Collaboration Organization/Signups / ゆうつぺ (yuutsupe) 2nd

  1. yuutsuppe
    Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 08:58:19

    hey yoa I'm going to make my 2nd collaboration, and it's will be really nice if someone of you will take a part in. [B]info: deadline - 9th of March 2014 sending - UPSB pm or to my e-mail - [/B] [email protected] my first cv was named as "Zika 1st cv" and has been deleted from YouTube because of bgm. ,_, spinners: [COLOR="lime"]green[/COLOR] = sent @magoochy p.s. sorry for my english .-_.- /upd kk, guys, deadline replaced to the 9th of March!

  2. Voracity
    Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 10:28:56


  3. Reason
    Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 15:22:54


  4. RudeR
    Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 17:45:50


  5. magoochy
    Date: Thu, Feb 27 2014 04:25:50
