General Discussion / Official UPSB Tournament 2014 - Qualification Results & Round 1 Line-Ups
Date: Wed, Jul 16 2014 23:05:39
With permission from @Eshor [SIZE="4"]This is how the results worked[/SIZE]; 3 judges line-up participants from best to worst, and you add points by their placement number of the participants. The one with the least total number of points wins this round. Quite self-explanatory if you watch the judge's results. [SPOILER="Judge 1"]diobrando sekai cona vanitas cofeelucky zkhan eurocracy rotation87 alvaaris kimura reason nashi zxero iota Gash xienix eshor browndog green34 nayio magoochy Pikuseru[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 2"]UPSB QUALIFICATION ROUND RESULTS TOTAL PARTICIPANTS:21 Spinners Qualified: 16 spinners ***The spinners are scored based on the overall score of 20 including diffculty(D), execution(E), presentation(P) and creativity/originality(C). Some comments are included. 1.Diobrando D:4 E:3.5 P:3.5 C:4 Total 15/20 The unique part of this combo is that despite its difficult breakdown it was executed flawlessly. PU t1 shadow, the pen transfer from 12 to 23 at 0:02, and the finisher were all very creative. Due to its high difficulty, execution, creativity, and presentation, this combo deserves to be #1. 2.Alvaris D:3.5 E:4 P:3.5 C:3.5 Total 14.5/20 Well constructed and executed neatly. Last time, Ive seen Alvaris spun, his wrist and palm were going in many directions, but in this combo the unnecessary wrist motions were held to its' minimum. Overall a speedy, pretty combo. The lighting couldve been a bit brighter if he wants to continue using the slofis mod. 3.Nashi D:3.5 E:2.5 P:3 C:4 Total 13.5/20 Despite there werent much powertricks (which UPSB desires these days), difficulty of the combo is still high due to its creative and complex linkages consisting of many pass variations, and arounds(or gunman revs). 4.Rotation87 D:3.5 E:3 P:3.5 C:3.5 Total 13.5/20 Well constructed and interesting combo consisting of many types of powerpasses. However the execution couldve been better. The execution score is still high since good control was shown although not smoothly. 5.Sekai D:3.5 E:4 P:3.5 C:2.5 Total 13.5/20 Executed beautifully, and many pretty linkages were shown. The finisher could have been more compacted into a shorter, yet difficult instead of spamming powertricks recklessly for over 1/3 of the combo. 6.Cona D:3.5 E:3 P:3 C:3.5 13/20 There were some minor execution errors that people may notice, but overall it is a well-rounded combo. The pop-up after the passes was something. 7.Coffeelucky D:3 E:3 P:3.5 C:3.5 Total 13/20 Very unique combo and executed decently. There was one minor execution error that was noticable at PD FL TA(? maybe rex trick) at 0:11 and the finisher, which cost the execution points. The complexity of the combo made a positive effect in presentation and creativity. 8.Ceru Seiyu D:4 E:1.5 P:2 C:3.5 Total 12.5/20 Highly complex and difficult combo, but with sloppy execution. The table design made it a bit difficult to see the fingers. Other than that, the finisher may have been more appealing if you finished palm down. 9.Van D:2.5 E:3.5 P:3 C:3.5 Total 12.5/20 Many unusual tricks such as dual pass and inverse tri-pass reverse, but at the same time there were many fillers that have low difficulty which results slightly low difficulty. 10.Zkhan D:2.5 E:3.5 P:2.5 C:3 Total 11.5/20 Mix of very unusual tricks and some creative links are shown such as the minor tri-pass 234 during the video. However each trick takes large portions of the time of the combo and also theres a visible pattern of the way the palm faces, making the complexity lower. A closer zoom would be better for presentation. 11.Kimura D:3 E:3 P:3 C:2 Total 11/20 Decent difficulty was shown along with the setup and the execution. However, the fillers and spider spin in the beginning gives a negative effect to the finisher since the finisher itself has less difficulty than the starter. 12.Reason D:2.5 E:3 P:2.5 C:2.5 Total 10.5/20 There were a few noticable minor execution mistakes and the camera can zoom closer since there isn't much wrist motion. Other than that, the powerpass variation and the stall variation gave a little spice to the combo. 13.Iota D:2 E:2.5 P:2.5 C:3 Total 10/20 Highly creative and appealing combo especially shown in the first 6 seconds. The minor execution error of the TA rev in 0:07 was noticable ending with a slight decrease in the execution score. 14.Gash D:3 E:1.5 P:2.5 C:2 Total 9/20 Sloppy, yet decent execution and setup. 