Off-topic / Bboy/Breakdancing
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 05:57:56
I just started bboying about a week ago and need some help on my toprock :[....... and downrock x)........ pretty much everything :D
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 06:12:18
I like doing that stuff. But if I mess up bad stuff is gonna happen.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 06:30:23
Too bad I have to lose weight to do this stuff. I can do some of the basics but I have no endurance of sorts :(
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 07:01:00
Can u guys give me any tips? :] im kinda having trouble with my turtle freeze :p and also wat are some good down rock thinks to kno?
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 14:06:57
@Ryamashiro i had trouble with the turtle too, but you probably need to bend your legs and bring them in, while leaning forward and bringing your legs up, this will help your balance and give you some room. And also to make it look better try not to have your head down but keep it up it looks much better And dont forget to stretch your wrist :p
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 17:08:31
:O thanks you! i can kinda do it x) ish
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 22:34:28
I started to get seriously recently. I suck and also Wonder sucks too. We're tryin to learn but we just suck o_o. i need to practice more. I'm learning and practicing my footwork mainly.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 22:39:53
lol i suck worse
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 22:43:06
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 23:21:58
What tutorials did you guys use? :D
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 23:23:19
For toprocking i used the videos from Bboy B.yu. Either than that, i just watch some people bboy and learn that way and look up tutorials for things. I also joined pretty helpful.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 23:55:23
which one did you watch first? Or rather which move should you learn first?
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 02:20:25
It depends what you like. I started out with the basic top rock from bboy b.yu's tuts. the part 1 into guide thingy. I believe that the toprocking is like the first thing you should understand cause it helps you go with the beat. After that, with sufficient enough of toprocking just enough to understand and hit beats, i'd go to the 3 step and the 6 step. They are fairly easy but need a lot of practice to do very well and appealing. That's what i'm currently practicing.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 02:49:55
Ryan, go to freestylerz that should solve all your problems.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 03:05:57
@keane, lol he did. me, astro, kid robot, f-u, and liquid mexico made him... speaking of which... time to repick up bboying >.>
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 04:18:57
hahahaha i just got into it about a week ago :D i just kinda need more help on some downrock tho :p and how to get to my down rock :PPPPPP
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 04:51:34
now this is the real thing...not that noob jerking thing
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 07:12:57
@iamk34n3 i am going :ppp and i didnt find bboy yu tutorial very helpful for somestuff because he dosn't teach the "kick step" part very well imo :p does any1 have tuts for downrock tho?
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 15:09:44
Yeah his tuts are a bit difficult to understand but you will understand it if you practice more. I like his style though.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 22:09:47
My friend and I just skadadaling. Just seriously started like last weeks =/ [video=youtube;uT46NTagKBs][/video] We is be noobz taken by webcam sowwy if badzors
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 23:45:04
yeah thats about me x) except i dont kno as much downrock and i don't wanna try power moves untill i get all the basic down and top rocks :P @first guy in vid i think u needa move ur arms a little more when ur doin ur other toprocks hahaha all better then me tho x)
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 23:47:56
haha yeah. that's Wonder. I'm the asian dude in the brown xD were tryin to improve.
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 01:02:00
I fail so hard.
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 10:01:51
o.o i guess i'll join and post some videos soon if i ever practice...
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 00:02:02
Wats good to bboy on? cause i have carpet >.>
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 00:03:34
i only have carpet too but you need some hardwood floor or get some cardboard that will stay in place, carpet isnt good to get used to :/
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 00:18:42
Yeah, you should be practicing on hard surfaces. Some people bboy in their garage or outside on tons of cardboard taped down
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 00:32:55
Practice on cardboard, takin it old school
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 15:04:00
Oh, Planet Bboy is a good documentary to watch :D
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 15:35:48
o.0 wats that?
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 15:38:22
a documentary
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 23:33:57
ughhh, I need to learn some 6 step variations to combine and stoof....... any help D; i know 12345 step. just need some variation......
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 04:18:34
Ugh. Any tips on footwork? I get really tired so easily after doing just like 3 sets of 6 step and some stoof in between.
