Fundamental Tricks / Charge 34 and sonic 34-23
Date: Sat, Dec 28 2013 15:24:46
Hey guys, I have been spinning for a while, but I still have very poor pinky/ring finger proficiency. Particularly, I have trouble doing a charge in the 34 slot, and getting a sonic from 34-23. How do I get better at using my pinky/ring finger, and how can I get better at the two tricks I specified. Thanks guys!
Date: Sat, Dec 28 2013 17:11:29
This is what worked for me: -Eating with chop sticks using 34 or 24 -Holding my pen like so
Depending on your pen, add weights appropriately -Practice sonic 34 alot, look at how you do sonic 23 and try to apply that to sonic 34. -Do the exercises listed here everyday. Hope this will help you in the future. ^_^