General Discussion / What/Who made you Pen Spin?

  1. Xilo
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 09:42:48

    Well how i start pen spinning was through my friend.He was randomly doing stuff with a pen and i though "What if i search pen spinning on google?" and now I am here.

  2. m1ch1
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 10:07:33

    I've done fingerpasses for months so i searched for "pen tricks" on google to look if there're some cool tricks and now I'm here :D

  3. jaredftw
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 11:45:36

    I actually knew about pen spinning a while back, just decided to really learn when I got my first legit mod

  4. neoknux_009
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 12:31:59

    azn guy in class pissed me off with his sonic and TA. I was determined to get that good.... boy that took me places. lol

  5. milkywave1
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 13:39:03

    My teacher :p he was doing ta harmonics then i somehow got interested

  6. AfroSquared
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 14:19:00

    well for me i was really bored in class and learnt how to do the thumbaround. After learning it i was hungry for more pen spinning and here i am now 6 months later

  7. wotu1
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 16:42:51

    2010 my friend told me to look at this cool video he found. He showed me JapEn 1st and thus began my penspinning journey

  8. AnAsianBrony
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 17:08:52

    Accounting class. It was so boring, I just had to find something to do during it. Then I realized pen spinning was much more than just a couple of tricks and that there were actually continuous combos. When I saw one, my mind was blown. Then I was like, "I need to learn how to do this."

  9. ShadowParadox
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 18:35:50

    My dad taught me all the fundies and sone hybrids

  10. Hugo9191
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 21:29:55

    This guy in my class was always doing TA and it looked pretty cool so, "yeah I'll learn to do that, why not?", as some of the guys in my class. Got home, used my triangular Staedtler and learnt the TA and searched for more tricks. Got into this forum, saw some of the videos and "OMG THAT'S SOOOO MLG AND I CAN DO THAT IN CLASS" and yeah, that's why.

  11. IMC Kor
    Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 00:43:14

    Well i started through this guy called nick bateman? He does this really good bo staff spinning and i was like, cool i want to spin something like that but instead i did penspinning instead :)

  12. nv16
    Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 01:05:29

    I walked past my dad while he was flicking through the channels on tv and he flicked onto a channel playing that scene from goldeneye with the guy doing the finger pass and thought 'that's cool I'm gonna go learn that' and it all just spiraled outta control from there

  13. JackyMacky
    Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 02:19:51

    I started when I wondered else I could do with my fingers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  14. wataspin
    Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 13:16:01

    i was on drums, then im searching on youtube for drumsticks tricks, but consequently, i found penspinning. CURIOUS, AMAZE! thats why im here now

  15. tenku069
    Date: Wed, Aug 13 2014 03:46:04

    I believe back around 2003-2004 when I saw the PDS 1st collab on Discovered UPSB not long after and joined the community. That video also got me into listening to Rhapsody (of Fire.)

  16. Zkhan
    Date: Wed, Aug 13 2014 04:59:48

    tenku069 wrote: I believe back around 2003-2004 when I saw the PDS 1st collab on Discovered UPSB not long after and joined the community. That video also got me into listening to Rhapsody (of Fire.)
    never forget