Off-topic / Rambling with Soren
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 19:56:21
This thread is for discussion with me. I don't mind if other people join in in the current discussion too. It can be on any topic. I am very open minded, I can talk about anything. No matter how weird it is. If you've got any problems and don't have anyone to consult with, feel free to ramble here and I'll offer my 2 cents. I'm not a life guru, but I think that I have enough experience to offer some advice. I may not be knowledgeable in all topics, but I'll offer an opinion if I can. If you also want to have a casual chat with me here then that's also welcome. Anything at all. So then, who's first?
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 20:04:45
Me! ME! MEEEE!!!! Question/topic: "What is lyfe?"
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 20:36:13
What is your opinion on morals?
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 21:04:15
Xzeria wrote: Me! ME! MEEEE!!!! Question/topic: "What is lyfe?"
Awesome :) Ahh, kicking it off with one of life's greatest mysteries. I certainly don't have all the answers but here's what I've discovered about life so far. So lets explore this issue that is known as life. But first, let me take a look at your question "what is life?" Well, to put it in simple terms. Life can be thought of as existing. The fact that you are existing, shows that you are alive. Quite obvious, but sometimes we miss the obvious parts. When we take your question and explore it more deeply we get into some interesting thoughts. Lets break your question down into some other questions to make us think more deeply about it. A few questions comes into mind are: Why am I alive rather than not alive? Is there some ultimate meaning to life? A telos to life? (telos=end) What is the point of life? What does it mean to live? Is there a difference between living and existence? And more importantly, how should I live my life? Now let me take a second (probably going to need more than a second) to answer these questions. [B]Why am I alive rather than not alive?[/B] Well, the simple but undeveloped answer is that you're parents had sex and so you popped out of your mum's vagina. Boom, you are alive! But this can make some wonder, why was I the only sperm that reached the egg first? Common misconception here. You did not fertilise the egg because you was the first one to reach the egg. But all the sperm that has reached the egg helps break the egg together, and when it is weak enough one sperm will go through [I read this somewhere, so I may be entirely wrong]. The more developed answer is the wonders or randomness of the universe. Depending on how you look at it. Every event since the birth of the universe lead to you being alive. Be careful here though, I'm not saying that you are alive because of determined events, but you are alive simply because of past causes and effects of the universe. This makes life wonderful and like a gift, because being alive is probably one of the greatest things in the universe since you have conscious thought. Being alive means allows you to have conscious thought. Just stop for a moment and think about it. Conscious thought. What would life be like without conscious thought? Being unable to think? Pretty terrible if you ask me. Being able to think for myself and discovers the truths of the universe is what makes me enjoy life. Now, as to why you are alive because the universe is random. Random things happened here and there, electrons colliding, nuclear implosions causing super nova explosions. All these things lead to you being alive. Perhaps you don't see this as being random. But it's not like these events are determined. Or perhaps you disagree with this point. Regardless, lets consider the fact that the universe is the effect of randomness. And so life is the product of randomness. Doesn't that kind of devalue our opinion of our lives? Doesn't it make life seem kind of pointless? Life is wonderful, but so pointless. I rambled a lot on this question. But the answer is because of the randomness of the universe. [B]Is there some ultimate meaning to life? A telos to life? (telos=end)[/B] One of the big questions people ask is what the meaning of life is. Such that they expect some kind of ultimate meaning at the end of our lives that makes our lives purposeful. We often look for purpose in our lives because then we have a sense of direction. Somewhere to aim towards. Some believe in the afterlife and believe that if they live a good life then they can have eternal life in heaven after death. This gives people a sense of direction. But what about the people who don't believe in the afterlife? Such as myself. Well, sorry to break it to you, but there is no ultimate meaning to life. As far as I can tell, when you're dead, you lose conscious thought, you lose all your senses and your body decomposes. You won't even be able to think "oh, so this is what it's like being dead". Quite the scary thought. Then question then becomes: if there is no afterlife then what am I living for? We often think act in such a way that we live our lives for something. But I think that we should be living our lives for ourselves. It is only when we start living our lives for ourselves that we find enjoyment and fulfillment. So, we shouldn't be living in hopes for eternal life in heaven (heck, you don't even know that this exists, why waste your precious moments of life living for something that might not exist?). We should be living for ourselves. Which means we give meaning to our lives. The next question leads on from this question. [B]What is the point of life?[/B] Given what I just explained, the question that then appears to us is, so what is the point of life then? Well, as I already said, we give meaning to our own lives. We explore the world and find what we enjoy. We find something that fulfills our lives. And when we find something that we enjoy, we do it. Simple as that. People often complicate things, because they think that complex things have more meaning. But what they don't realise is that sometimes the simpler things in lives are what makes life enjoyable. [B]What does it mean to live? Is there a difference between living and existence?[/B] Simple. Merely existing is being alive, but conforming to societal rules. Doing what society tells you what you should do. Doing things that you are forced into that you don't enjoy. Living is when you break free from the chains of society. You pick yourself up and act as free as you can. You do what you want. You do what you enjoy. And most importantly, you do what fulfills your life. [B]And more importantly, how should I live my life?[/B] Ah, the concluding question. Everything I've said so far leads and ties this question up quite nicely. Being alive is a gift, to enjoy it we need to be selfish (selfish in a good way) and live for ourselves, find what we enjoy and do it. And borrowing a quote from nexus, we should live our lives in such a way that we bring happiness to ourselves but also bringing minimal harm to others. -------------------------------------- That was a long answer, but for a question like that it is well deserved. I hope you have found what I said enjoyable, and insightful too. If there's anything that you don't understand or anything that you disagree with, then please tell me. After all, this is a discussion and not a one sided argument. Also, if anyone else is reading this, feel free to pinch in your thoughts. I would love to discuss this with many more people. -
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 21:26:08
Thoughts on art? I personally think context is important, a creation that add something to the surroundings (street art for example)
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 21:51:19
LighT* wrote: What is your opinion on morals?
