Advanced Tricks / [HELP] Reverse Powerpass tutorial?

  1. MPC
    Date: Tue, Apr 15 2014 17:01:30

    Does anyone know of a good reverse powerpass tutorial, or can give me some advice on it? I see on YouTube only short videos of people performing the trick, but that's no help. It's the push that the problem, from 34 slot. I just can't release it cleanly, or with any momentum. Sad face. mpc

  2. Soren
    Date: Tue, Apr 15 2014 17:47:17

  3. MPC
    Date: Tue, Apr 15 2014 17:54:53

    Holy s**t, there are eight?! Great spot. Thanks. :) mpc

  4. MPC
    Date: Fri, May 16 2014 18:33:01

    I call bulls**t on this video. The inverse tricks are the same footage, just on rewind. There are no other good videos I can find either. :(

  5. Soren
    Date: Fri, May 16 2014 18:37:45

    mpc2014 wrote: I call bulls**t on this video. The inverse tricks are the same footage, just on rewind. There are no other good videos I can find either. :(
    No they're not lmao. Unless that was sarcasm.

  6. MPC
    Date: Sat, May 17 2014 07:34:41

    Hmmm… on reflection I guess it is 90% legit, but I swear there is a couple of rewind ones in there. :P mpc

  7. Voracity
    Date: Sun, May 18 2014 07:01:10

    mpc2014 wrote: Hmmm… on reflection I guess it is 90% legit, but I swear there is a couple of rewind ones in there. :P mpc
    Never doubt Fel. NEVER.

  8. MPC
    Date: Sun, May 18 2014 09:19:25

    Okay, that's good enough for me - I formally withdraw my call of bulls**t. …and in light of that withdrawal: oh my word, that vid is insane!! :D

  9. Reason
    Date: Mon, May 19 2014 03:11:34

    in case you wanted to see someone else do them...

  10. Infiknight
    Date: Thu, May 22 2014 13:45:13

    I don't understand this trick...:(

  11. Reason
    Date: Thu, May 22 2014 15:44:04

    Infiknight wrote: I don't understand this trick...:(
    i can make a quick explanation vid later today if you want.

  12. spenpinner
    Date: Thu, May 22 2014 18:14:07

    So its a power pass, in reverse. Practice.

  13. Infiknight
    Date: Fri, May 23 2014 10:24:49

    Reason wrote: i can make a quick explanation vid later today if you want.
    Thanks it's ok

  14. JAIvY
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 14:56:44

    Reason wrote: i can make a quick explanation vid later today if you want.
    This would be very helpful, don't really understand the starting push, thanks

  15. Reason
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 15:01:10

    JAIvY wrote: This would be very helpful, don't really understand the starting push, thanks
    i know there was some confusion before, but is this the one you are talking about? or do you mean the actual reverse power pass? cuz i can still make an explanation for both

  16. ShadowParadox
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 15:03:50

    Reason wrote: i know there was some confusion before, but is this the one you are talking about? or do you mean the actual reverse power pass? cuz i can still make an explanation for both
    Rev pp pls

  17. MPC
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 16:59:17

    Yeah I'm still confused as to what a PP rev actually looks like. :( mpc

  18. Reason
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 17:13:17

    yeah sure ill make a quick vid in a little while. EDIT: @JAIvY [video=youtube;GekmGkYky8s][/video] remember that this is only a (really) quick explanation video, not an in depth tutorial. anyways i hope this helps!

  19. MPC
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 17:51:17

    Dude your name looks damn good in red. :) mpc

  20. JAIvY
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 19:24:36

    Reason wrote: remember that this is only a (really) quick explanation video, not an in depth tutorial. anyways i hope this helps!
    @Reason Thanks for the video. Can't really get my fingers to extend outwards smoothly at this point, but I shall keep on practising! I currently only know the normal power pass, what would you say in your opinion would be the best power pass to learn next??

