Approved Tutorials / Nachoaddict's RSVP Mod
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 20:42:15
=========================== Stats: =========================== Nachoaddict's RSVP Mod COG: COP Length: 20cm Weight: Signo Tipped MX < Nachoaddict RSVP Mod < Coulomb G3 Mod Style: Single Sided Writing-Mechanism: N/A Ink-Type: N/A Estimated-Cost: $6 =========================== Materials List: =========================== 1x Pentel RSVP 1x Crayola Supertip 1x Colortwin/Art Color/Keityo 1x Pentel Hybrid Gel Grip 1x Signo Tip 1x Grip Section (Needlepoint, Signo Broad, etc.) [SPOILER="Video Tutorial"][/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Simplified Text Tutorial (No pictures)"]1) Gather matierals. You will need: -RSVP body and cap -Supertip barrel -Colortwin/AC/KT small cap -HGG tip -Signo Tip -Grip Section 2) Sand down the front of the RSVP barrel. 3) Cut the Supertip barrel 4cm from the end. You want to keep the side with the flat end. You can also find the space between the "a" and "y" in crAYola and cut there. You should also remove the text. 4) Prepare inserts. I used: Sunburst Body: 7.8x1.5cm RSVP Body: 8.1x1.5cm Cap: 2.5x1.5cm 5) Cut a 0.5cm section of the flat grip. 6) Thicken a small portion of the base of the barrel of the RSVP body and add the grip section to the front so that it is tight. Thicken the rest of the barrel and by trial and error, make sure that the Supertip is secure. The side without the writing should be at the end of the mod. 7) Add a Signo tip to the Supertip. 8) Insert your paper inserts into the barrel and cap. (Push the one in the cap all the way back). 9) Screw on the HGG tip on the small Colortwin cap and push it onto the back of the RSVP body. You should not see the threads. Do not be afraid to use force. 10) Add the RSVP cap to the rest of the mod and you're done. Enjoy ^^[/SPOILER] Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy :]
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 23:15:21
Music was waaaayyyy too loud
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 23:20:15
lol i made something similar before exactly what you made minus the CT small cap and with a different parts in the cap =P
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 23:27:10
Yeah I realize that now Colin. I might remake it in WMM sometime.
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 23:30:07
All in all though, good (almost all spare parts ) mod :D. Nearly all american, and afforable
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 00:18:25
It's pretty good for a spare parts/RSVP mod. I actually did this same exact thing except for the ST body was an RSVP RT grip and it was a hi tec c tip.
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 00:50:29
Alright I've updated the video with a different song and adjusted the volume a bit.
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 05:16:12
Very, very nice in my opinion. Pretty easy to mod, and it looks really nice.
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 06:08:43
darkrose wrote: lol i made something similar before exactly what you made minus the CT small cap and with a different parts in the cap =P
Comments like that are just annoying and no one gives a shit. Nice innovation, I intend on making on of these as luckily enough I ordered a CT with my rsvps and the rest can all be found in aus. -
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 10:23:31
wow look very nice ! I don't have only kt :(
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 14:09:09
I just made one it is awesome good job nachoaddict =D oups sorry for the bad quality oh i forget to say that i made mine write able i just let the rsvp ink tube and add a toothpick to make it a little longer ^^ and i just have to take off the supertip body like a cap ^^
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 22:40:57
Yeah I was thinking of two things that you could do with this mod to make it writable. 1) make it like an mx only extend the inktube and drill a hole in the ac cap. Or 2) make a better twistable mx. I didn't like the original twistable mx because I constantly cracked the rsvp body trying to keep the gm twist mech in the rsvp body. But now I'm trying to find out ways to incorporate the twist mech into the ac cap.
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 01:22:35
great use of spare parts lol; i spent absolutely NO money in making this xD heres my take spinningwise though: too center-heavy for my liking. heavy (if you like to spin gripless ep comssas, this pen is not for you except for the great benefit of using spare parts)
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 18:44:10
5 sec after i see the materials. i realized i could make this from my nachoaddict sc mod. and it feels sooooo goooddd. seriously i love this mod
Date: Thu, Sep 30 2010 09:41:54
hey can you possibly sub the keityo,colortwin or art color? coz i really like to make this mod and those pens cant be found in my country... :(
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 17:58:38
I think, this mod can be approved, but it seems to mee that center of gravity a little to frontside)
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 19:10:22
only had ct small cap, and no matter how little white paper/white tape i tried to wrap around the ct cap so i could make it all white like yours, it wouldnt fit in the rsvp cap without crumbling up the paper, so i made it like this and added some american dr grip grip to it @M:O:N:R:E:O your picture won't load. i think its too big, try uploading to photobucket or tinypic instead
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 19:35:48
Nice ^^ Glad you guys made my mod. I can see Monreo's pic on ipod.
Date: Tue, Oct 19 2010 15:27:28
Oh, I'm sorry, I uploaded very big photo( 10 megapixel =) ) So, I like this mod, i think it spins perfectly well And the same photo, but a little bit smaller
And another question: Wonder - Why did you add dr.grip?? That's why this mod can be out of balance, isn't it?!)
