Collaboration Videos / Our school penspinning collaboration 4th
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 06:40:59
[SIZE="4"]Here comes the Jiangyin senior high school penspinning collaboration 4th! We make one collaboration every year . This year , 2014, our guest is cLear! lol:) enjoy the video.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"] 2013 collaboration 3rd (guest:MHL)[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]2012 collaboration 2nd (guest: snow)[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]We set up a penspinning club in our school .We have more than 20 spinners.Local TV station once have an interview with us.In every collaboration,we invite some excellent sharp spinners in PSH (snow,MHL,cLear) Local TV interview[/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]Some of our mods(As you see in the collab)[/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]5 spinners as you see in the collaboration:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]So enjoy it!B)[/SIZE]
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 15:15:03
good stuff!
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 08:13:13
You've got a Penspinning Club at school with 20 members? WTF? I bet there are not even 20 active spinners in a range of 100km of me. Btw. good job :D
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 10:04:38
i wish i have a club like that in my uni:( it's fun to meet other people who have the same interest like we do....
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 10:33:37
sarugio wrote: i wish i have a club like that in my uni:( it's fun to meet other people who have the same interest like we do....
The problem is to motivate people for penspinning, because most of them give up after 3 times failing a TA. :( -
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 11:18:31
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 14:06:48
m1ch1 wrote: The problem is to motivate people for penspinning, because most of them give up after 3 times failing a TA. :(
No the problem here in Indonesia: 1. expensive penmods/parts... 2 dollar for a tip? nope, they will use a nuts and bolt in their mod. 2 dollar for a suppertip barrel? no way!!! faber castell marking pen is 50 cent each!! result of this mindset: Most indonesian mod sucks... the only color scheme they have: Black and white. weight is ridiculously heavy, the lenght of the mod is almost 30cm. they don't want to invest anything for this hobby 2. they start to learn penspinning from Powertricks. which is hard, even for an advance spinner... no wonder that penspinning seems sooooo hard to those newbie 3. penspinning is not really popular here. so most people will think you're a freak if you spin pens alone in public... this is the reason why i will never have a penspinning club in my uni... Sorry for being out of topic