spinning group months ago. :o ) good luck to you both! PPSC Rising. put up a good fight. XD (i shall submit next weekend, hopefully. XD) -
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 09:14:26
@Zkhan OK ^_^
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 10:14:47 @Zkhan this is my video ^_^
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 13:57:36 @LighT* this is my combo ;)
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 13:58:17
Jaycy wrote: @Zkhan this is my video ^_^
my god that was awesome.... -
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 14:02:15
Infiknight wrote: this is my combo ;)
nice combo but you need to get a cam stand :P -
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 14:31:33
ShadowParadox wrote: nice combo but you need to get a cam stand :P
Lol I know :P but I filmed in school hahas -
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 06:00:04
J13M's entry: EDIT: My entry:
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 12:54:02
Zkhan, there is this guy alex guilas who file a copyright infringement ON MY VIDEO ENRY. UGH Youtube deleted my video. This sucks. I think someone is sabotaging me
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 13:08:37
I have photo evidence on who I think did it. The email of alex guilas who filed an infringement on me, is [email][email protected][/email] JAYCY, the guy who is in this competition. I think he is trying to sabotage my hard work, just to win this tournament. It sucks, I thought he was my friend.
I take this matter very seriously. HE EVEN FILED ONE ON MY PREVIOUS ATTEMPT. Please help me. Please... To jaycy, if you did this, Please STOP IT. Integrity is a virtue that is very Important, so please tell the truth. zkhan, I have the proof right here, I might have noticed this late because I am vey busy with school, but I had enough of this alec guilas guy, who I suspect to be JAYCY who I could be against in r5 and btw, here is the uneditted video that he forgot to file a case on. Ugh. :
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 13:31:11
just kick jaycy from tournament problem solved.
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 13:31:54
It seems Jaycy had Infiknight's video taken down under copyright claims as well. Now that @Mig08 has provided sufficient evidence that the unwarranted copyright claims were no accident, I will disqualify Jaycy from the tournament. Since the incidents occurred outside of UPSB, I will discuss the issue with the UPSB staff.
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 13:42:30
Thank you
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 14:05:49
Mig08 wrote: I have photo evidence on who I think did it. The email of alex guilas who filed an infringement on me, is [email][email protected][/email] JAYCY, the guy who is in this competition. I think he is trying to sabotage my hard work, just to win this tournament. It sucks, I thought he was my friend. I take this matter very seriously. HE EVEN FILED ONE ON MY PREVIOUS ATTEMPT. Please help me. Please... To jaycy, if you did this, Please STOP IT. Integrity is a virtue that is very Important, so please tell the truth. zkhan, I have the proof right here, I might have noticed this late because I am vey busy with school, but I had enough of this alec guilas guy, who I suspect to be JAYCY who I could be against in r5 and btw, here is the uneditted video that he forgot to file a case on. Ugh. :
Wow ur vid got taken down too?..... Haizz at least there's evidence now -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 14:06:41
Thank you, I will try toget internet connection later on because I will not be able togo home this weekend. Thanks for the fast action zkhan.
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 14:13:52
Yup thanks zkhan ;)
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 14:21:07
Can you please confirm if it is really his email? The guy is denying it on fb, just making sure
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 15:01:06
"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." -Bruce Lee
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 19:41:19
what the hell is wrong with you guys
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 22:00:19 now we may not know who the dude is :(
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 22:32:55
Monk wrote: what the hell is wrong with you guys
do you do anything but shitpost I swear to god If this was a bigger forum like facepunch you'd have been given bans on all your posts -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 23:30:13
upsb drama
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 23:42:59
Ceru Seiyu wrote: do you do anything but shitpost I swear to god If this was a bigger forum like facepunch you'd have been given bans on all your posts
sir please calm down -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 23:50:09
Monk wrote: sir please calm down
hang yourself -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 23:51:21
Ceru Seiyu wrote: hang yourself
no u -
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 09:08:20
don't kick me out someone prove it named hanata yokoshima this is my proof
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 09:12:11
ShadowParadox wrote: "Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." -Bruce Lee
"Wooooahhh Wataaaaa Hiyaaaah!!!!" -Bruce Lee It looks like someone use different names to ruin one's reputation. Btw, this guy, Hanata Yokoshima claims that he's the responsible person for this act of sabotage in the event. Here's the screenshot of what this guy said. Here's the message translated in English based on my own interpretation. The message was expressed in Filipino language. "Enough, please. I feel regret on what I've done where other people got involved. Sorry Jaycy if i used your name. I did not introduce myself. I'm the one who reported all of your videos by imitating Jaycy's name. Once again, I'm sorry" -
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 10:10:08
This is news to me. Please provide me with the contact information of said person. I will discuss this with the other moderators.
