Tutorials Pending Approval / Jetcolor mod
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 08:50:56
(This tutorial is a translation of BurningFinger’s JetColor mod tutorial from PSH.) English version also written by BurningFinger. First of all, thanks to the support of everyone who loves modding. I have a wish that every pen spinner in this forum would always keep their passion to modify their own pens, so I have spent some time to dig in plenty of my leftover materials and made a pen which looks simple and clean. It is just a wish to share my modding method and to mutually improve the skills with everyone who will read this tutorial below:
Jetcolor mod by Burningfinger Concept: It’s just a lovely clean white pen! Nothing is overcomplicated XD.
(Maybe, not white anymore? :D) Materials: (From top to bottom)
1. [1x] Ace Art Color Twin - body 2. [1x] Uni-ball UM-153 Signo broad – grip and tip 3. [1x] Uni-ball Jetstream color – clicker and front body 4. [2x] Pilot G3 Gel – cap (well, just caps, I can’t find anything else better~) 5. [1x] Pentel Hybrid Gel Roller – entire front part(the pic below is a copy from, Canada, 1011919385)
Tools used: abrasive paper, paper cutter, electrician tape, screw driver(optional), plastic cutter (optional), lighter (optional). Data:
Length: 19.7 cm Weight: Medium, the weight distribution is likely the same as Mr.Somsak (Dongza mod), pretty unused to me personally.~ G-center: COG=COP (10 cm measured from tip), the front part has a larger momentum. Structure: single capped Ink type: ball-point Functional structure: off-cap clicker pen Difficulty: easy – my hands feel sore! Be careful with plastic sanding. Cost: 15-20$ Main part: (careful reading and happy modding) 1. Gather all materials (as always).
2. Disassemble Jetstream as in the pic below; you may insert the screw driver in-between the back body and the clip then press the driver on the table and then pull the pen. Don’t break anything btw.
3. Shave everywhere into a polished cylinder from 0.9cm behind the back of the clicker, make sure the edge around is at the same level (as to insert this part into the CT body without a seam). Later cut the front part of Jetstream by 2CM from the screwed side. If any more info is needed please see No.3, Q&A.
4. Separate the clip of UM-153 and cut a 0.8 cm part from it, make sure it is grinded. Cut the grip to 2.5cm and keep it.
5. Dealing with multiple parts:
(1) Cut the CT body as shown. (2) Shave all G3 caps as shown, cut to 4.1 cm from bottom in one of them. (3) Cut the HGR front body as shown (pull out the grip 1st); keep the middle part and the tip. Wrap (1 round of) electrician tape on the place shown in the pic. Note: the purpose of using the black tape is to make sure that 153 grip and G3 cap has a friction since it ‘push’ the grip a bit out and fit it. 6. Assemble every part, make sure everything is fitted solidly and tightened; the HGR part should be pushed into the thinner part of the cut CT body. If that is failed, enlarge the whole on CT but not too much.
7. Put everything together in order (153 tip, 153 part, Jetstream part) into the G3 cap as in the pic. Make sure everything is tightened and no rattling. If there is a trouble, make sure there is no seam between every part; you may reassemble everything by screw the Jetstream part out with the unused tail part of itself.
8. Clicking structure:
(1) Insert the Jetstream clicker and make sure it fits. The ink-tube is a Pentel RSVP one (anything else longer than that is fine, like Papermate Flexgrip series). The original Jetstream ink-tube can’t be used without extension (which will be mentioned in Q&A). the tape I used has a length of 5.4 cm according to personal.[B] The place tied in the pic is wrong as it should be 1cm behind the small metal part of the tube (reason mentioned in Q&A, No.4).[/B] (2) Fit the cut G3 cap around the front and make sure it is tightened again. 9. Make sure the clicker works properly. If anything is wrong, adjust the ink-tube and make sure no rattling in the main body. Tie 1-2 round of electrician tape around the clicker for the G3 cap to be capped on.
10. Congratz, you have just finished a JetColor mod!
The end! ~
Q&A: 1. Q: I don’t have so many pens here! Is there any substitutions? A: Of course! It is your pen! Well I’m sorry for designing such an eco-unfriendly pen not as my usual designs, but everything has been tested to be fastened and good to spin. Though not all substitutions are guaranteed to be well-fitted. 2. Q: Something is rattling!! Help!!!! A: Well, mostly it is caused by the ink-tube, cause the tape around is not enough. If the G3 cap is rattling at top, please disassemble the front part and tie more tapes around the HGR part, pushing the cap back vortically instead of vertically. 3. Q: I can’t feel my hands anymore after grinding everything! Is there any way better? A: Use the paper cutter to shave it before polishing the side, it can help a bit. If u have the same trouble with everything else in this pen, well, may the force be with you~ 4. Q: The ink tube is stuck while I click the pen, what’s wrong?! A: Tie the tape on the ink-tube a bit behind since the inner surface of the HGR part is not completely cylindrical, the space shrinks at the very top so we have to avoid it. If u tried to use an extended ink-tube, make sure the extended place does not prevent the clicker structure from working. 5. Q: If the pen falls too often, will anything break easily as the cap and the tip? A: this problem is just as hard to solve as to make the world peace, nothing is eternity. If u wants a better training pen then this one is not a good option as all write-able pens with an ink-tube or without any damping structure. Anyway the front cap and the tip are both manifested curved to prevent critical damage like cracking after falling, to make the pen lives longer than most write-able single-capped clicker pens. 6. Q: I hate black and white, I love colors!! A: Currently the pen, Jetstream Color (as the names called lol), does not have a colorful front body (they are all white!). Yes there are many good substitutions like tapli-clip grip for the Jetstream part or KT body for the CT one, etc. If u want to use watercolor or sth., well let’s make some friends maybe :D? 7. Q: I still can’t understand what you say! A: Sarry me no speak Americano~ I think the picture is clear enough to make every single human to understand, if u can’t, guess everything here, good luck with that!~ At last, sorry for too many words spoken. Perhaps this is my last tutorial in PSH, from then on I will fully work with James to make posters and inserts for him. Thanks to everyone who supports me, now it is my final wish to say to the Pens and Modification area, as Captain Spock said in the Star Trek Series: Long live and prosper!(If u failed to do the hand trick, practice maybe? :D Good luck again ~). Original post:
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 12:42:23
It looks nice, writeable is it too, maybe i'll mod it :3
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 16:23:29
Clean looking and the build is actually not too complicated for a retractable mod. I like it ^^
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 18:35:45
Damn that looks good. That whiteness. Hahahah. I might make one in the future. JetColor mod sounds cool too. Although JetStream would have been much cooler. :/ Regards Zen
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 18:41:26
Very nice mod, but how well does it spin without grips?
Date: Fri, Dec 27 2013 22:23:08
soooooo cool :D tell him :ยท3
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 10:16:33
goshh, what on earth is that? its more beautiful than my crush. ohgodwhy....also i have easy access to jetstreams but not hgr