Member Introductions / Hello!

  1. Leneric Quiro
    Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 13:19:33

    Hi everyone, My nam is Leneric Quiro, long time reader but first time poster. Ive been spinning for about a year now on and off. Ive started learning advanced tricks recently such as shadow, devils sonic etc.... Happy to bbe part of the forum! From leneric.

  2. LighT*
    Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 08:12:11

    Leneric Quiro wrote: Hi everyone, My nam is Leneric Quiro, long time reader but first time poster. Ive been spinning for about a year now on and off. Ive started learning advanced tricks recently such as shadow, devils sonic etc.... Happy to bbe part of the forum! From leneric.
    Hey WELCOMETO UPSB! Im raiz,if you have any questions about anything at anytime please ask me and ill get back to you asap! Please, do not hesitate to ask, it is what im here for! I hope you enjoy your time on UPSB and pesnpinning just as much as we do :D!

  3. Giotto
    Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 09:07:55

    Welcome to upsb:welcome: feel free to ask any questions. peeps here are cool. hope you enjoy your stay and ps:D!! :welcome2:

  4. Leneric Quiro
    Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 09:57:26

    Thanks everyone! I think pen spinning is really cool and I will have a great time on the board.

  5. Vixuhs
    Date: Mon, Jan 20 2014 18:23:20

    Welcome ;)

  6. Laugh
    Date: Mon, Jan 20 2014 22:05:29

    Leneric Quiro wrote: Thanks everyone! I think pen spinning is really cool and I will have a great time on the board.
    Welcome welcome welcome! We're all glad you're here. Enjoy your PS experience and feel free to ask any questions you may have :D