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 05:16:07
Tetsip wrote: Ugh. Any tips on footwork? I get really tired so easily after doing just like 3 sets of 6 step and some stoof in between.
ight so u want endurance correct? if yes then this is wat u need to do. 1 do push ups. nd if possibl do bboy push ups. or do handstands and have ur feet against the wall so u wont fall back. then juss stay up for as long as u can hold. this works. we call em bboy drills at my school. -
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 05:47:32
Ohh. Thanks! I'll try em tomorrow and probably try to handstand pushup against the wall. Thanks!
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 12:37:00
but wat can u do? like 6step, 3step?
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 14:30:39
@itzDaKine i can do 6step 3, ci cis, and some other stuff. Very little though. I've been working on my toprock
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 14:31:02
6-step 3-step 12-step CCs, swipes, anddd i think thats it
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:11:31
@Tetsip. thats good. nd toprocks r actually really important... unless u plan to be a Powerhouse. but check out thats a great place for tutorials n help
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:14:05
@ Wonder if u have swipes then thats actually really good. u should learn hand hops or 1990's or 2000's next.
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:34:51
@itzDaKine uhhh im sure im really not good enough for that yet... the swipes where you are on the ground like footwork? like these, or are they called something else --- and im not very good at them haha
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:55:27
@Wonder um i ddnt see swipes in that vid. but heres one on how to do em Swipes Tut with Scotty Nguyen
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:56:35
@itzDaKine those are MASTER swipes AKA AIR swipes, i was talking about the swipes the guy did in the video at that point, theres a difference
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 16:59:55
The swipes 'that guy' did in the video are the same. They are just smalled. My bro does either or when he feels like it. In those he just did little ones. All you have to do really is just get more air. Otherwise that's the only difference.
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 17:01:47
@Wonder master swipes are basically the same thing as swipes. the only difference is how u start off the swipe.
Date: Mon, Sep 27 2010 15:41:55
Honestly, I think swipes r lame, but hey, imo...anyone one know how to hong10/halo freeze?
Date: Sat, Oct 2 2010 00:54:59 omgggg i am drooling over this part, look at how perfectly he synchronizes the "begging, begging youu" in the song, he does the pray like begging, then points to kaku at the perfect time, oh my godddd
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 20:38:53
[video=youtube;kzaDk2rgT-g][/video] mehhh. I think i've improved more a few days after I made this video >_> I'm still very noob.
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 19:37:57
@Darealone... i got the jist of hong ten. itz juss a matter of practice and stretchin. halo freeze is pretty simple
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 19:44:49
whose ur favorite bboy(s)? mines is Taisuke, Nonman, Bboy Joe, Ronnie, nd Katsu!
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:35:02
Hong10!!! The End!!!! FTW!!!
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:38:15
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:40:53
Any style head. And some powerheads :3 BBOY CICO IS RIDICULOUS AT SPINS.
Date: Wed, Oct 6 2010 21:49:33
@Tetsip hell ya Cico broke the record for 1990's. he did like 27 or 30 spins or something. but my frend said he was a hella dick nd cocky. but i do like his style!
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 01:56:27
@itzDaKine cico has no style...
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 02:50:29
@Darealone he has like a weird style. but hes juss a super power head
Date: Fri, Oct 8 2010 22:08:45
I think being committed is the hardest part of bboying Like me for example, me and tetsip recently started up getting our basics down... so as i was seeing my toprock and stuff, i noticed how crappy it looked I wasn't trying to dance to the music, i was just trying to do what i saw in the video of how to do certain toprocks, and i thought to myself "ill never get good at toprock i may aswell just try to get footwork and move to power, who cares about toprock" but i started practicing more in the past few days and I've really grown to enjoy the music and feel it, and let my body incorporate what i learned to just being myself. I am much more confident in my toprock now since i was just going to practice outside, and i can just feel that it looks better --- rather than trying to stay in constantly videotaping myself or looking in a mirror, because that does not help
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 00:15:59
i just started bboying about 3 weeks ago.. got any tips?
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 16:06:08
@pheonix foundation foundation foundation...wat my cousin always says!! Work on ur top rock A LOT like wonder!!!! and again...FOUNDATION!!!!!
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 20:15:39
aiight, yea i noticed my legs weren't quiet straight, i dont really notice when im doing it
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 15:56:21
just a question, r u more into power or style
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 22:29:11
more style, but i like a mix
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 15:30:57
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 15:38:36
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 19:18:30
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 04:35:54
just wondering I have been practicing lately, would anyon want to have an online battle with me around 1 round, no limit?