15.Zxero D:2 E:3 P:3 C:1.5 Total 9/20 No major execution error, the swivel->bust was beautifully and smoothly executed. The angle could have been slightly lower and spin the pen on top of the desk since the floor color made the finger placements and movements a little difficult to see. 16.Eshor D:2.5 E:2 P:1.5 C:2.5 Total 8.5/20 Sloppy execution along with a dark setup making it difficult to see the spinning. Just a little advice, if the finisher ended with the spinner catching the body part of the pen instead of the cap of the pen, then it would show better control and presentation. 17.Xienix D:2 E:2.5 P:2.5 C:1 Total 8/20 The minor execution mistake in the beginning stood out during the combo, but overall a simply composed decent combo, which would also mean low creativity and difficulty. 18.Nayio D:2 E:1 P:1.5 C:2 Total 6.5/20 First observation; if the stumble at 0:10 was not there, the score of execution would have been much better. Camera quality is not bad but not good. There is decent difficulty and creativity given in the combo especially parts in 0:02~0:04, but that is not enough to reach the top 16 out of the 21 participants. 19.Browndog D:1 E:2 P:2 C:1 Total 6/20 The setup could have been better with a little angle tilt towards up. There were some components of the combo that had decent execution such as minor infinity combo in 0:07, and had decent control. However, overall view of the combo, the awkward speed makes it look like the spinner is struggling, and also the little offcam of the finisher had an impact in the score. 20.Magoochy D:2 E:1 P:2 C:1 Total: 6/20 Regardless of how dark the setup is, it is obvious that the spinner did not put effort in the combo. Especially near the ending, the finisher should have been the 3x TA but transferred to a simple twisted sonic bust supposingly because he was about to mess up the 3x TA finisher. The awkward speed and counters also had an impact to the execution and structure. 21.Green34 D:1 E:1.5 P:2 C:1 Total: 5.5/20 Bad presentation is shown through the frame rate of the camera, and also through struggle of executing the combo. Not much effort is given in the structure of the combo either. The uncomfortable slow speed gives an influence that the spinner is not used to the heaviness of the Menowa mod. Maybe try a lighter mod, or spin a little bit faster. 22.Pixels(finisher pls) [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Judge 3"](from 1st to 22nd) diobrando alvaris rotation sekai cona van eurocracy nashi reason zkhan iota coffeelucky gash zxero kimura eshor xienix browndog nayio pixels magoochy green34[/SPOILER] For example, if a participant had been selected first from all judges, aka Diobrando, it will be 1+1+1=3, which is the least points you can get. Here is the total points list.
Congratulations to all qualified participants. [SIZE="5"][B]ROUND 1 LINE-UPS[/B][/SIZE] For line-up I just used a Tournament Generator, so no objections will be allowed.Spoiler
diobrando 1 1 1 =3 sekai 2 5 4 = 11 cona 3 6 5 = 14 vanitas 4 9 6 =19 cofeelucky 5 7 12 = 24 zkhan 6 10 10 = 26 eurocracy 7 8 7 = 22 rotation87 8 4 3 = 15 alvaaris 9 2 2 = 13 kimura 10 15 11 = 36 reason 11 12 9 = 32 nashi 12 3 8 = 23 zxero 13 15 14 = 42 iota 14 13 11 = 38 Gash 15 14 13 = 42 xienix 16 17 17 = 50 eshor 17 16 16 = 49 browndog 18 19 18 = 55 green34 19 21 22 = 62 nayio 20 18 19 = 57 magoochy 21 20 21 = 62 Pikuseru 22 22 20 = 64Since there are people that are busy after summer, I would like to make the due-dates a bit shorter. If you don't want that, then please pm me or skype me (ID: mysticological) for any complaints, questions, anything. Official Due Date of Round 1 is [SIZE="4"]July 28th,2014 12:00AM GMT[/SIZE] (maybe changed due to participants' convenience). [SIZE="5"]WARNING: WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY LATE SUBMISSIONS, PARTICIPANTS WHO DO NOT SUBMIT IN TIME WILL IMMEDIATELY BE DISQUALIFIED [/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Good Luck[/SIZE]
Date: Wed, Jul 16 2014 23:54:19
trying to be as unbiased as i can but.. judge 1, not sure if srs cannot comprehend hi @Gash 113
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 03:03:32
Poor @Pixels
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 04:21:01
yay ! so cool i got 2nd place ^^
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 04:51:38
i appreciate tigres taking over this. im sure he will do a great job as organizer! also, so very happy i made it in!! (not so happy that my first fight is van T_T )
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 04:55:34
Finally.. lol i thought i was rejected but im wrong xD well, goodluck for all participants!
