Collaboration Organization/Signups / How Long CV

  1. Court34
    Date: Mon, Jun 23 2014 20:02:29

    I have this idea for a collab. It might seen stupid at first glance, but i just wanna see how it comes out. So, i know spinners always have that trouble of messing up when filming. So, I want to take that, and make it into a 6-7 minute video. I had this image of someone that kept messing up when filming, then finally getting it. So, if you want to be part of it, awesome. But their part might take a minute, so only about 5-6 spinners(maybe/maybe not including me) can be in it. If your in, try to make a one minute video of you spinning and at the least of messing up once. Nobody is perfect.

  2. Dern Goid
    Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 01:59:32

    Seems like a funny idea, just one thing, 1 minute seems like a lot. Unless you take parts of all the clips and arrange them in a cool way, it would be quite boring .-.

  3. Zen
    Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 02:45:45

    I agree with @Dern Goid. But it is a great idea! It is pretty unique. Didn't think you had this up there. 6 to 7 minutes may be too much. Can't you adjust it?

  4. Gash
    Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 03:45:19

    Some raw clips go up to couple of hours. I know mine usually go up to 20-45 minutes.

  5. Court34
    Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 11:04:46

    well, what's you're guys suggestions?

  6. Pixels
    Date: Tue, Jun 24 2014 18:50:56

    my longest was 7 hours for a combo

  7. Monk
    Date: Wed, Jun 25 2014 22:02:41

    You can always speed up the video when they're attempting the combo, they put it in normal speed when they succeed it.

  8. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Tue, Jul 1 2014 10:25:49

    Pixels wrote: my longest was 7 hours for a combo
    Lightweight try 14