  21. Reason
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 19:29:33

    JAIvY wrote: @Reason Thanks for the video. Can't really get my fingers to extend outwards smoothly at this point, but I shall keep on practising! I currently only know the normal power pass, what would you say in your opinion would be the best power pass to learn next??
    mirrored power pass for sure. i dont have an explanation video for that, but i have a link/combo video for it. im pretty sure there are several tuts/explanations on it already.

  22. ShadowParadox
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 19:41:20

    @Reason i cant get my pinky to stretch out at the start, it is then harder to do all of it. Can u help pls

  23. Reason
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 20:19:23

    ShadowParadox wrote: @Reason i cant get my pinky to stretch out at the start, it is then harder to do all of it. Can u help pls
    try practicing ringaround reverse. that should help you train your pinkie.

  24. Soren
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2014 20:56:32

    Reason wrote: yeah sure ill make a quick vid in a little while. EDIT: @JAIvY [video=youtube;GekmGkYky8s][/video] remember that this is only a (really) quick explanation video, not an in depth tutorial. anyways i hope this helps!
    The explanation helped a bunch! Thanks

  25. MPC
    Date: Tue, Jun 3 2014 17:43:37

    Thanks @Reason that's really helpful. :) This is such a cool trick - it almost looks like an optical illusion, like the pen spinners moonwalk. :D mpc

  26. MPC
    Date: Wed, Jun 4 2014 06:51:44

    Hey @Reason can you do an 8 finger powerpass that goes across both hands? So like: right hand PP normal > left hand mirrored PP? That would look awesome - is that a thing? :)

  27. ShadowParadox
    Date: Wed, Jun 4 2014 07:02:56

    mpc2014 wrote: Hey @Reason can you do an 8 finger powerpass that goes across both hands? So like: right hand PP normal > left hand mirrored PP? That would look awesome - is that a thing? :)
    Thats what i was thinking...butbi cant do left hand powerpass >.<

  28. MPC
    Date: Wed, Jun 4 2014 10:26:15

    With my left hand, I can just about do TA, TA rev and pick my nose. That is the full capability of my left hand. :( mpc

  29. Reason
    Date: Wed, Jun 4 2014 13:31:46

    ive been trying to do that one for a while, but my left hand wont cooperate.

  30. JAIvY
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 17:10:29

    @Reason could you perhaps make a video similar to your mirror powerpass links/combo for the rev powerpass? It would be very helpful! Also i nearly have this trick but my index finger won't extend at the correct time, any ideas? thanks

  31. Reason
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 18:00:34

    JAIvY wrote: @Reason could you perhaps make a video similar to your mirror powerpass links/combo for the rev powerpass? It would be very helpful! Also i nearly have this trick but my index finger won't extend at the correct time, any ideas? thanks
    i dont have many useful links for powerpass rev yet though... ive only found like 2 that work well. i will make a video if i can come up with some more. try practicing the pass starting from your 23 instead. it should make it easier for your index.

  32. ShadowParadox
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 18:51:14

    Mirrored powerpass -> square pass. Youre welcome :D

  33. JAIvY
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2014 20:10:46

    @ShadowParadox square pass o.0 don't think my fingers will bend like that yet lol

  34. MPC
    Date: Sun, Aug 3 2014 10:11:11

    Hey @Reason I'm so close to getting reverse pp down, I just got one problem - I'm missing out one half revolution. it's going: 34 - half rev - 23 - 12 half rev - t1 Should I just keep practicing it as I am, or is something fundamentally wrong? Is this something you had while you were practicing? I feel like the more I practice it with a half rev missing, the more I'm training my brain to do it incorrectly. Does that make sense? mpc

  35. JAIvY
    Date: Sun, Aug 3 2014 11:01:44

    I had this exact problem while learning the normal power pass and this rev power pass, you are correct you need to sort it out otherwise you are training incorrectly, what I would suggest is what what Reason suggested to me, start from 23, basically the problem is that you're not waiting long enough before moving your index finger. Try waiting too long to get a sense for what happening and then home it in from the other side? If that makes any sense. This sorted it for me.

  36. MPC
    Date: Sun, Aug 3 2014 11:46:01

    That's a good shout, thanks @JAIvY Rule Britannia! mpc