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 04:54:59
I'm horrible, i got nothing.
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 05:03:43
double post bleh
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 05:02:59
@VN you and I DueDate: Next sunday, one week from now Song: Beggin' No theme just for fun :D have fun!
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 23:10:45
i bboy too :O but im not that good with it cuz i hurt my wrist
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 22:23:15
bboy cloud makes me jizz
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 02:29:26
i really want to learn popping after watching these guys
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 02:42:27
@whysosrs Popping =/= bboying xD Make a thread for popping because people dont usually refer popping with bboying thus you will get no where in this thread unless there are bboys who also pop which you may have been getting to. Im trying to learn but its hard as hell especially when you're so used to moving around so much.
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 14:01:46
waaaaa....still no progress on freezes. even at handglide =.= gotta practice this sembreak!
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 16:44:06
@chrisPS can u baby or chair freeze?
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 22:11:16
I can baby, but can't switch my feet on it yet. Chair? I'm still working on it. I still got to get turtle and handglide.
Date: Fri, Dec 10 2010 22:15:51
EDIT: nvm posted right after you replied
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 06:24:13
Tetsip wrote: @whysosrs Popping =/= bboying xD Make a thread for popping because people dont usually refer popping with bboying thus you will get no where in this thread unless there are bboys who also pop which you may have been getting to. Im trying to learn but its hard as hell especially when you're so used to moving around so much.
LOL, watch ABDC, last season's winners... they bboys that pop. -
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 03:31:10
Tetsip wrote: @whysosrs unless there are bboys who also pop which you may have been getting to.
Read the fucking quote dude. OBVIOUSLY there are bboys who also pop. Look at Expression Crew. WELL OH SHIT. they pop and bboy. I am very aware of Poreotics. Next time read. I'm just saying that it is more efficient to make a thread SOLELY on popping/locking. -
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 00:51:31
Tetsip wrote: Read the fucking quote dude. OBVIOUSLY there are bboys who also pop. Look at Expression Crew. WELL OH SHIT. they pop and bboy. I am very aware of Poreotics. Next time read. I'm just saying that it is more efficient to make a thread SOLELY on popping/locking.
wow, are you by chance menstruating? chill the fuck out and be more clear next time. -
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 16:20:51
Anyways back on topic..... Im finally getting halo freeze!!! :hah:
Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 01:59:37
[video=youtube;5vG7Icsezb0][/video] yeah uh.... i dont get it and i need help T.T
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 00:43:16
Everytime I practice bridges for chairs, my body shakes like hell. O.o can now get handglide freeze on my right hand, but left? EDIT: left hand strength, no shaking, what do?
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 03:00:41
@Ryamashiro don't jump into it, that'll just make you fall straight down and kicking your right leg towards your face won't make a difference when you jump that high, ill post a video of my flare whenever i can film it
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 14:21:30
When I Headstand on the floor it hurts like HELL so i think should use a bonnet :|
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 18:00:10
@Wonder hahah yeah i asked some1 at school and they told me luckily i fixed it x) thanks anyways
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 04:30:53
@Ryamashiro my flare so far, almost have that second round if i can bring my hips up :(
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 04:54:05
Practicing on handstands at the moment. Hello, cement wall and cement ground :/
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 05:58:56
@Wonder haha yeah thats where i got about its so frustrating >:[ but other bboys just said practice untill u get it LOL
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 10:21:42
lol, I can't kick my legs hard enough to do a handstand. So slooooow...
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 10:24:31
Just kick as hard as you can. If you fall over, you fall over. You're not going to hurt yourself if you fall over unless you totally spazz and overthink it. You dont really need to kick that hard. Like I can do handstands really slow. You just need control and core strength
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 02:17:54
I wanna learn how to Bboy/break dance but i have absolutely no idea where to start or what to do. :S HELP
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:48:23 start with toprock, footwork, use youtube
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 10:39:46
I heavily stress upon top rock and footwork. There are many people out there who can't toprock for shit. Which makes them look retarded. Also footwork is very important. That's like your 'upgrade' once you finish your toprock. If you can pull out a good toprock and sweet footwork, no one can complain shit even when compared to power moves.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 10:42:37
^this. I have shitty toprocks, man :P
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 22:24:49
thanks wonder, i am gonna try and start to bboy after exams, YESH i am gonna try this
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 03:50:57
The hardest part of bboying is determination. I am now more determined than ever, due to progress every time i make progress, i get pumped up and keep practicing more and more Finally manned up and got my backflip down, it feels pretty good.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 01:54:52
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 01:58:47
carpet and wide space to practice ;( jealous!!!