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 05:05:06
@Reason I told you this was gonna happen So like we said before hand, lets do a tag
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 06:49:21
17th .-. *sigh* I didn't put much effort in my combo because at the time of filming I thought the best 32 were selected anyways good luck everyone :)
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 11:50:38
diobrando is gonna wreck... good luck to all the competitors! and i noticed for the first time eriror is not competing D: Times are changing.
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 12:46:18
@Voracity Its k LOL. im noob
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 13:00:01
Judge 1 shall be henceforth known as Dave. Also judge 2 my finisher was a palm up handbak, finish palmdown, whaaaaat
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 14:42:04
Good Job Cona~!
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 16:22:35
question will there be loser's brackets pls don't let there be
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 20:02:54
@Alvaris r u scared of losing???
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2014 22:35:54
Alvaris wrote: question will there be loser's brackets pls don't let there be
What is loser's bracket? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know (lel I hated that idea, so no) -
Date: Fri, Jul 18 2014 12:44:46
wah, I wish there'll be the loser bracket because I'm sure I'll lose soon.
Date: Fri, Jul 18 2014 13:44:37
I feel like crying, I'm going up against Sekai (Rank 2nd). How is this fair?...
Date: Fri, Jul 18 2014 17:00:09
ZXero wrote: I feel like crying, I'm going up against Sekai (Rank 2nd). How is this fair?...
The systm is fixed It's made in such a way that highly seeded players will be matched against the lower seeded players, so that the top two spinners won't wipe each other out in the first round -
Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 00:57:04
Well my current lineup is gonna be close (since when was it ever not with my battles), but then I would most likely be facing sekai, alvaris and finally diobrando if I didn't die. So the difficulty turns from fighting the slot 10 guy to the #2, #3, #1 guys in order loooool. I think a nice goal would be to beat sekai, which would put me in top 4., assuming Zkhan doesn't kill me off first. No offence buddy, you're still a World Cup spinner Best of luck Zkhan, let's make this battle crazy B)
Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 02:37:10
Ceru Seiyu wrote: Well my current lineup is gonna be close (since when was it ever not with my battles), but then I would most likely be facing sekai, alvaris and finally diobrando if I didn't die. So the difficulty turns from fighting the slot 10 guy to the #2, #3, #1 guys in order loooool. I think a nice goal would be to beat sekai, which would put me in top 4., assuming Zkhan doesn't kill me off first. No offence buddy, you're still a World Cup spinner Best of luck Zkhan, let's make this battle crazy B)
Sad, you're assuming with huge certainty that all underdogs will be kicked out R1. Mind I remind you the battle between Dio and Eriror. Of course I do admit I have 0% chance of winning against Alvapiss lulz. -
Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 02:59:52
Gash wrote: Sad, you're assuming with huge certainty that all underdogs will be kicked out R1. Mind I remind you the battle between Dio and Eriror. Of course I do admit I have 0% chance of winning against Alvapiss lulz.
but you're UPSB's hottest male and female -
Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 09:40:13
Gash wrote: Sad, you're assuming with huge certainty that all underdogs will be kicked out R1. Mind I remind you the battle between Dio and Eriror. Of course I do admit I have 0% chance of winning against Alvapiss lulz.
Dio was incorrectly seeded as bottom place last time though. -
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2014 10:57:00
Thx XD
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2014 10:50:34
Does anyone have a breakdown of that crazy ass combo by @DioBrando mpc
Date: Fri, Jul 25 2014 22:45:18
@Tigres Just to clarify, when you say 12 pm GMT, do you actually mean midnight? 12 pm is conventionally taken as noon, so that would mean 8 am Sunday my time i.e. I need to finish filming by tomorrow, which is why I ask ^^''
Date: Fri, Jul 25 2014 22:48:05
oh sorry, @Iota its 12AM
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 12:26:42
Can I change my video to another after I submit a video?
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 13:19:51
Wait what So the deadline is on the brink of midnight the moment Sunday comes to GMT timezone? That's not helping at all for the one day move.. Or do you mean 12AM monday(the moment Monday comes)
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 14:15:27
Alvaris wrote: Wait what So the deadline is on the brink of midnight the moment Sunday comes to GMT timezone? That's not helping at all for the one day move.. Or do you mean 12AM monday(the moment Monday comes)
Sorry for the confusion, that is what I meant. 12 hour extension -
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 14:52:11
Ah, okay thanks ^^
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 21:31:51
Since i don't know where/who i have to send my video here it is
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 21:34:23 Me too.
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 00:54:10
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 06:14:36
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 06:55:36
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 17:07:11 Yeah! I lose!
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 17:17:42 [video=youtube;-GerrOfDvcA][/video]
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 20:22:05
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 20:49:16
Nashi won't be able to post her combo tonight because the power in her apartment is down.
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 23:09:15
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 23:42:32
I filmed a combo before work and flipped the fuck out because my connector lead to my PC broke and the file was too big for my phone to load into RAM for cropping or some bullshit. Better refilm now. God damnit.
Date: Sun, Jul 27 2014 23:46:12
Deadline passed doe
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 00:56:40
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 01:06:22
@Nashi since apparently her power was out, but sadly she will need to be disqualified too.
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 01:19:53
@Tigres I don't mind about Nashi's submitting late, as if she don't take long time to upload.
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 01:22:49
@Nashi uploads. Depending on how early she submits she is able to participate
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 01:29:36
Approved from @Kimura submits his video. Depending on how early he submits he may be able to participate
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 08:12:45
This was uploaded one hour past the deadline: [video=youtube;kT1V17lq5d4][/video]
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 09:10:14 Had to fix the fucking power first after getting up. @Tigres Is it still in the (extended) time limit? Sorry for this mess.
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 13:39:52 Sorry that I uploaded so late >< sorry @Tigres
Date: Mon, Jul 28 2014 14:01:05
wait, i thought i was disqualified, then i saw that rotation87 approves if i submit a little bit late. i hope im still in (Tigres, i uploaded right before the " at least 18 hour " time ends)
Date: Tue, Jul 29 2014 09:04:36
@Tigres I heard from Zkhan he told you to allow me/anyone like a day ago, can you give some clarification on whether I'm disqualified or not
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2014 01:12:55
@Ceru Seiyu Sorry, but you are disqualified for UPSBT. Sorry to all who are waiting here is the playlist for all submissions I received. Judgement results will come "soon"
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2014 23:50:06
@Tigres Wth did Zkhan not say it was okay? He told me that he told you. What the hell
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 04:34:12
Ceru Seiyu wrote: @Tigres Wth did Zkhan not say it was okay? He told me that he told you. What the hell
hey shouldn't zkhan get his mod powers stripped for lying to euro? -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2014 09:03:59
I mentioned that I would rather battle Euro fair and square but it's up to Tigres. If Ceru's clip is allowed to be judged, then to be fair we would have to accept Eshor's video as well. I don't really know what's going on.
DioBrando wrote: hey shouldn't zkhan get his mod powers stripped for lying to euro?
<3 -
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 02:30:55
@Ceru Seiyu, welcome back. However, for now on I [B]will[/B] be very strict about late submissions. Judgement is still continuing, and the results due date is scheduled possibly at this weekend. Thank you for your patience.
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 02:34:13
This UPSBT will for now on follow the three strike system just like the previous World Cup 2014. When you get three strikes, you will automatically be disqualified. Therefore, @Gash - 1 strike - overtime
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 10:20:03
@Tigres Sorry, how did I get a strike for overtime when I submitted my R1 video 5 days ago, at the same time as Sekai? Edit: Nvm got it explained to me by Alvapiss, thanks.
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 22:54:27
panic attack over
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2014 23:14:35
Lol there's only like 4 rounds, what's the point to allowing 3 strikes Overtime doesn't affect judging then I assume
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 05:21:50
it better not considering the fact that it wasn't mentioned at all in round 1, only in qualis by i.suk
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 13:44:33
it was mentioned in the qualis, why would anyone think it wouldve changed?
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 13:47:46
Maybe perhaps Alvaris was thinking that the organiser changed?
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2014 18:02:51
different organizers set different rules just like how there wasn't a penalty for submitting quali vids late, etc