A question of morals. Moral philosophy is such a big topic that I don't even know where to start. Regardless, let me give you some general opinions. First of, what is morality? Is it as simple as good and bad? Some people think that morality is just a social construct. A human invention. We take a look at one action and compare it with another and say that one is good while the other is bad. Many people think that morality is subjective and not objective. There are no universal law about do not kill. Since, each scenario has its own implication and story. Such as when you need to kill to defend yourself. We make our own opinion about what is good and bad. Which is why there is always conflicting opinions on whether x is good, or whether it is bad. This leads to my next point. I made a thread a while ago about morality. Here it is if you're interested: The main thing I discuss is that if morality is objective, such that there is a universal law that says "we should not kill", then what do we do if we are put into a situation where someone is trying to kill us and the only way to prevent this is to kill this guy? This is my opinion on what I would do in this scenario. First off, I don't buy into any universal law about morality. Every situation as their own consequences, and so our actions should be based on the consequence of the situation. (The topic here is consequentialism, look it up if you're interested.) Because if we live our lives with the rule that "we should never kill", when you are put in the scenario where a guy is going to kill you and the only way to prevent this is to kill the guy. Then your rule is going to be your demise. You're going to die because of a rule that you follow. Is this what you want? Here's what I think and what I would do. I do believe that we should live by the rule that we should not kill. However, we shouldn't live our lives so rigidly to a single rule. I think that there should be exceptions to this rule. For instance, when I am put in that scenario [insert the scenario here, not bothered to write it again], I am going to think to myself. "Holy shit, if I don't kill this guy then I am going to die. I know that killing is wrong. But fuck my morals. I don't care about them. At this moment in time I care about saving my life. So fuck this guy, and fuck my morals. I am going to kill this guy." And so what does this mean or even say about me? Well, morality is a tricky thing. We can't live so rigidly to a rule. We need to learn and adapt. Borrowing a quote from Bruce Lee, we should be like water: “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” What does this mean? Here's my interpretation of it. Bruce Lee was a martial artist and so when he talks about being like water he is saying that you shouldn't just stick with one martial art if you want to be good at it and go beyond that which has been explored. For instance, judo only teaches you how to throw and fencing only teaches you how to fence. By doing only one thing you are restricting to yourself to only one thing. You are not allowing yourself to learn other perspectives and seeing things in a different light. This does not only apply to martial arts but also life. Don't live your life doing only one thing. You're going to become so rigid with this one thing, that you become accustomed to thinking in only one perspective. By dabbing into lots of hobbies and doing many different things, you immerse yourself in diversity. Which gives you insight that you've never known before and gives you a different perspective on things. Relating this back to morality, it works in a similar fashion. Don't live by one rule. It is too rigid of a lifestyle. Such as the rule that you shouldn't kill. Yes, you shouldn't kill because it is bad. But some situation dictates that you have to kill. And despite killing still being bad, I don't think that just because killing is bad that you shouldn't do it at all. ------------------------------------- One other area that I like to dabble into is why should we live in a peaceful world and not a chaotic one? Why is a peaceful world much more desirable than a chaotic one? You must think that I'm crazy for thinking this way, but give me a chance here. When we die, nothing matters anymore. We can't think or feel, such that everything that we've done thus far, has no meaning to us anymore. If we can't even think or feel about the past, then its meaningless. So why not just live a chaotic life? In the end, nothing matters anymore anyways. Why not just do whatever? Well, here's my insight on this matter. Life may be pointless when we are dead. But when we are alive, that's when it matters. During this small window of time between when we are born till we are dead we are living a meaningful life. During this time, we have thoughts and feeling, such that things that we do ripples in our lives and has meaning to us. So, we shouldn't live a chaotic life because then we subject ourselves to not enjoying this small amount of time that we have. Life is a gift, we shouldn't waste it. We shouldn't live in a world of vengeance. This quote helps explains where I am getting at: "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If you live that way this whole world will become handicapped." As you see, vengeance only cause more bad. It cripples the very world and shakes it at our feet. ----------------------------- And that's my general opinion on morality. I hope that has given you some insight as to what I think about morality. If there's any questions about what I said so far and any things that you don't agree with me, let me know. -
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 21:53:11
fang wrote: Thoughts on art? I personally think context is important, a creation that add something to the surroundings (street art for example)
I have spent quite a lot of time already answering two big questions. I need a break and I have other important matters to attend. Don't worry though, I care about your question and will try to answer you ASAP. Most likely tomorrow. -
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 21:53:39
Even though you are a guy you picked the name supergirl. Does this stem from a desire to present yourself as a girl? Have you considered cross dressing or a sex change? Are you sexually confused? Please elaborate on your neurosis that caused you to pick such a name. For me its cuz I am an ego manic, but yours is interesting.
