Regular Pen Discussion / Unique Pens?
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2014 19:52:09
Has anybody ever used EK Tools Calligraphy pens in their mods? I saw them at Target and I bought them because they have a unique hourglass-shaped barrel and some AWESOME triangular caps. The caps are grey, with a ring of whichever color on the top. They can come in regular colors ( plain red, blue, etc.) or they can be metallic colors, such as gold, silver, metallic blue, metallic red, etc. I was wondering if people have ever used these before, because every part of the pen looks awesome, so it's not like you'd buy them only for their tips or something. I took a picture of a set that I bought, with some various cap colors:
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2014 20:18:14
i also bought some, though i just doublecapped one and added DG Grips to each cap and so i use it as a small pen to bring with me and its spinnable, not good but it works..
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2014 21:34:16
caps for sc?????
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 03:16:33
This might sound like a stupid question but what does "SC" mean?
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 04:47:27
Lost Angelus wrote: This might sound like a stupid question but what does "SC" mean?
Single capped pen mod i think -
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 04:54:26
Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that. I know that "DC" means "Double-Capped", so I feel like an idiot for not figuring that out. I want to make a mod with these caps, because there's 2 caps per calligraphy pen (it's symmetrical). I just can't seem to figure out what kind of barrel I should use when making it.
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 08:58:54
Lost Angelus wrote: Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that. I know that "DC" means "Double-Capped", so I feel like an idiot for not figuring that out. I want to make a mod with these caps, because there's 2 caps per calligraphy pen (it's symmetrical). I just can't seem to figure out what kind of barrel I should use when making it.
Mine each came with one cap and in a pack of 2 for like $4 XD not fair lol -
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 09:24:48
I haven't seen these before. Do any tips fit in the cap?
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 15:25:47
AfroSquared wrote: I haven't seen these before. Do any tips fit in the cap?
ram that fucker in -
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 15:26:22
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 16:37:22
Fit inside the caps or ON the caps? I'll tey experimenting with the caps and see what kind of tips or barrels go well and fit. [B]Solaire[/B], you can find double capped ones in packs of 6. They're either metallic colors or regular colors. Try looking for the double capped ones at target. That's where I found the Double capped ones
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 19:44:48
These pictures belong in the SOYP thread... Anyway, the pen look sort of like an emboss.
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 21:22:00
JackyMacky wrote: These pictures belong in the SOYP thread... Anyway, the pen look sort of like an emboss.
It's more of a discussion thread. I'll leave it here. -
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2014 20:48:29
I was in Walgreens a couple days ago and I stumbled across these awesome pens in the "Back to School Section" that could be a Sakura Ballsign/GellyRoll Substitute. They look really similar, but they don't have a tapered barrel, and the Caps are metallic colors and shaped like HONEYCOMBS! They're really cheap and have a bunch of different colors. They've got really unique caps, and the barrels are perfect. Here's a picture of them; They're called "Gel Bee" pens
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 09:16:12
it seems like a ligit sub
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 20:21:09
They definitely are a legit sub. They're not tapered, and have some awesome caps and color options. Their inktube is like a G3 inktube, and the caps and ink are cool metallic colors. I bought like 10 of them. :D
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2014 01:05:03
SC means : Single Capped. I think this cap looks like emboss pen. How about fit signo tips?