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 02:00:58
yeah but i only have that much room when i'm at Tetsip's house, i have like no room at my house
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 03:07:18
I tried to doing a handstand without a wall, and blam, banged my head on the door. :(
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 07:45:31
@TheAafg or if you fail to toprock and fail with footwork maybe you can be a power head. i quit bboying though:/ it was fun but then school came up and bit my ass! but yes foot work, toprocks are very important unless ur a power head like i said before. but when you do anything in bboying throw your own flavor into it. style is also big. and choose good songs to practice to! nithing to fast nd nothing to slow. nd HIT THE BEAT! always hit the beat! that is what truly is KEY! killing the beat! your top rocks and foot work dont mean shit if you aint got rhythm dawg!!
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 10:14:51
How does "creativity" fit in toprock? I don't seem to get it. Yeah, feel the music and all, but I don't get it. Attitude???? Perhaps it's because of my "wallflower" personality :(
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 12:49:35
ohh thanks a lot
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 20:48:51
@itzDaKine even with power, you still need foundation. as a power head you will get respect, but it won't help in battles without foundation.
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 01:50:05
@Wonder which is somewhat true. most the bboys i know are tur power heads. they have toprocks and footworl but in battles and at practice i never see them do it. its always power. but only indian step is really needed for power heads.
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 23:19:24
Finally got my back straight, handstands so much easier now
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 05:34:19
sometimes, i attempt to combine that ( bboying ) and penspinning. not sure if it works very well lol xd i need help on crickets gah
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 15:05:29
[video=youtube;uda51EO76T0][/video] Local bboy gathering between friends. I'm in the black tank top (tall skinny kid) [video=youtube;MC1sys3Pw1M][/video]
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 17:05:51
I started abt in the summer. I am completely garbage. I am continually practicing toprock. My footwork is crap. I am basically practicing style heads. Any tips for me?
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 17:55:31
DANCE YO HEART OUT. and keep drilling the footwork. quality > quantity
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 20:56:55
This is my hollowback after one day... not very good
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 21:22:51
looks good ^^ man i am working on my top rock (i think). I am watching some guy's tutorial on youtube and trying to copy him ^_^
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 21:28:39
working on my toprock as well. TheAafg just don't copy everything about him. ^^ that's called (i think) biting?
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 21:38:53
i am just looking at what the toprock looks like, i am not capable enough to copy him lol
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 21:43:58
yes it's called biting just learn what the toprock is, know it well enough so you dont have to think about it. Then just play around with the toprock, it's simply a dance. feel the music and mess around it doesnt matter how bad it looks
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 00:48:26
you niggers need to post here more Been doing more handstands so i can get them consistent enough to do one handed.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 00:40:28
cmon noobs keep this thread alive
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 03:50:52
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 03:55:34
[video=youtube;c1jKAep_raM][/video] airbaby attempts...I was tired
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 04:11:16
[video=youtube;KcTYHWjgeYI][/video] comments?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 09:35:22
lol i can do airbabies i just cant do one handed airbabies nice crickets btw, try to get some more air though
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 10:05:06
fancy footwork for me atm how to improve endurance on footworks? and this cough isn't helping
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 21:00:53
@chrisPS Just keep on doing footwork. You'll build endurance. If anything, work out triceps.
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 02:47:19
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 20:10:02
So like i decided to take a break from flares and improve my windmills. I got continuous better in a matter of 30 minutes, and then on accident the stab just missed and i did a barrel mill LOL so now im working on barrel mills/headmills dont even know which one im doing or whats the difference :D
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 23:50:11
O.o fail! EDIT: I was trying to put in other stuff, but I obviously failed lol
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 01:28:48
@chrisPS You're getting there. It looks smooth and clean, just gotta include more into and practice more. You're smoothness and speed is better than mine. Oh, and try not to slide around.
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 01:56:58
Hahaha thanks ^^ EDIT: what do you mean slide around? :?