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2014 21:55:15
Awesome wrote: Even though you are a guy you picked the name supergirl. Does this stem from a desire to present yourself as a girl? Have you considered cross dressing or a sex change? Are you sexually confused? Please elaborate on your neurosis that caused you to pick such a name. For me its cuz I am an ego manic, but yours is interesting.
Glad that people are interested in what I think. Thank you for your questions :) But same reason as I gave to fang. I need a break and have to do other things too. Hopefully, I'll answer your question tomorrow. -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 02:55:01
What are your thoughts on my interpretation of Bruce Lee's quote?
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 03:51:24
How do you move on after a break up?
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 05:13:53
h0w d1d y0u @chi3v3 unl1m1t3d sw0g t3ach m3 pl5 s3npa1!!!
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 05:57:53
What is death? Also why is living considered breaking away from society? I think society is the only way to live. We are indeed social beings. We need to depend on each other to survive, and to grow stronger. We need to perceive each other in order to exist. We give each other meaning, value, just by acknowledging the fact that we are here. Notice I say 'we'. We need to work together and become a collection. Together we are strong. Divided we are weak. Even through conversing over the internet you are becoming a part of society. Hell, this is a forum, the epitome of society at work. Do not spread blaspheme about removing yourself from society. Yes do what makes you happy, but I promise what makes a human, any human, happy is interacting with other humans. Collaborating with each other, making plans, learning through each other's eyes. What good are you if you can't share yourself. AND! what are your thoughts on Libertarian Socialism? I feel like it would be the best option for humans.
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 06:38:20
Manman! wrote: How do you move on after a break up?
U have the mindset of "that bitch is dead to me" and forget her Either that or watch this vid : -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 06:50:44
Wow ur answers are so long @Supergirl
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 08:01:35
1. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? 2. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? 3. What is the difference between being Alive and Truly Living?
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 11:12:19
Infiknight wrote: Wow ur answers are so long @Supergirl
I ramble. Did the length put you off from reading them? If it didn't, any thoughts as to what I have said so far? And I'll be answering you guys questions soon. -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 11:31:34
Nahh I actually read through most of it.. ;) anyways, I tink wat u said on life was really meaningful @Supergirl
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 12:05:24
Infiknight wrote: Nahh I actually read through most of it.. ;) anyways, I tink wat u said on life was really meaningful @Supergirl
Thank you :) Did you happen to read my post on morality? More specifically, what are your thoughts on my interpretation of the Bruce Lee quote? -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 13:08:08
Manman! wrote: How do you move on after a break up?
