General Discussion / UPSB Tournament Round 1 Results & Round 2 Line-Ups
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 06:08:12
Sorry for the bit delay. Here are the results of round 1
Congratulations to the winners of round 1. Here are the judge's submission. [SPOILER="Judge 1"]DioBrando (W – 276pts) Execution: 69 Presentation: 69 Difficulty: 69 Originality: 69 Eshor (L – pls) Execution: pls Presentation: pls Difficulty: pls Originality: pls ---------------------------------------------------- Nashi (W - 15.5pts) Execution: 3.5 Presentation: 3 Difficulty: 4 Originality: 5 Coffee (L – 12pts) Execution: 3 Presentation: 2 Difficulty: 3.5 Originality: 3.5 -------------------------------------------------- Cona (T - 16pts) Execution: 5 Presentation: 5 Difficulty: 3 Originality: 3 Iota (T - 16pts) Execution: 3.5 Presentation: 4 Difficulty: 4.5 Originality: 4 --------------------------------------------------- Rotation87 (W – 14.5pts) Execution: 3 Presentation: 4 Difficulty: 5 Originality: 2.5 Kimura (L – 12pts) Execution: 4 Presentation: 3 Difficulty: 4 Originality: 1 ------------------------------------------------- Sekai (W – 16pts) Execution: 4 Presentation: 4 Difficulty: 4 Originality: 4 Zxero (L – 11pts) Execution: 3 Presentation: 3 Difficulty: 2 Originality: 3 ------------------------------------------------------ Ceru (L – 12pts) Execution: 1 Presentation: 2 Difficulty: 5 Originality: 4 Zkhan (W – 14pts) Execution: 3 Presentation: 3.5 Difficulty: 3.5 Originality: 4 --------------------------------------------------- Alvaris (W – 17.5pts) Execution: 4 Presentation: 5 Difficulty: 4 Originality: 4.5 Gash (L – 13.5pts) Execution: 2.5 Presentation: 4 Difficulty: 4 Originality: 3 ------------------------------------------------- Van (W – 16.5pts) Execution: 3.5 Presentation: 3.5 Difficulty: 4.5 Originality: 5 Reason (L – 14pts) Execution: 3.5 Presentation: 4 Difficulty: 3.5 Originality: 3[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 2"]ex/di/cr/pr - total diobrando - autowin, eshor no video eshor - n/a nashi 3/4/3.5/3.5 - 14 coffeelucky 2.5/2/2/3 - 9.5 cona 4/2.5/2/4 - 12.5 iota 3.5/3/2.5/3.5 - 12.5 rotation87 3.5/4.5/3/3.5 - 14.5 kimura 4/2/1.5/2.5 - 10 sekai 4/3.5/2.5/3.5 - 13.5 zxero 4/2/2/3 - 11 ceru seiyu 3/3.5/3.5/2 - 12 zkhan 2.5/3/3/3 - 11.5 alvaris 3.5/3/3/4 - 13.5 gash 2.5/3.5/2.5/3.5 - 12 van 3.5/3.5/2.5/3.5 - 13 reason 3.5/3/2.5/3.5 - 12.5[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 3"]*****UPSB TOURNAMENT 2014 ROUND 1 RESULTS***** Diobrando vs Eshor Winner: Diobrando - due to no submission from opponent. -------------------------------------- Nashi vs Coffeelucky. Nashi Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3 Presentation:2.5 Originality/Creativity:4 Total 13 Coffeelucky Difficulty:2 Execution:2 Presentation:2 Originality/Creativity:3 Total: 9 WINNER = Nashi --------------------------------------- Cona vs Iota Cona Difficulty:3 Execution:4 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:2.5 Total 13.5 Iota Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3.5 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:4 Total: 14 WINNER = Iota ----------------------------------------- Rotation87 vs Kimura Rotation87 Difficulty:5 Execution:3 Presentation:2.5 Originality/Creativity:2.5 Total 13 Kimura Difficulty:3.5 Execution:4 Presentation:2 Originality/Creativity:1.5 Total: 11 WINNER = Rotation87 ----------------------------------------- Sekai vs Zxero Sekai Difficulty:4.5 Execution:5 Presentation:2.5 Originality/Creativity:3.5 Total 16.5 Zxero Difficulty:3 Execution:3 Presentation:2 Originality/Creativity:3 Total: 11 WINNER = Sekai ----------------------------------------- Alvaris vs Gash Alvaris Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:4 