Fundamental Tricks / Can you do sonic rev but not charge rev?
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 00:46:12
Ya i have this case, where i can do sonic rev but not charge rev
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 01:30:17
How did you learn sonic rev then? o-0
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 01:32:12
idk..its just...weird..
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 04:22:43
Well charge rev is hard to learn compared to sonic rev. But this poll is retarded. Any decent spinner can do both.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 01:44:16
I can do a sonic rev but the pen doesn't spin in a counter clockwise motion >< basically it just drops from one slot to another in a seesaw fashion. So for the time being I use things like passes or warped sonics to move down to 34
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:57:26
Try doing it palm down, while slightly jerking your hand to get momentum. It helps me, and looks decent in combos.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 18:15:01
I know some people who learnt Sonic Fall before Charge reverse.
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 04:54:05
Nope, I can do charge reverse, but not sonic reverse.
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 07:22:51
Nachoaddict wrote: I can do a sonic rev but the pen doesn't spin in a counter clockwise motion >< basically it just drops from one slot to another in a seesaw fashion. So for the time being I use things like passes or warped sonics to move down to 34
I have the same problem as Nacho, exept I don't use warped sonics and stuff. I'll probabally be able to do it fine in a few days anyway. I can't get the Charge rev though. I'm to used to doing th charge motion. -
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 19:21:27
I can do sonic, and I haven't yet tried charge rev. off topic: I noticed that, while making a sonic during a combo, no one actually rest the pencil and flicks it off (as shown in tutorials), I mean how's that possible? You need a certain force to make he pencil travel, right? About charge normal, I can't do it only if I don't flick off the pencil.
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 02:09:26
PL_MRL wrote: I can do sonic, and I haven't yet tried charge rev. off topic: I noticed that, while making a sonic during a combo, no one actually rest the pencil and flicks it off (as shown in tutorials), I mean how's that possible? You need a certain force to make he pencil travel, right? About charge normal, I can't do it only if I don't flick off the pencil.
U have to be able to do a pressureless charge and a pressureless sonic. they are the real things that are actually used in combos. Mostly, the momentum in combos is already built up and one just continues it. -
Date: Thu, Sep 23 2010 02:36:02
PL_MRL wrote: I can do sonic, and I haven't yet tried charge rev. off topic: I noticed that, while making a sonic during a combo, no one actually rest the pencil and flicks it off (as shown in tutorials), I mean how's that possible? You need a certain force to make he pencil travel, right? About charge normal, I can't do it only if I don't flick off the pencil.
I didn't find not using the thumbflap method harder than using it, I don't know why though. Also I can't do either charge revor sonic rev, but I'm trying... Well I learned sonic rev, yay. -
Date: Sat, Oct 2 2010 08:58:08
i can do both
Date: Sat, Oct 2 2010 16:57:34
I can do Sonic Rev really easily. But whenever I try to do a charge Rev, I just fail so hard.... I end up doing a normal charge.
Date: Sat, Oct 2 2010 17:00:51
This was me my first 2-3 years of spinning still do not have it mastered. Charge rev is pretty hard but important to learn.
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 10:49:39
hmm i learnt them both at the same time, charge reverse was the harder one to master, but i mastered both of them just fine
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 07:23:23
i can.
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 09:17:49
My friend learned Rev Charge before normal charge xD So it was pretty funny seeing him try to go normal charge :P
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 09:25:56
Its possible but it'll look choppy.. not that circular motion you want.
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 21:22:34
i csn do both somewhat lol just started trying them
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 02:49:11
can do both perfectly. but i learned sonic reverse first....
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 22:40:24
After a whole school day of practicing charge reverse, I finally got it down. I have to admit, though, the charge reverse was a bunch harder than the sonic reverse for me.
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 05:07:17
i actually learned the charge rev before the sonic rev...charge rev was actually easy for me because I just kept doing it in school. Unlike with sonics which you drop every other time you try. For those of you who just can't do it, just practice over and over. Been there, done that. :D
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 17:54:26
I do Sonic Reverse better than Charge Reverse. Idk why, but my index just can't get used to the motion. Still practicing. Sonic Reverse is pretty easy now. It's like I'm tossing it backwards xP
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 18:09:13
I actually can do sonic reverse better than Charge reverse hehe. But it is ok
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 23:41:40
i can do the charge reverse but i cant do a sonic reverse >.< edit: i lied i learned it much quicker then random..
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 18:44:40
i can do both xD
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 17:23:37
i can do both but a few months ago i couldnt do charge rev but cud do sonic rev and twisted sonic rev, that helped me get the charge rev which i still have a bit of trouble w/
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 02:38:44
I can do both. I learned charge reverse first, then regular charge, then sonic rev. Regular charge took me longest to learn though o.0
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 05:09:49
This poll is retarted; it should have been "which did u learn first" because any decent spinner can do both
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 02:01:49
i learned charge reverse b4 i learned regular charge so i can do both and both sonics and rise and fall they look really weird
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 18:17:37
I can do both the normal charge and charge rev, but I'm more used to doing the reverse than normal.. Is that weird? o_O
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 19:09:28
i can only do charge rev, not sonic rev. >_> but i love to do power tricks (which is worthless but i dont give a shit) bust >bust >bust >bust >bust > ta > fl ta cont x 6 > pinky spread x 2 yeee
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 00:16:01
Kirby wrote: Well charge rev is hard to learn compared to sonic rev. But this poll is retarded. Any decent spinner can do both.
^... -
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 13:03:52
i can do the sonic rev. but not the charge rev.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 10:32:12
I can do both ^_^ bec. the starting motion of sonic rev. is the same as charge rev.