Relationships and breakups is a really sensitive topic. Each relationship has its own story. For me to give you a good opinion you're going to have to give me a little bit of context. Why did you break up? Who broke up with who? Are you still friends? When you were still together what was your relationship like? And judging from your question, I'm going to assume that you're having a hard time dealing with your break up. Why is it hard to deal with? What is wrong? -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 14:16:21
Something I mentioned in the shoutbox. Read from bottom to top. [1 Minute Ago 03:15 PM] Supergirl : Though I probably took fang's "afraidness" out of context [1 Minute Ago 03:14 PM] Mig08 : hello [1 Minute Ago 03:14 PM] Supergirl : Im going to copy and paste this into rambling with Supergirl. [1 Minute Ago 03:14 PM] Supergirl : It's about instilling that positive mentality into yourself. Such that you will become accustomed to thinking positively. [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM] Supergirl : If for whatever reason you still feel that you are not brave enough. Fake it till you make it. [2 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] Supergirl : We need to start being braver and think more positively. The way we are is all down to your mentality. [2 Minutes Ago 03:12 PM] Supergirl : Thats because when you worry you can't stop worrying. One bad scenario leads to another. [2 Minutes Ago 03:12 PM] Supergirl : Ever heard that worrying for five minutes is enough to put you in a bad mood? [3 Minutes Ago 03:12 PM] Supergirl : The moment you allow a spot of negativity in your mind it will consume you entirely. [3 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] Supergirl : Don't be afraid, be brave. [7 Minutes Ago 03:07 PM] Cherry : OMG I submitted a video for pds beginner tournament Qualification but Im not sure if I will pass the round ㅠㅡㅜ [11 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] fang : I am afraid so Supergirl. [35 Minutes Ago 02:40 PM] Supergirl : maybe you're too busy to notice fang [35 Minutes Ago 02:40 PM] Supergirl : and the day before [35 Minutes Ago 02:40 PM] Supergirl : he was on yesterday lmao [40 Minutes Ago 02:34 PM] Crew[RF] : when i see? [42 Minutes Ago 02:32 PM] Crew[RF] : Oh... hmm [48 Minutes Ago 02:26 PM] fang : I haven't seen Zen in a while.
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 14:22:19
@Supergirl I can't tell you the answers to the first two questions its too personal but I'll give you the answers of the other questions. Are we still friends? = not sure.. probably? we still talk but not about the breakup lel When you were still together what was your relationship like? = It was like uhmm it was fun we talked nonstop everyday (well not nonstop but yeah) Why is it hard to deal with? = I really don't know why but I can't stop thinking about it. What is wrong? = no clue mate hmmm but this feeling that I can't explain. I just don't know stuff.
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 14:44:50
Manman! wrote: @Supergirl I can't tell you the answers to the first two questions its too personal but I'll give you the answers of the other questions. Are we still friends? = not sure.. probably? we still talk but not about the breakup lel When you were still together what was your relationship like? = It was like uhmm it was fun we talked nonstop everyday (well not nonstop but yeah) Why is it hard to deal with? = I really don't know why but I can't stop thinking about it. What is wrong? = no clue mate hmmm but this feeling that I can't explain. I just don't know stuff.
Let me begin and say, try not to be too sad about all this. Emotionally, you can be sad. But you'll recover. But mentally, think of this as positive. I mean, man, I wish I could experience something like that. [B]Because experiences and mistakes are what makes us grow as a person. [/B] So take this situation as a lesson. Learn from it, and grow from it. But in terms of dealing with the break up. I'm not sure how much of this will be useful but I'll try and give it my best shot. You have to come to grips with the fact that it is okay to feel the way that you are feeling right now. When you connect with someone on such an emotional level, and then to have them taken away from you. It breaks your heart. And it sucks. It really does. So to feel the way that you are feeling now is completely normal and fine. Here you have to ask yourself: Do you want this breakup to ruin your life? Do you want to get back with her again? Do you want to move on? If your answers are no, no and yes. Then I suggest the following. First off, let time heal your wound. Time heals all wound. You need to give it a week or even a month. But eventually, the feelings you have now will slowly fade away. [B]So don't and try to force your feelings away. Let it go away on its own. [/B] Now, how do you let it go away on its own? Well, you have to move on. Stop being stuck in the past. Stop having all these negative thoughts about what you are suppose to do now. What did you do wrong. What could you of have done better to make her stay. Stop it. Learn to accept the problems that has once passed, and move on. Here's a video which helps explains this : [video=youtube;2EN48zyxKsk][/video] The key message in this video is to not look for reasons. Because sometimes it's best to just accept, and move on. A quote I often tell myself is : "Accept what you can't change." What does it mean? Well, we often feel sad or annoyed about things because it is something that doesn't go our way and we can't change it. So what do we do to feel less sad or less annoyed? You already know that you can't change it. So you just have to accept it the way it is. And maneuver around this thing that you can't change. [B]So what do you do once you have accepted the past and ready to move on?[/B] You need to pick yourself up where you left off. By where you left off, is before you got involved in a relationship. What goals did you have before that time? What did you want to do? Refind yourself in these questions. Move on with your life with your goals. --------------------------- [B]Remember this is suppose to be a discussion thread and not a question and answer thread. [/B] So if you have anything that you don't understand ask me. If there is something that you don't agree with, tell me. If there are any other further questions, ask me. I'm not a relationship expert, but I hope that that has helped. -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 15:04:22
This has become more of an advice thread instead of a discussion thread lol.
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 15:13:52
You made me speechless mate, uhmmm yeah thanks for le advice!
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 15:37:11
Manman! wrote: You made me speechless mate, uhmmm yeah thanks for le advice!
Oh, that means a lot bro. Glad I've helped. :) -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 15:41:37
What do u want to discuss then @Supergirl?