Total 13.5 Gash Difficulty:3.5 Execution:2 Presentation:2.5 Originality/Creativity:3 Total: 11 WINNER = Alvaris ------------------------------------------- Van vs Reason Van Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3.5 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:4 Total 14 Reason Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3 Presentation:3 Originality/Creativity:3.5 Total: 13 WINNER = Van ------------------------------------------- Ceru Seiyu vs Zkhan Ceru Seiyu Difficulty:4.5 Execution:1.5 Presentation:2 Originality/Creativity:4 Total 12 Zkhan Difficulty:3.5 Execution:3 Presentation:3.5 Originality/Creativity:3.5 Total: 13.5 WINNER = Zkhan[/SPOILER] [SIZE="4"]Therefore here are the line-ups for Round 2[/SIZE]Spoiler
Diobrando vs Eshor (3-0) Winner: @Zkhan[SIZE="4"]Remember the 3 strike elimination still continues.[/SIZE] Right now the people on the list (Who are still in the tournament) are: Nashi - 1 strike Late submissions are still not favorable, so please submit them in time. I do not want to see another crazy ramble again. The due date of Round 2 videos is [SIZE="6"]August 16th, 2014[/SIZE] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"](No time-zones this time, I learned that it is meaning-less. This will mean I will check the submissions until it is completely August 17th in ALL time zones.)[/SIZE][/COLOR] Good luck to all spinners.
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 06:25:08
Thanks @Sekai Let's do this man.
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 08:21:44
gogogo alvaris <3
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 08:26:33
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 10:11:53
god damn it
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 11:08:40
Execution: 1 omg Thanks for the battle anyway @Zkhan I guess I might have hit my limit and I'm just getting overtaken in competitive PS now Also can someone tell me how the heck I can improve my presentation score. Since I started tournaments last year I'm on my third camera and I'm changing my angle constantly, am I getting knocked down too much for style or are all my camera attempts useless.
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 11:28:17
@Ceru Seiyu just watched the combo, your exe fares around 2.5-3 imo, 1 is ridiculous.
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 11:33:13
Walkaz wrote: @Ceru Seiyu just watched the combo, your exe fares around 2.5-3 imo, 1 is ridiculous.
I could probably argue and cause a shitstorm but what good would that do. I respect Zkhan too much to try and change judgements or whatever in my favour. It is however crushing though when I work on my exe from last year and a judge gives me the lowest score they can give. -
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 11:59:11
What? Cona loses? I can't understand it at all...
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 13:29:13
thanks for the battle @Van good luck in the rest of the tournament!
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 13:36:17
Cherry;286592]What? Cona loses? I can't understand it at all...[/QUOTE] Iota won 1-0 Cona had more content yet his linkages were basic. Iota's combo was more aesthetic and was more compacted. This was a very close battle. and I feel as if Iota's execution was superior and that his finisher was the decisive factor in assessing this match. [QUOTE=Ceru Seiyu wrote: I could probably argue and cause a shitstorm but what good would that do. I respect Zkhan too much to try and change judgements or whatever in my favour. It is however crushing though when I work on my exe from last year and a judge gives me the lowest score they can give.
I too felt as if the scoring was a bit off not only for our battle, but also for the other matchups. Your pen hit your shirt at one point so that may be the reason why you got a score of 1 from one of the judges. I feel like your execution and difficulty weren't consistent enough for the judges to argue the result in your favor. A lot of your individual linkages, as intricate as they normally are, were disjunct and not given any continuity. This is where brief filler links and trick hybridization come into play. It's important to round out your spinning and focus on maintaining a flow. Your flow doesn't necessarily have to be paced constantly but, again, your execution must be consistent. It also seems that I edged you in presentation. Aesthetics is a major component of pen spinning in general, so it's good to take the time and find a setup that accentuates your spinning. I myself have trouble adjusting my setup well enough to get a decent angle. My combo was executed better than yours in my opinion. I think my combo was more aesthetic as well. I also believe that the judges might have been impressed with the fact that I really moved out of my comfort zone this time around. I've been experimenting with camera angles and finger placements. This allows others to view my spinning differently and perhaps appreciate my style more. Although my more dextrous linkages were performed during the first 5 seconds, I evenly distribute difficult tricks throughout the combo while still respecting the integrity of the flow by executing tricks as aesthetically and smoothly as possible. Doing a second fl ta rev in the combo was not my intention, so I understand why that may have cost me points in difficulty and creativity. Also, I believe my two handed FL TA variation was the first of it's kind though it's definitely not a new concept by any means (see miyat, BaiMai). It's also pretty rare that I include 1p2h in my combos. My finisher was terribly executed. I was inspired by Jacky's use of two hands in his spinning so I decided to throw it in. On the matter of creativity, my goal is to remain unique by finding ways to execute and link common linkages in unorthodox ways. I don't think forcefully performing dextrous and technical tricks in order to fulfill the "creativity" criteria is the best way to go about things. Again, I reiterate, it's all about demonstrating a mastery of pen spinning. Sometimes you may have to dumb your combo down for the sake of visual appeal. This doesn't mean you have to have to stop doing difficult tricks. This just means you don't have to sacrifice smoothness for difficulty. I learned this by realizing the issue of UPSB's gentleman's policy of difficulty/forced creativity>>>>>>>>smoothness and by understanding the arguments commentating on the typical sentiment in the PS scene about criterion and skill in general. I am overly critical of my own spinning and I feel as if I can never produce a combo 100% the way I envision it. This of course is due to a lack of consistency and skill, which is why I always try to improve. tl;dr Sekai is actually a kpop star -
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 13:53:12
Ahrrrrrrg 0.5point
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 14:42:39
Ceru Seiyu wrote: I could probably argue and cause a shitstorm but what good would that do. I respect Zkhan too much to try and change judgements or whatever in my favour. It is however crushing though when I work on my exe from last year and a judge gives me the lowest score they can give.
Hey, it's nothing new that judges don't know how execution works. Eh. Eh. -
Date: Tue, Aug 5 2014 17:43:21
@Ceru Seiyu Personally, your angle for your qualification video was better than this round. Just that the set-up or specifically the design of the table made it harder to see the pen. Try putting some dark-colored cloth over the table. It would definitely show better spinning effect and raise those presentation points. It's kinda similar to my set-up where I put a gray cloth over the my table.:)
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2014 14:20:36
@Sekai good job man
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 04:53:43
Congrats @Rotation87! Good luck on your next round! Had a great battle with you tho.. ^^
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2014 13:40:05
Cherry wrote: What? Cona loses? I can't understand it at all...
i agree cona should have won this one. While iota may win in the difficulty catagory...cona wins in everything else. @Iota, i recommend learning some japanese motion :) itll help your appeal i think! Coffeelucky should have won. though i always enjoy nashis combos. both good combos here. and i think Reason had a good chance though it was close. -
Date: Wed, Aug 13 2014 18:23:57
@Van Reminder, you only have 3 more days left.
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2014 20:42:58
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2014 23:48:02
such power many spin much hai tua wow
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 03:13:28
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 04:29:58
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 08:18:47
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 15:36:12
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2014 17:18:26 [video=youtube;c7Ty-ZMmvM4][/video]
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 05:39:05
[video=youtube;qO23_IfB_lQ][/video] let's go
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 08:42:04
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 20:59:25
Thank you for all the submissions, judge results will come as soon as possible.