Regular Pen Discussion / Global PenSpinning Resellers Map
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 23:32:14
Recently, i came up with this idea and now that i am a member of the research department it is time to make it real. Why not use the google maps to build a map with all the stores and resellers of our pens? This is exactly what i am trying to achieve. This is the link to the Global PenSpinning Resellers Map Right now, you can only see four stores because they are the main stores in my area. I hope we will have many more soon. So, i want the help of everyone here posting in this thread the stores they know selling pens usefull to penspinners with the name of the store and the pens someone can find there. How are you going to do that? Here is a how-to. 1) Go to 2) Go find the store 3) Right CLick and then click to "Directions to here" 4) Post here the numbers you are getting in the left
Here is an example Name: "PenStore" Pens: "Hggs, G3s" Location: "42.117784,-117.700197"
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 23:54:09
This is a great idea. However we need a LOT of people to post in this map to make it uesful, especially in areas that you go a lot for vacations or family meetings and etc such as L.A. and New York.
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 07:35:46
how did u make it? i wanna make one for my city lol for fun
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 07:42:56
ohh this is pretty cool here u go:
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 13:23:08
exclusive wrote: ohh this is pretty cool here u go:
No, the point is not to have 4789357695^2 maps for every user's area but one map for everyone. So you better give me the coordinates like i say in my first post. Anyway i have added your store to the main map. -
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 14:04:48
i dont no what do you mean but im a reseller of pendolsa DC comssa lol
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 15:25:13
SpinFo wrote: No, the point is not to have 4789357695^2 maps for every user's area but one map for everyone. So you better give me the coordinates like i say in my first post. Anyway i have added your store to the main map.
lol how u get exact coord -
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 15:47:19
exclusive wrote: lol how u get exact coord
Oh my god... -
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 17:28:42
nvm found it :)
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 05:40:52
u can add that every staple sell bic round stics and also g-2s
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 08:40:15
I got some for New Zealand :D Warehouse Stationery -36.865702,174.779734 HGG, Crayola Supertips, Dr Grip, Profiles 365 Mart -36.869525,174.778574 Bic Round Stic Grip, Dong-a Anyball
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 10:35:29
Russia, Novosibirsk Бухгалтер 55.032105,82.91458 Signo knock type, G3, G2, Supergrip, Dr.Grip, Hyper Jell, Jimnie 55.013704, 82.952464 Super Grip, G2, G3, HJ. 54.983986,82.898111 Dr.Grim, Jimnie, G3, G2, HJ, Super Grip GrossHaus 55.032105,82.91458 HGG
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 23:31:46
@ Stack of Waffles and Ejikpyroman Your places have benn added
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 11:03:31
Oh... my fail #1: of course Dr.Grip, not Dr.Grim Fail#2: coordinates of Grosshaus - 55.026868,82.919773 sorry)
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 13:00:55
it could be called "German PenSpinning Resellers Map" atm lol :XD: i´m kidding, just wanna ask you all for some more interest. this project needs your help to grow, so please post some useful shops u know.
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 13:38:01
I'm just wondering whether it would be more relevant and useful if traders were added into this as well?
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 14:48:26
I believe this was tried and failed with the penspinners around the world idea, marking where everyone was. The problem is that things change and stores change stock fairly frequently, with the people map people moved, stopped spinning etc. Stores go out of business, and things happen, I think it would be better to simply put in the wiki what each store sells and maybe one or two adressess that are more location based &w/ unusual useful stock.