Trading / Buying / CHUMZTER SALE/TRADE!!!!!!!!!!(Gripmatics!!!)
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 04:48:57
Heyzz!! This is Chumzter's sale and trade thread.^_^ [COLOR="navy"]Rules:[/COLOR]1.If you have higher positive feedback i send first(for trade only). 2.If i have higher positive feedback you send first(for trade only). 3. Money always first(paypal) 4.Dont forget to give me positive feedback and ill also send you positive feedback.:thumb: [COLOR="lime"]Have:[/COLOR] 4 Gripmatics (for mods like F1R3fly's G3 mod, Minwoo mod, etc.) 2 euros each (shipping price can be 1-3 euros) [SPOILER="Gripmatic pics"]
[/SPOILER] [COLOR="red"]Want:[/COLOR]Money super pirats (blue) DC comssa's JAP Shaker:pickle: bump Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: sorry the picture wont work
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 06:17:26
Ok 2 euros deal
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 09:15:32
youre lying
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 05:03:23