Date: Tue, Oct 19 2010 22:15:45
Oh I forgot to address the cog question. It could be different because you used sunbusrt body and those have slightly differernt dimensions from regular rsvp
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 00:57:01
How long are ac/kt/ct small caps? I was just wondering so I can cut a ST cap down to size and make this mod.
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 01:43:51
just use the rsvp cap as a measuring device. cutup to that line thing inside the cap
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 01:46:46
@Holypie they are the length of an airfit grip half you would use for a buster
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 23:36:07
Yup, cut ST cap works as a sub really nicely, only thing is getting the HGG to stay, I wrapped some teflon tape around the HGG tip and put it in the cap, and getting the ST cap on to the back of the RSVP, that takes some effort. Good mod, and you can probably put ST caps as an alternative to CT/AC/KT caps in case someone doesn't have them.
Date: Sun, Nov 14 2010 13:56:08
I like this mod=) It is very handy. I use it in my One Year solo [video=youtube;pmKS8bd7ER8][/video]
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 20:21:36
eh, having the grip section in the back wouldnt let me push the cap down any farther :/
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 20:24:28
Grip in the back??? :s that's supposed to be a paper insert lol. unless you intended to make a variation ;)
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 20:26:40
i wanted to put grip so it evens out the weight in the front with the dr grip grip i have on there
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 21:18:30
What about a signo tip over the HGG tip?
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 22:34:26
@Holypie then it would be backheavy...
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 22:37:51
Well, it's still front heavy with just the grip section, right? Why not use just a signo tip, or more dr grip? Instead of the grip section in the cap.
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 01:39:40
It's balanced now with the grip section, sir.
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 18:18:36
nice, i like the grip choice
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 03:16:28
This is such a great mod. The design is pretty. Great job. I wanna ask, is that good for new spinners?
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 03:47:37
For new spinners I would suggest you start off with one of the more widely accepted beginner mods such as comssa, metallic comssa, and mx. This mod has no grips on the outside (although you can add them but I havent found a good way of putting em on without ruining the aesthetics of it) so you might want to try a gripped mod before you pick this up. In terms of modding the only hard part of this would be cutting the supertip barrel. For novices I mean. But ST's are so cheap and abundant even if you mess one up you'll have plenty of more chances.
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 18:56:49
Nice mod xP
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 01:17:37
I like the back concept, the front is eh to me so i changed it
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 03:26:42
Can i buy this pen off you?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 03:39:32
@Mr.Buster are you talking to me? if so yes,
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 06:21:03
@Wonder for me G2 grips in the fronts of mx's are kinda meh. Is it still balanced? Or did you fiddle with that stuff too?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 14:57:04
No, i was asking for the white one nacho just released.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 18:30:58
Nachoaddict wrote: @Wonder for me G2 grips in the fronts of mx's are kinda meh. Is it still balanced? Or did you fiddle with that stuff too?
yep its balanced pretty perfectly, with the grip section in the back that i have. I did put some tape on the rsvp tip part so the g2 grip could fit more snugly to hold the signo tip better and so the grip doesnt move around, but i dont think that affected it too much. I like it better this way, spinning-wise -
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 04:29:32
Wow! I wanna have a mod like this btw nice one!
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 04:04:12
Nacho, I just made this mod in like 10 minutes, and I already love it! Instead of a CT cap I used a cut supertip caps and it works just as well. Thanks man!
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 04:13:49
Thanks @Flarion Yeah if you want something colored to match an insert or something st caps work decently as well. Idk how you would get the hgg tip on there or if it's balanced with the cap alone though >.>
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 04:15:04
@Nachoaddict I actually used a different tip from some random Beifa pen I found a while back. And it fits well in the shortened supertip cap. And for the inktube, I just took an RSVP tube and put some tape on the tip and shoved it through into the tip, so now its a writable mod for me =D *Also, if you dont have a grip to put on the front, you can cut a small piece of the supertip cap and that works as well.
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 15:24:55
I love this mod! Great job Nachoaddict!
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 14:05:55
I made one, and I really like it! The front part is very fragile though. After 2 days, I dropped it and the Supertip got a crack :/
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 17:45:24
Ooh that's not good :/ You can try putting grips over that piece to protect it from falls but it won't have the same slim look. Best bet in my opinion is Signo Broad, Airblanc, or Anyball grip.
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 16:49:22
can you put pictures in your tutorial??? of text?
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 03:28:56
Uh yeah there is a text tutorial. Just click on the spoiler. If you can speak english you should be able to watch my video tutorial also and make it from there. I don't have pictures in the tutorial because it's a relatively simple concept.
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 15:43:09
hmmm, im wondering whether i should make this mod or not, how does it spin compared to a regular rsvp mx?
