Off-topic / Bike Appreciation Thread/Show Off Your Bike Thread
Date: Tue, Jul 29 2014 15:02:59
Anyone who own/appreciate all kinds of bikes are welcome. here is my fixed gear
Date: Tue, Jul 29 2014 19:07:54
inb4 hipsters and their bikes
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2014 18:51:04
hell yeah dude! my Mercier fixie. im gonna get new bar tape soon cause the stuff on it is old and looks retarded since i didnt have enough to cover the whole bar lol also @JoloPSPH why a strap on only one pedal lol
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 10:03:08
browndog12 wrote: hell yeah dude! my Mercier fixie. im gonna get new bar tape soon cause the stuff on it is old and looks retarded since i didnt have enough to cover the whole bar lol also @JoloPSPH why a strap on only one pedal lol
oh the reason why i only have a single strap is there was a time where i forgot to remove them :( . oh also thats a nice setup. -
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2014 07:18:47
Just got her a couple upgrades and she weighed in at a tad over 16lb at the shop, and can shave off a little more later. @browndog12 Are those Eight Inch bars? Had something like that on my old track bike. Very comfy bars.
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2014 09:32:52
tenku069 wrote: Just got her a couple upgrades and she weighed in at a tad over 16lb at the shop, and can shave off a little more later. @browndog12 Are those Eight Inch bars? Had something like that on my old track bike. Very comfy bars.
damn nice setup :O 16lb is pretty light :3 -
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2014 21:26:42
@tenku069 yeah theyre the Eighthinch pistas. i dont like them very much actually, they feel pretty flimsy, especially when im climbing or mashing. I also have real big hands so riding on the tops can be a bit of a pain sometimes. anyway i put new tape on the bars and i also have a pair of pursuit bullhorns that i might slap on, ill post pics again sometime.
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2014 21:53:08
Not sure if you wear gloves, but those bars feel amazing with gloves on(for me at least :3 ) Those are meant to be ridden on the bottoms only really, it will always be awkward if you hold the top (It helped a bit when I had my thumbs over the bars, but it does feel a bit sketchy.)
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 18:38:08 threw new tape on the bars and moved into college today. sorry for non-driveside pic. @tenku069 the new tape definitely helped, the tops especially are more comfortable to ride and my university is at the top of a hill so im spending a lot of time in the drops. i think you were right about the gloves, all i needed on those was a little extra padding. the old blue tape was like nothing there. i also just fixed up my old fixie, its got fat tires and heavy steel so i want to try to take it trail riding. i dont have pics of it atm tho, ill post any if i take them. edit: how the fuck it get so blurry
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 20:27:10
@browndog12 Can I make an opinion? Slam That Stem Hehe
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2014 22:26:59
Here's a picture of my old track bike, I sold her once I got my roadie. :p VISP 22c front 32c rear 48x13 Gear ratio. (Hair away from 100 gear inches) Sram Omnium cranks. 3t stem No idea what wheels. They were on the heavy side, but cut air like butter once I got up to speed.
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 03:37:01
48x13 what the fuck bro did you actually ride it on the track or was it just a hipster vehicle
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 05:44:53
It has been on the track a couple times, and realized track is fun to watch, but it isn't for everyone. I used it as my commuter until I got my road bike though. The frame was cheap so I had to use it until I saved enough for the a road bike. I had to use those gears, because I was spinning too much when I got up to 35-40mph on lower gear ratios. My roadie has 53x11 and I crank it up there all the time.
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2014 14:10:41
@browndog12 wait, the position of your brakes are a little bit awkward isn't it a little bit hard to reach ? also im planning to change my good old black dropbars into a silver pista drops well i still don't have the budget but i don't know if it will look good
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2014 14:16:52
tenku069 wrote: Here's a picture of my old track bike, I sold her once I got my roadie. :p VISP 22c front 32c rear 48x13 Gear ratio. (Hair away from 100 gear inches) Sram Omnium cranks. 3t stem No idea what wheels. They were on the heavy side, but cut air like butter once I got up to speed.
damn that omnium tho pretty expensive when you're on my country also 48x13 is a little bit heavy for me. Cause i only use 53x16 and will change into 53x18 since ill change my hubs into bolt type ones sorry double post >.< -
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2014 19:26:47
I've ridden 50x16 before and it actually feels really good. Maybe you could try that.
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2014 08:20:23
well just tried to skid sideways but i slipped because the road is wet now my saddle has a hole on it and my dropbars has alot of scratches
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2014 16:54:24
skid stopping is not the way to stop..
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 05:27:01
i have really big hands. i can get two fingers on that wacky brake lever without even trying and i have the pads right on the rims so its not like i need to strain myself if i cant stop with my feet. you guys are all way cooler than i am, theres no way i could run such high gears where i live. or probably at all for that matter.
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 15:49:36
@browndog12 IMO running higher gears actually helps in flat city and downhill situations. Having a high gears will be harder to gain momentum and require much more torque, but once you get your cranks up to cadence, you can actually sustain speed for a bit longer. obviously you can't have toooo high of gears. If you want high gears off the track you HAVE to use brakes though (or else you end up with you back on the floor road rashed trying to skid stop a bike moving 25+mph) It will take some exercise and training, but in the end it is all a win win. you get stronger and more fit, and you can ride to places in lesser time (without sweating as much) xD I really speak against brakeless riding and skid stopping (or even stopping with your feet). Some people would say that it is a legal way to stop on a bicycle, but it is totally not safe, especially in higher gearings! there will be that time where you are caught in a tough spot and you're gonna wish you had that extra braking power. Skid stopping will also wear your tire in spots you don't want it to wear (this is significantly worse for higher gears, because you get much less skid patches and it wears on the same spot , greatly increasing your chances of getting a flat.I believe I only had one or two skid patches to skid on) Bicycles are already unstable vehicles, why make them even more unstable.
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2014 03:05:26
tenku069 wrote: @browndog12 IMO running higher gears actually helps in flat city and downhill situations. Having a high gears will be harder to gain momentum and require much more torque, but once you get your cranks up to cadence, you can actually sustain speed for a bit longer. obviously you can't have toooo high of gears. If you want high gears off the track you HAVE to use brakes though (or else you end up with you back on the floor road rashed trying to skid stop a bike moving 25+mph) It will take some exercise and training, but in the end it is all a win win. you get stronger and more fit, and you can ride to places in lesser time (without sweating as much) xD I really speak against brakeless riding and skid stopping (or even stopping with your feet). Some people would say that it is a legal way to stop on a bicycle, but it is totally not safe, especially in higher gearings! there will be that time where you are caught in a tough spot and you're gonna wish you had that extra braking power. Skid stopping will also wear your tire in spots you don't want it to wear (this is significantly worse for higher gears, because you get much less skid patches and it wears on the same spot , greatly increasing your chances of getting a flat.I believe I only had one or two skid patches to skid on) Bicycles are already unstable vehicles, why make them even more unstable.
i dont do long skids but i do some skip stop and some short skids. -
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2014 22:54:39
i really only skid when i need to in a quick emergency like to dodge close traffic or to look cool. or when im drunk with my #messlyfe friends. in quick dodge situations im usually on the brake too so a skid kind of just happens w/o a lot of effort. you can stop so quick in the saddle with a front brake its ridiculous. im def glad i stopped riding brakeless.
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 10:53:35
well im now using the pink one it has a 52x16 ratio i feel pretty awkward with it since it has front brakes and its pretty hard to reach i cant use mine since i repainted my rims so that the brakeline will be gone for good