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 15:48:32
The break up series though..... goosebump city.
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2014 21:43:35
Why have we humans evolved to the point where our feelings are more important that anything else in this world?
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 04:50:18
I'm just curious, what do you do in life? o_O
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 08:28:49
After reading your Answers in relation to those 3 Questions, I must say, your Replies are really well thought-out and thorough. Some of your Rhetorical Questions certainly kept me pondering a while. :) I look forward to how your Answers to the others would be.
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 01:19:48
Let's talk about india banning porn.
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 01:56:07
ChainBreak wrote: Let's talk about india banning porn.
We should follow suit. Porn corrupts the minds of our children and encourages them to fornicate instead of living their lifes for Jesus. Porn goes against too many biblical principles to be ethical. -
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 04:04:15
have you ever experienced riding a taxi with a reckless driver ? how did you feel after
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 20:22:53
fang wrote: Thoughts on art? I personally think context is important, a creation that add something to the surroundings (street art for example)
I'm not a big artist myself. I do enjoy the occasional drawings though. Here are some of the pics that I've drawn.So to answer your question, I think art is a great activity. I know that whenever I do a drawing I get really into it. Time passes by so fast I don't even notice it. But what do I think of art itself? I think there's great joy when it comes to admiring art. But to be honest, I'm not that into art. I can't really give you much of an insight here. My friend is taking graphical designs at university. I'd assume he would have better comments there. For me at least, I feel that a piece of art that can capture the beauty of something in its purest form, is the best kind of art.Spoiler
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 20:50:07
Awesome wrote: We should follow suit. Porn corrupts the minds of our children and encourages them to fornicate instead of living their lifes for Jesus. Porn goes against too many biblical principles to be ethical.
Who gives a shit about religion. We live in the 21stcentury science is the way forward -
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 21:42:49
ShadowParadox wrote: Who gives a shit about religion. We live in the 21stcentury science is the way forward
satire -
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 21:45:24
Supergirl wrote: My friend is taking graphical designs at university. I'd assume he would have better comments there. For me at least, I feel that a piece of art that can capture the beauty of something in its purest form, is the best kind of art.
lol, I am studying Graphical Designs myself. -
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 22:25:45
fang wrote: lol, I am studying Graphical Designs myself.
Sweet, you and him would have a lot in common. -
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 23:16:11
"Well, to put it in simple terms. Life can be thought of as existing. The fact that you are existing, shows that you are alive. " With this, do you mean that anything that exist is alive? If I'm something, and a peice of rock is something are we both alive? I do not agree with this, for something to be alive I'd like to think it's required for it to be able evolve and multiply(breed). And change/evolve, and that not by breaking or decomposing. Allso here you write this: "Being alive means allows you to have conscious thought. Just stop for a moment and think about it. Conscious thought. What would life be like without conscious thought? Being unable to think?" But what is a thought? Can an urge or an instinct be considerd a thought, because you acually think those, that you need to go to the bathroom, etc. This would limit life to everything with a brain then(animals)? To continue the discussion what about this: "Is lyfe subjective or objective?" Are there definitive properites that must be upheld for something to be classified to be alive? If so what are those properties and/or can they vary? @Supergirl
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2014 23:53:53
Xzeria;284149]"Well, to put it in simple terms. Life can be thought of as existing. The fact that you are existing, shows that you are alive. " With this, do you mean that anything that exist is alive? If I'm something, and a peice of rock is something are we both alive? I do not agree with this, for something to be alive I'd like to think it's required for it to be able evolve and multiply(breed). And change/evolve, and that not by breaking or decomposing. [/QUOTE] That's a good point. Here I can see that we are trying to find a definition for being "alive". Perhaps then, that existing is a sufficient condition for being alive. But it doesn't have to follow that existing is a necessary condition for being alive. But I think to further our understanding we have to ask what does it mean to be alive? As you explained, to be alive we have to be able to evolve and multiply. I myself, think you're onto something. Let's take the example of the rock. The rock exists, but is it alive? Does the rock have a heart beat? Can it think? Does it live? I would readily answer those questions with a no. But on a molecular level, there are cells and organisms that makes up the rock. Those things are alive. (Correct me if it's the case that rocks don't have cells and organisms. I'm not a scientist.) So we got a tricky situation here. Can the cells and organisms evolve and multiply? I think so. The cells and organisms is the composite structure of the rock. And so then, by this classification, I think we can say that a rock is alive. What do you think? [QUOTE=Xzeria wrote: But what is a thought? Can an urge or an instinct be considerd a thought, because you acually think those, that you need to go to the bathroom, etc. This would limit life to everything with a brain then(animals)?
I think an urge or instinct is something that you feel from reacting towards something. And then from that, thoughts emerges. Such that initially, when stimulated to a certain condition, our biological structure dictates that we feel an urge or instinct towards this. Then thoughts emerges and we think about what to do etc. "This would limit life to everything with a brain then(animals)?" I think here what you're trying to do is come up with a definition of what it means to have a life. Is it the case that to have a life we must have a brain? This is a tricky question. On one hand I think that we do, because a brain is what controls and regulates a life. On the other hand when I take a look at cells, bacteria and organisms, they don't have a brain, but they seem to be able to move which makes me think that they are alive. Or perhaps they do have a brain, but its called the nucleus or something. (Not a scientist here, so not sure.) "To continue the discussion what about this: "Is lyfe subjective or objective?" Are there definitive properites that must be upheld for something to be classified to be alive? If so what are those properties and/or can they vary?" I'm not sure how you're second and third question relates to the first. I don't even know what you mean by life is subjective, or life is objective. For your second question, I think that is what we've been dealing with here. To be classified as being alive it must be the following: Sufficient condition: exist Necessary conditions: reproduce and the capacity to evolve. Something that exists, that can reproduce and has the capacity to evolve is something that can be considered as being alive. -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 00:22:48
ummmmmmm butt plug
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 00:33:04
Dudak wrote: ummmmmmm butt plug
What about them? -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 01:46:46
@Supergirl I don't want to be religious here, but by your definition, Is god alive? If our thoughts which manifest god, are essentially dead, can an idea be alive? If we think that they are not alive are the very thoughts we think true? (I am a religious person by the way, a Muslim)
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2014 03:21:48
Xzeria wrote: "Well, to put it in simple terms. Life can be thought of as existing. The fact that you are existing, shows that you are alive. " With this, do you mean that anything that exist is alive? If I'm something, and a peice of rock is something are we both alive? I do not agree with this, for something to be alive I'd like to think it's required for it to be able evolve and multiply(breed). And change/evolve, and that not by breaking or decomposing. Allso here you write this: [B]"Being alive means allows you to have conscious thought. Just stop for a moment and think about it. Conscious thought. What would life be like without conscious thought? Being unable to think?" But what is a thought? Can an urge or an instinct be considerd a thought, because you acually think those, that you need to go to the bathroom, etc.[/B] This would limit life to everything with a brain then(animals)? To continue the discussion what about this: "Is lyfe subjective or objective?" Are there definitive properites that must be upheld for something to be classified to be alive? If so what are those properties and/or can they vary? @Supergirl
Its not the thoughts that make you alive but rather that you can perceive them. By "having" the thoughts you can deduce that there is an observer that exists that doesn't mean the thought or the subject matter of the thought is relevant Life is the interplay of the subjective and objective realms, its life because it is both. Otherwise its just fantasy or material objects -
Date: Thu, Jun 19 2014 22:46:46
Zen wrote: @Supergirl I don't want to be religious here, but by your definition, Is god alive? If our thoughts which manifest god, are essentially dead, can an idea be alive? If we think that they are not alive are the very thoughts we think true? (I am a religious person by the way, a Muslim)
I think a distinction need to be made first here. Being alive, and merely existing. To have an idea of God, is to say that the idea of God exists as an idea. But doesn't mean that the idea of God is alive. -
Date: Thu, Jun 19 2014 22:48:14
Awesome wrote: Even though you are a guy you picked the name supergirl. Does this stem from a desire to present yourself as a girl? Have you considered cross dressing or a sex change? Are you sexually confused? Please elaborate on your neurosis that caused you to pick such a name. For me its cuz I am an ego manic, but yours is interesting.
I do not have a desire to present myself as a girl. I do not want to cross dress or have a sex change. I am not sexually confused. I picked Supergirl as my name simply because I was reading Supergirl comics at that time and enjoyed them. -
Date: Thu, Jun 19 2014 23:07:35
Obstracized;283959]1. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? 2. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? 3. What is the difference between being Alive and Truly Living?[/QUOTE] 1 - Society. We are forced into going into education and we have to perform well, and then we have to find a job that pays well that we don't enjoy doing. As far the second part, I'm going to more specifics. 2 - The former. If I can do something right it means I am good at it. We should also be doing the right things, but I prefer the former over the latter. 3 - I believe I have answered that question somewhere here already. ------------------ [QUOTE=spenpinner;283953]What is death? Also why is living considered breaking away from society? I think society is the only way to live. We are indeed social beings. We need to depend on each other to survive, and to grow stronger. We need to perceive each other in order to exist. We give each other meaning, value, just by acknowledging the fact that we are here. Notice I say 'we'. We need to work together and become a collection. Together we are strong. Divided we are weak. Even through conversing over the internet you are becoming a part of society. Hell, this is a forum, the epitome of society at work. Do not spread blaspheme about removing yourself from society. Yes do what makes you happy, but I promise what makes a human, any human, happy is interacting with other humans. Collaborating with each other, making plans, learning through each other's eyes. What good are you if you can't share yourself. AND! what are your thoughts on Libertarian Socialism? I feel like it would be the best option for humans.[/QUOTE] I understand that society is required for the reasons you stated. However, society also limits us. We are always following the masses. A new fashion trend? Everyone follows. New phone? Everyone needs to have it. (Perhaps whether that is a good or bad thing is debatable.) I just feel as though we shouldn't be following societal rules so rigidly. Such that we do good in school and work a dead end job that we don't enjoy just for money. We can still follow societal rules such as paying taxes and obeying the law, while at the same time do what we want and have a social life. And I don't know anything about liberal socialism. ---------------------------------------------- [QUOTE=SiL;283951]h0w d1d y0u @chi3v3 unl1m1t3d sw0g t3ach m3 pl5 s3npa1!!![/QUOTE] Dress nicely, shave, go to the gym. --------------- [QUOTE=ShadowParadox;283990]What do u want to discuss then @Supergirl?[/QUOTE] Hmm, with you I would say girls. ---------------- [QUOTE=Monk;284015]Why have we humans evolved to the point where our feelings are more important that anything else in this world?[/QUOTE] Your question presupposes that our feelings are more important than anything else in this world. I don't know if that claim is true. So before I answer. Why do you think this? -------------------------- [QUOTE=Alvaris;284031]I'm just curious, what do you do in life? o_O[/QUOTE] I am studying Philosophy. ---------------------- [QUOTE=JoloPSPH;284084]have you ever experienced riding a taxi with a reckless driver ? how did you feel after[/QUOTE] I can't say I have. ----------------- [QUOTE=ChainBreak wrote: Let's talk about india banning porn.
Alright, but shed me some insight on the matter. Why are they banning porn? -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 01:06:55
Supergirl wrote: 1 - Society. We are forced into going into education and we have to perform well, and then we have to find a job that pays well that we don't enjoy doing. Your question presupposes that our feelings are more important than anything else in this world. I don't know if that claim is true. So before I answer. Why do you think this?
Emotions are most important to all mammals except humans. Humans (some) have evolved to the point where abstract ideals can over come emotional impulse which represents a more complex, higher evolved organism. -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 12:46:37
@Supergirl Lets talk sex then (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 14:05:08
ShadowParadox;284372]@Supergirl Lets talk sex then (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/QUOTE] Sure. [QUOTE=Awesome wrote: Emotions are most important to all mammals except humans. Humans (some) have evolved to the point where abstract ideals can over come emotional impulse which represents a more complex, higher evolved organism.
Interesting. What are some examples of these abstract ideals? -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 14:40:07
Supergirl wrote: Sure. Interesting. What are some examples of these abstract ideals?
Ok... note: im not being sexist here i am asking a genuine question, mature only pls. Do u think women were made to "take it" as it were. I mean they are the ones who hold the babies. They are the ones who stay at home to look after them and etc. So do u think that women are "sex objects"? Once again im not being sexist. Im asking a question -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 18:56:00
@Supergirl Let's take for example, cyber bullying. Rumors spread and people end up killing themselves. Doesn't that mean that the person's feelings are worth dying for?
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 19:49:01
Monk;284389]@Supergirl Let's take for example, cyber bullying. Rumors spread and people end up killing themselves. Doesn't that mean that the person's feelings are worth dying for?[/QUOTE] I don't really understand that question. Are you saying that because someone feels depressed because of cyber bullying that they should kill themselves? [QUOTE=ShadowParadox wrote: Ok... note: im not being sexist here i am asking a genuine question, mature only pls. Do u think women were made to "take it" as it were. I mean they are the ones who hold the babies. They are the ones who stay at home to look after them and etc. So do u think that women are "sex objects"? Once again im not being sexist. Im asking a question
The only woman that I see as sex objects are the ones that don't respect their own body. The ones that are sleezy sluts. The ones that presents themselves with the sole purpose of seducing men. The girls on the gonewild subreddit. Girls who don't do any of the above, I do not consider as sex objects. -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 20:11:01
Supergirl wrote: I don't really understand that question. Are you saying that because someone feels depressed because of cyber bullying that they should kill themselves? The only woman that I see as sex objects are the ones that don't respect their own body. The ones that are sleezy sluts. The ones that presents themselves with the sole purpose of seducing men. The girls on the gonewild subreddit. Girls who don't do any of the above, I do not consider as sex objects.
Omg wow dat subreddit -
Date: Fri, Jun 20 2014 22:08:37
Supergirl wrote: Sure. Interesting. What are some examples of these abstract ideals?