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 15:33:41
@Supergirl I prefer the way this spins over an MX, but you have to get used to the fact that there is no front grip, so its harder to do infinities. And this has better balance than an MX
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:52:20
Flarion wrote: @Supergirl I prefer the way this spins over an MX, but you have to get used to the fact that there is no front grip, so its harder to do infinities. And this has better balance than an MX
thanks for the information =] i might make one now =] -
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 17:05:23
Lmao an MX is unbalanced to begin with xD. But yeah my mod is balanced and heavier and longer. If you want an RSVP Mod that's a bit longer than a regular MX and a bit more weight, this is a good fit for you.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 18:02:58
Nachoaddict wrote: Lmao an MX is unbalanced to begin with xD. But yeah my mod is balanced and heavier and longer. If you want an RSVP Mod that's a bit longer than a regular MX and a bit more weight, this is a good fit for you.
cool =], one question, i only have black small back cap, will it fit if i put white insert over it and put it in the rsvp cap? -
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 02:45:50
@Supergirl cant really help you with that, but. If you dont want to use a small cap, you can use the supertip cap. Just cut it to the right length, then put a small layer of tape over it and the RSVP cap will fit very snug. Thats what I did for mine, it allows you to use colored "back caps"
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 04:45:04
Yeah I'm not sure if the insert will fit. You should test it out.
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 14:27:30
cool, thanks guys i think i'll make it this weekend, got a lot of work to do
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 09:34:11
@Nachoaddict, how do you remove the small ball in the rsvp cap? i have an unused rsvp cap with green ball inside, because it's not matching with the color scheme that i'm trying to mod, i tried to remove/change it but it's not coming out. Seems pretty tight. Can you share your way of doing it? :)
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 10:22:41
cyshing wrote: @Nachoaddict, how do you remove the small ball in the rsvp cap? i have an unused rsvp cap with green ball inside, because it's not matching with the color scheme that i'm trying to mod, i tried to remove/change it but it's not coming out. Seems pretty tight. Can you share your way of doing it? :)
heated paper clip through the back -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 12:18:46
Explosion101 wrote: heated paper clip through the back
oo ok, thank you. -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 12:22:02
hot needle through the back always works to pluck it out
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 16:19:51
AC,CT cap is really smaller than RSVP's cap :( It isn't fit in RSVP's cap. If I enlarge it with paper,the paper would be crumpled up. How can I make a version like you? Please help me! I really like this mod! Sr about my bad English!
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 22:23:28
summon_rain wrote: AC,CT cap is really smaller than RSVP's cap :( It isn't fit in RSVP's cap. If I enlarge it with paper,the paper would be crumpled up. How can I make a version like you? Please help me! I really like this mod! Sr about my bad English!
say it in vietnamese i can help you. -
Date: Thu, Sep 29 2011 01:28:13
No need I can understand lol. You can try to wrap some clear tape around the AC cap to make the RSVP cap more snug. Mine doesn't use tape and it stays on though.
Date: Thu, Sep 29 2011 05:11:03
Nachoaddict wrote: No need I can understand lol. You can try to wrap some clear tape around the AC cap to make the RSVP cap more snug. Mine doesn't use tape and it stays on though.
:D thanks! Your avatar is so funny :))say it in vietnamese i can help you.
Cảm ơn bạn :D Cái nắp AC,CT của mình nó ko vừa với cap RSVP ấy mà. Quấn giấy thêm vào thì lúc nhét vào giấy nhàu và lệch đi hết! Nhét tip HGG vào cap AC,CT cũng rất khó! -
Date: Fri, Sep 30 2011 02:56:56
summon_rain wrote: AC,CT cap is really smaller than RSVP's cap :( It isn't fit in RSVP's cap. If I enlarge it with paper,the paper would be crumpled up. How can I make a version like you? Please help me! I really like this mod! Sr about my bad English!
Have you tried to screw the AC/CT cap on the back of RSVP barrel before putting on the cap? The AC/CT cap may be loose in RSVP cap but if you screw it on the barrel and then put on the RSVP cap, it should fit snug. -
Date: Fri, Sep 30 2011 05:55:14
NICE!great looking!gt some spare ct small cap ...will be mod this this week b4...
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 14:03:18
@Nachoaddict I had an idea of making a clear one, might make one after gathering all the materials...
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 01:26:20
Too good man, too good xD
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 13:52:14
@Nachoaddict , do u think I can use a can use a RSVP grip instead of the small ct cap?
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 00:05:39
killer bonanza wrote: Nachoaddict , do u think I can use a can use a RSVP grip instead of the small ct cap?
No unfortunately the RSVP grip is too fat to hold the Signo tip when you push it in if you try to completely copy the way the CT cap holds the body and the tip. A fix to this would be to add electrical tape to the Signo tip so that it does not rattle or move in the RSVP cap. Then cut a small piece of the RSVP grip off that would have originally overlapped the tip. If you need to, you can add teflon tape to the screws on the body but it shouldn't be necessary. Put the grip on the body's screws, slide the tip into the cap, then slide the cap onto the grip. -
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:40:30
Great tut, really clean modder
Date: Mon, Aug 12 2013 01:05:01
looks nice, nice one bro :D
Date: Mon, Aug 19 2013 09:49:04
Would lil hands work in replace of the crayola supertip??