Gatherings / Meetings / Show some mods from our psers in our school
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 10:51:59
[SIZE="4"](sun)Our school have a pen spining club . This is our collaboration 4th:[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]We had a regular gathering during the summer holiday.Here I'll show some mods from our psers in our school. We have more than 70 pens ~~~lol:reindeer:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]pen tower:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]DRs (from up to down) Bonkura act(Lavender)Very old pen . Bought it many years ago. HAL KT(I use a commsa back cap to make it longer~~~~) DR.ACT Bonkura act Bonkura ct(golden DR) (ACT II ) Bonkura ct(See the color? It's a little difficult to buy this color)[/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]A13X bullet mod's body (thicker than Emboss~~~~)[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]Our penspinners in the school:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]Our website:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="6"]We guys~~~~(5 spinners who set up the club):-)[/SIZE]
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 12:22:09
how many club members do you have?
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 14:16:46
In the thread of the collab he says about 20. (I can't quote or link the thread, because i use the mobile version at the moment)
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 14:23:07
This pens above are all of our 5 spinners~~~lol~~~~~(Angel JAVA FanZ Y129 Q5) yes,but this is our 5 guys who set up the club .The pens in the pictures are our 5 guys~~~~o(∩_∩)o i add the photo of all of us below.
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 14:48:10
What do the other students think about the club?
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 14:52:25
They think it pretty fun! local TV station once had an interview with us.o(∩_∩)o
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 15:06:18
I remember that once a tv team interviewed the gpc admin, but that was in 2005 or 2006 and a visit on a tv show , otherwise in germany penspinning doesn't get media attention. At my school when they first see it they are amazed, but later they don't notice it. I wanna found a ps club, but i think there not enough students, who are interested in it :(
Date: Sun, Aug 3 2014 06:55:36
I think some of these pictures belong in the SOYP thread rather than the gathering section. :dunno:
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2014 15:11:45
the pens are so nice. very clean modding. that hal kt. :o