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 15:40:19
chrisPS wrote: Hahaha thanks ^^ EDIT: what do you mean slide around? :?
he means try to make each step a solid step, so your feet dont slide around through steps. it's good though, your footwork is nice. -
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 03:38:02
Well, I got into this. I am picking up the toprock first, but I have a small selection of songs good for toprocking, and bboying in general. Any recommendations?
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 19:46:25
sir joe quarterman and free soul - (I've Got)So Much Trouble In My Mind 01 Super Breakdance mixtape made by dj wonder aka Powerb (woodo leacy z-trip siens boty 00-03)* grandmasterflash - wheels of steel james brown - sex machine Alex gopher - electro lounge amen brother* apache - the incredible bongo band* babe ruth - the mexican* b-boy stance bomfunk mc's - bboys flygirls bboys war - dj pablo beats a rockin beatsreet - breakdance - battle of the year - fader gladiator (bboy war) madcon - beggin* bomfunk mc's - freestyler* the incredible bongo band - bongo rock breakdance - battle of the year remix eric b & rakim - i know you got soul bomfunk mc - uprocking beats freestyle - dont stop the rock breakestra - humpty dump breakestra - champ sly and the family stone - underdog cookin on 3 burners - cressy street breakdown cookin on 3 burners - feel good* dj qbert - james brown* edwin starr - time esperanto - night of the wolf lefties soul connection - fais do do flying steps - breakdance world fatboy slim - the rockefellar skank* fusik - fusik for the bboys* george benson - water brother gnarls barkley - run grandmaster flash and the furious five - old school breakdance herman kelly - lets dance to the drummers beat* hot pants (im coming, coming, Im coming) james brown - i got the feeling mr hot pants - i know you got soul * incredible bongo band - okey dokey incredible bongo band - raunchy '73 rob base & dj EZ rock - it takes two jazz - larry coryell - morning sickness* kraak & smaak - squeeze me curtis mayfield - move on up nikkfurie - the a la menthe ollie and jerry - there's no stopping us crazy elephant - pam* the blackbyrds - rock creek park oceans thirteen - snake eyes steve winwood and traffic - im a man sugar hill gang - jump on it kava - the gambler* the stone roses - fools gold(remix)* lefties soul connection - v2* tonez toaster - breakout* missy elliot - we run this dj woodo - boty finals 01 -02 -03 -04 -05 - 06 ......* menusha - you boys can boogie dj qbert - funky breakbeat the chance - adfunk* dj woodo - horny hornz old school beats jazzalou and lockefella - let it rain* mc rock - jazzy 4 mc's larry 's dance theme -grandmaster flash the bamboos - step it up the apples - killing* street level triple threat - morning showers* king khan - on the street where I live dj junk - damaged brain donald anderson - side saddie breakbeat jazzy three - rappin spree maceo and the macks - soul power* havikoro break beats Breaker's Revenge (Freestylers B-Boy Mix) - Arthur Baker BBoys/BGirls (Rock tha House) - Scooter Planet B-Boy Theme - Planet B-Boy Fresh - Def Cut Incredible Piano - LUDI Ichigeki - Sureshot Numb/Encore (Remix) - DJ Binhtendo* Police Woman Theme - Henry Mancini K-Os (Love Song Edit) - BBoy Soji Who is the Best - DJ Cabite 1976 - RJD2 Sunrise - Fendaheads B-Boy Interlutoni - Toni L ft. DJ Larry D Cut Out to FL - RJD2 Gundam (Remix) - Esone Hippy Skippy Moon Strut - The Mighty Show Stoppers On & On - DJ Kid Stretch It's a Great Situation - DJ Nas'D Concerto A Minor (BBoy Mix) - Fader Gladiator Battling Tonight - Esone Dump the Clip - Army of the Pharaohs ft. JMT Battle Hymn - DJ M@R The Lord - Def Cut Massive Attack Force - DJ M@R War of the World - DJ Pablo My Strength is Breakdance - DJ M@R Start 2 Panic - Flying Steps ft. Big Sal and Ace Black Hole (Electronica) - DJ M@R Who is the Best - DJ Cabite BBoy Chase (Original Mix) - Esone Blockparty - DJ Nas'D Murda Pillz - DJ CSP Sunrise - Fendaheads Alpha Team - DJ Tee* