Battlezone / TWPS Skills Competition Round1 result-out!

  1. Zuo
    Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 15:13:18

    judge: Biginner level: Jin(psh),WonDaDong(CrawLing),x1213 Intermediate level : GSL(psh),WonDaDong(CrawLing),x1213 Advanced level : GSL(psh),WonDaDong(CrawLing),x1213 Score is the average score Biginner level: 1. Herenz 25.16 2. Eric 23.33 3. Cookie 23 4. Asashi 21.33 5. Joker 21 6. ICE 19.33 6. Seeker 19.33 8. Joer 19.16 --- 9. Kigc 18.83 9. Regret 18.83 11. Victory 18.66 12. Kevin 17.5 13. High Rockey 16.33 14. m1ch1 16.16 15. LightDark 14.33 16. Green34 13.66 17. T1X2 13 18. Butter 11.16 19. Court34 11 20. Phantom 10.83 Intermediate level: 1. Farly 25.33 2. Solar 25.16 3. Voracity 24.66 4. River 24.16 5. Ken 23.16 5. LARS 23.16 7. sssd296 22.33 7. Nope 22.33 --- 9. Shane 21.66 10. MU FC 21.33 11. Zoms 21.16 12. Leo 20.83 13. Sheep 20.66 13. Kuma 20.66 15. Teng 20.33 16. CzG 20 17. Neo 19.5 18. A-Jhe 19.16 19. Sone. 19 20. Justice 18.16 20. Fly 18.16 22. Lose JYL 16.5 Advanced level : 1. MKSFT 28.5 2. Zuo 28 3. Kagami 27.33 4. LaYe 26 4. Shakespeare 26 6. KieOlt 25.5 7. SikAMHL 25.33 8. Rotation87 24.66 --- 9. Mg 24.16 10. Pz 23.83 11. Ceru Seiyu 23.33 12. u91x 22.5 13. Juzzle 21.16 14. pgA 20.33 15. clowneezy 20.16 16. Kyotachi 20 Score detail:

  2. Solar
    Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 15:33:06

    Good Luck to all

  3. Zuo
    Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 15:46:15

    Score detail:

  4. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 00:23:45

    Just gotta say your average system is a REALLY bad way of doing it. Unless the scorings are of the same magnitude a single result can massively bump up someone's score (An interesting example is that x1213 scored me above MKSFT but had more narrow proportions when judging, so despite that, he is #1 place and I am #11)