It can be as simple as patriotism and boot camp and you can get men to kill one another despite them not wanting to go to war. Also consider how religion can greatly suppress sexuality in those strongly indoctrinated. The most powerful is when someone would be willing to sacrifice his life and everything he owns to obtain some kinda vision. The main point is that the motivation is caused from a point that was well reasoned and developed in the mind instead of just base impulse and you may not be able to discern what others are operating on but you should be able to see what I mean with yourself if you really do study philosophy. -
Date: Sat, Jun 21 2014 19:19:40
Yo should I make chicken ramen or beef ramen.
Date: Sat, Jun 21 2014 21:50:19
Why is this thread not in the Spammer's you really think an informal thread comprised of your opinion, or anyone else's, has enough merits to be elsewhere...
Date: Sat, Jun 21 2014 22:47:32
XYZaki;284471]Why is this thread not in the Spammer's you really think an informal thread comprised of your opinion, or anyone else's, has enough merits to be elsewhere...[/QUOTE] If you hold very strongly of that opinion, then speak with a mod. There's been an ask iMatt thread before, that stayed in the off-topic section. [QUOTE=King wrote: Yo should I make chicken ramen or beef ramen.
chicken is the one -
Date: Sat, Jun 21 2014 23:14:03
@Supergirl So sometimes when I'm sitting and relaxed, I cross my legs. I often wonder which is the more comfortable, to have the right leg on top of your left leg or vice versa, or if they're equal. Which do you prefer and why?
Date: Sat, Jun 21 2014 23:17:48
Shiftyei wrote: @Supergirl So sometimes when I'm sitting and relaxed, I cross my legs. I often wonder which is the more comfortable, to have the right leg on top of your left leg or vice versa, or if they're equal. Which do you prefer and why?
I don't cross my legs entirely. Otherwise my balls get squashed. Well, most of the times my balls don't get squashed anyways. When I do cross my legs, I have my feet resting on top of my lap. I'm sure you know what that looks like. Just in case my explanation is bad, here's a picBut the side of my feet is on my lap instead of the bottom part of my leg. To answer your question, for me at least, both sides are just as comfortable. What works for you?
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 02:57:53
I often find that I prefer to have my foot to my other knee like you do :) but sometimes I sit with my left on right. I also just thought of one while driving today: Are there more autobots or deceptions on the streets? And what kind of vehicles do autobots inhabit vs deceptions? I feel like ice cream trucks are usually autobots, but there really is something sinister about white SUV's.
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2014 14:55:48
Shiftyei wrote: I often find that I prefer to have my foot to my other knee like you do :) but sometimes I sit with my left on right. I also just thought of one while driving today: Are there more autobots or deceptions on the streets? And what kind of vehicles do autobots inhabit vs deceptions? I feel like ice cream trucks are usually autobots, but there really is something sinister about white SUV's.
Are you living on the movie set of Transformers? -
Date: Thu, Jun 26 2014 03:04:51
Supergirl wrote: If you hold very strongly of that opinion, then speak with a mod. There's been an ask iMatt thread before, that stayed in the off-topic section.
I didn't condone the ask iMatt thread, but it was at least primarily focused on asking for tech help. -
Date: Wed, Jul 2 2014 16:54:50
@Supergirl Do u think that it is right for the government to allow single sex schools? I go to one right now and let me tell you. It is fucking boring. Personally i do not believe in single sex schools and think they should be abolished
Date: Wed, Jul 2 2014 17:00:00
ShadowParadox wrote: @Supergirl Do u think that it is right for the government to allow single sex schools? I go to one right now and let me tell you. It is fucking boring. Personally i do not believe in single sex schools and think they should be abolished
I went to an all boys secondary school. But it was kind of weird. Its kind of a two in one school. Theres an all boy school section. And the other half of the school is an all girls school. lol Regarding your question, I don't think that its either right or wrong for the government to abolish single sex schools. Singe sex and normal schools each have their pros and cons. If you hate all boys school then you should of just went to a normal school. -
Date: Wed, Jul 2 2014 17:45:02
Supergirl wrote: I went to an all boys secondary school. But it was kind of weird. Its kind of a two in one school. Theres an all boy school section. And the other half of the school is an all girls school. lol Regarding your question, I don't think that its either right or wrong for the government to abolish single sex schools. Singe sex and normal schools each have their pros and cons. If you hate all boys school then you should of just went to a normal school.
U think i wanted it? My school has a girls side but thats on the other side of the town. And we have never done stuff together. The only reason im in this school is because they have good grades better than all the others. But i dont think that we should have to be separated like this -
Date: Wed, Jul 2 2014 18:56:06
ShadowParadox wrote: U think i wanted it? My school has a girls side but thats on the other side of the town. And we have never done stuff together. The only reason im in this school is because they have good grades better than all the others. But i dont think that we should have to be separated like this
I can see where your frustration lies, but you just have to deal with it. You're still young, girls can come later.