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 00:20:36
i cant do either:spin:
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 20:42:31
i can do charge rev, but not sonic rev. never even seen a sonic rev 0_o
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 02:17:51
YETI wrote: i can do charge rev, but not sonic rev. never even seen a sonic rev 0_o
@YETI lol -
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 02:35:12
YETI wrote: i can do charge rev, but not sonic rev. never even seen a sonic rev 0_o
Same here. I can do the basics of a sonic rev, but it's not...'circular' like a charge motion. -
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 16:11:50
I can sonic fall, but i've yet to get the hang of charge rev. Although I'm new to spinning, i've been "charging" with my pens for as long as I can remember. Going the opposite direction is frustrating >.<' haha
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 08:37:38
Charge rev. is fairly easy. I learnt it first :)
Date: Sat, Aug 6 2011 12:22:38
i started learning sonic rev. by just flicking my hand down and using the momentum to sonic rev. and that was before learning the charge rev.(which im still working on ><) but later i kinda learned it without the flicking hand motion. i can also do sonic fall without knowing charge rev. :P
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 09:37:12
i can do the sonic fall and the twisted sonic reverse but i guess i just couldn't quite get the hang of the charge reverse
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 12:21:27
mintypaladin wrote: Ya i have this case, where i can do sonic rev but not charge rev
Same here. >.< -
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 23:45:46
Charge rev was the first trick I learned, Sonic rev came naturally.
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 18:50:58
I'll try and do the Sonic Reverse for the next few days... And come back with my results lol.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 20:10:10
yeah :(
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 20:12:21
i learned sonic rev and then charge reverse continuously so yes :D
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 22:28:31
Actually, I have a totally different problem. I thought I was doing a regular charge until my friend pointed out that it was charge rev. And for some reason, I can do normal sonic, but not sonic rev. I facepalmed.
Date: Mon, Oct 3 2011 12:32:46
no i can do both :D
Date: Mon, Oct 3 2011 17:22:38
i can do both
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 22:13:10
charge rev just seems like a stranger motion to me than doing sonic rev. so only can do sonic reverse :(
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 08:38:07
i can do both
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 18:35:11
I can both, too. But i knew at first sonic reverse. you needn't charge rev. for sonic rev.
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 18:45:39
i dunno how to do charge rev LOL
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 20:56:24
I definitely can't seem to get my fingers to work toward the Charge Rev, and whenever I try to practice it, it's like my fingers don't want to cooperate, but I can do a Sonic Rev, though it is still a tad fussy. Sonic was my first "trick", and reverse Sonic, was pretty much learned just about the same time as the regular version. This was like 6 years ago though, something I picked up in high school before I learned that there was a community for pen spinning. But Charges I am just terrible with.
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 23:52:19
I found that learning a sonic reverse pretty much taught me charge reverse otherwise I would've never bothered learning charge rev
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 03:04:08
Dimension wrote: I found that learning a sonic reverse pretty much taught me charge reverse otherwise I would've never bothered learning charge rev
I can't even do charge rev, well I can do it palm down really badly... sonic rev was pretty easy though, sonic fall was even easier for me, took 1 day -
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 07:55:11
no Because to Learn Sonic Rev.. u Can Learn Charge Rev. First
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:14:27
I can't do charge rev, but can do sonic rev, just not smooth as never really practice. Use passes. They look cooler and they are easier
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 21:35:11
Vennaol wrote: I can't do charge rev, but can do sonic rev, just not smooth as never really practice. Use passes. They look cooler and they are easier
You should still learn charge rev :/ -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 21:57:11
i can't do charge rev still, LOLOLOL, and my sonic rev is shitty (i can still do it though) but yea haha
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 22:48:31
Miku wrote: i can't do charge rev still, LOLOLOL, and my sonic rev is shitty (i can still do it though) but yea haha
You can do a great bakfall, but you can't reverse charge? lol. I can do both now. I learned Sonic rev first, it helps. -
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 07:19:21
Charge rev is impossibru!
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 18:51:20
Yes 22 35.48% No 40 64.52% kind of scary
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 13:15:46
When you do it...well you just sort of do it when you do it. It's justl like...WOAH!
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 19:34:37
Charge reverse is hard for me
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 06:25:32
I'm the opposite lol xD I learned charge rev from a friend years ago because she was a lefty teaching me the charge but somehow I learned the reverse. And now I'm trying to do sonic reverse and it feels weird D=
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 09:06:25
I think ther is a good tutorial for the charge reverse on penspinning online. For charge reverse, try to do a charge and then pass to palm side to palm down, charge reverse palm down is really easy to do.
Date: Tue, May 22 2012 13:44:12
Well for me I learned charge reverse as my first trick because I didn't notic a difference. After that I learnt sonic rev and then finally charge. Takes a bit of time getting used to it, cos my hand automatically wanted to do charge reverse
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 10:37:46
I can't do a charge rev. Only a sonic rev.
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 03:24:57
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 23:21:56
no, i can do charge rev but not sonic reverse
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2012 09:41:45
Sonic rev isnt that hard to learn... well, it wasnt for me anyways. You just flick your hand back and lower ur middle finger, easier than the sonic imo, you don't need to use the thumbflap at all.
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 09:40:45
am i the only one who learned rev. charge but not rev. sonic.. well i'm in the wrong thread..
Date: Wed, Jan 8 2014 04:32:01
I learned sonic rev before charge rev. I can do 1 charge rev, just not consistently. When I learned the sonic rev, I just mimicked the sonic's motion, and that motion just gave me a charge rev motion. o3o.