Gathering, TV & Other Videos / Zzajae on TV

  1. SoundKOR
    Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 14:22:27

    [video=youtube;D6LCjxG3fqk][/video] If you can't see it, will be caught and deleted by copyright law.

  2. Reason
    Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 14:42:38

    SoundKOR wrote: [video=youtube;D6LCjxG3fqk][/video] If you can't see it, will be caught and deleted by copyright law.
    noooo! its too late :( its already taken down...

  3. SoundKOR
    Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 14:54:13

    [video=youtube;Uw96QXpS_eI][/video] 2min, offical short ver

  4. Walkaz
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 04:00:34

    SoundKOR wrote: [video=youtube;Uw96QXpS_eI][/video] 2min, offical short ver
    i cant see it in singapore >.< can you put it dropbox please? xD

  5. DioBrando
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 05:04:47

    cool guy

  6. exclusive
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 05:42:36

    any1 can translate it? @tamaguchi @Zombo ?

  7. Yamaguchi
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 12:40:35

    exclusive wrote: any1 can translate it? @tamaguchi Zombo?
    was dat supposed to be me? XD I cant speak Korean LOL

  8. BoM
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 16:09:01

    I watched it! 세계 1등을 꼭 해보고 싶어요!

  9. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 19:45:26

    exclusive wrote: any1 can translate it? @tamaguchi @Zombo ?
    lol? i can't speak korean

  10. Zen
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 22:19:12

    LOL Automatically assuming Zombo can speak korean because he is asian. @Cherry can you translate for us? Or write the words he speaks in a post so we can use google translate? Zen

  11. XYZaki
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 23:00:43

    exclusive wrote: any1 can translate it? @tamaguchi @Zombo ?
    This is the most ridiculous post of 2014 so far.

  12. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 23:16:59

    Zen wrote: LOL Automatically assuming Zombo can speak korean because he is asian. @Cherry can you translate for us? Or write the words he speaks in a post so we can use google translate? Zen
    upsb is 95% asian so why couldnt he ask anybody then?

  13. Tentcell
    Date: Fri, Jan 17 2014 23:49:28

    Yo guys I'm white, if you ever need a language translated that white ppl speak then hit me up

  14. exclusive
    Date: Sat, Jan 18 2014 06:42:23

    ops i forgot tamaguchi changes his name to @MightAsWellGG

  15. MightAsWellGG
    Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 03:37:26

    Since I'm bored I'll try writing out the script

    Name: 이창재 19 yrs old 매일 펜을 돌리는 남자 저랑 한몸인 몸의 일부인 거죠. 이펜은 몸의 일부처럼 손에서 떨어지지 않는 [COLOR="yellow"]예전에 교실에서 심심풀이로 하던 것 하고는 차원이 다르네요?[/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]이창재[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"](19/ 펜 돌리는 남자)[/SIZE] 그렇죠 이렇게 작은 분야를 일종의 스포츠화를 시킨 거죠 펜과 함께 손에서 이루어지는 화려한 동작들 [QUOTE="펜스핀 (PEN SPIN 펜 돌리기)"]펜 또는 비슷 한 종류의 작은 막대 등을 이용 회전 등의 기술을 구사하는[COLOR="yellow"] 레저 스포츠[/COLOR][/QUOTE] *people here are just being amazed at his skills like "woah" 무게 중심을 맞춘 개조된 펜사용 [COLOR="yellow"]이게 그냥 막 돌리는 거예요?[/COLOR] 아니요. 각각의 기술들이 있습니다 [COLOR="yellow"]기술들이?[/COLOR] 네. 거의 200가지가 넘는... [COLOR="lime"]윈드밀(풍차)이라고요~[/COLOR] 윈드밀 [COLOR="lime"]인지 휘감기 기술이라는 건데요 [/COLOR] 인지 휘감기 풍차 검지 배 감기 계단 기술 손바닥 돌리기 [SIZE="3"]이창재[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"](19/ 펜 돌리는 남자)[/SIZE] 이런 식으로 200여 가지의 기술들을 속달시키면 펜 돌리기의 진수를 보실 수 있습니다 There's more to this than the subtitles but I don't know if its that important or not edit: @exclusive MY NAME WAS NEVER TAMAGUCHI

  16. BoM
    Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 12:35:13

    Zen wrote: LOL Automatically assuming Zombo can speak korean because he is asian. @Cherry can you translate for us? Or write the words he speaks in a post so we can use google translate? Zen
    Humm... I dont have much time to translate them all, but I can translate some keywords.

  17. Walkaz
    Date: Mon, Jan 20 2014 08:39:56

    wow awesome coverage!

  18. XYZaki
    Date: Tue, Jan 21 2014 09:19:43

    MightAsWellGG wrote: @Zombo ?
    This is the most ridiculous post of 2014 so far.[/QUOTE]