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 10:24:40
is it even worth it trying to sabotage the videos of the participants? wow this person really... i hope this matter gets resolved efficiently. however does this really is a coward.
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 11:58:10
He obviously made a false account, the guy didnt even have any info. :o Check the Pen Spinners group on fb again, I commented some of my suspicions
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 12:44:02
Wow:( I'm really confused by who to trust now....
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2014 15:30:05
Get facebook to check the ip of the person
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2014 12:33:07
The account that made the copyright claim against Infiknight's video is Jaycy's. We are very sure of that. "alec guilas" is the account name of the person who reported Mig08. I don't believe we have the time or means to investigate this further. I'm going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and have the judges assess all the combos. I hope whoever truly wanted to sabotage this tournament has a guilty conscience...and steps on a lego. Results will be out in a day or two.
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 09:19:33
Okay can everyone PM me a DL link of your combos. We can't view them. @Mig08 EDIT: Jaycy is banned. His UPSB registration email matches that of the claimant email in Mig08's photo. He used his nonPSer friend's name to file the copyright claim.
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 11:21:41
Zkhan, can I pm my vid on sunday night? I'm very busy with our school fair
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 11:25:10
I have to reupload the vid on my laptop. XD but I'll try tonight
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 14:04:59
@Zkhan Do I have to resend u the dl link? I tink I sent u b4 this right?
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 14:14:29
Infiknight wrote: @Zkhan Do I have to resend u the dl link? I tink I sent u b4 this right?
I have your video. -
Date: Thu, Sep 4 2014 11:37:57
Do I have to send a dl link???
Date: Thu, Sep 4 2014 12:46:08
Mig08 wrote: Do I have to send a dl link???
I received your video. I need j13m's asap. He's not responding to me -
Date: Thu, Sep 4 2014 21:38:04
J13M Vid
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 16:57:27
[B]Round 4 Results [/B] [SPOILER="Results"] Infiknight v. Mig08:[B] Infiknight 2-1[/B] Jaycy v. J13M: [B]J13M-default[/B] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 1"] Infiknight vs mig08 Infiknight: exe:4/pre:3.5/diff:3/cre:2.5/TOTAL:13 mig08: exe:3/pre:2.5/diff:4/cre:3/TOTAL:12.5 WINNER:Infiknight --------------------------------------------- J13M vs Jaycy J13M: exe:2.5/pre:2/diff:2.5/cre:3/TOTAL:10 Jaycy: exe:dis/pre:qua/diff:lif/cre:ied/TOTAL:disqualified WINNER:J13M [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 2"] -- J13M execution: 2 difficulty: 1 creativity: 1 presentation: 2 Total: 6 -- jaycyc execution: -- difficulty: -- creativity: -- presentation: -- Total: -- -- Infiknight execution: 3 difficulty: 2 creativity: 2 presentation: 2 Total: 9 -- Mig08 execution: 2 difficulty: 2 creativity: 2 presentation: 2 Total: 8 -- [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 3"]Infiknight Execution 5/5 Difficulty 1/5 Creativity 2/5 Presentation 4/5 Total: 12/20 Comments: Raise your difficulty! I know you can do harder links than those. D: Migi08 Execution 2/5 Difficulty 4/5 Creativity 4/5 Presentation 3/5 Total: 13/20 Comments: 17 seconds made me cringe. >.< Should've stopped there imo. Winner: Migi08 J13M Execution 2/5 Difficulty 3/5 Creativity 4/5 Presentation 3/5 Total: 12/20 Comments: There's too much time placed on continuous tricks: triangle pass and poi. Try to shorten cont tricks so that your combo doesn't go over time limit. They look great but it makes the combo looked dragged out. Jaycy DQed Winner: J13M[/SPOILER] @Mig08 Finals
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 23:10:47
i lost... ok. haha. good luck @Zkhan how do i improve my execution and presentation? i got low in them, i want to improve it. tia edit: is there a prize for 3rd place? (even just a banner? :) )
Date: Mon, Sep 8 2014 00:49:20
If any of you would like signatures I wouldn't mind photoshopping them for your tournament ranking.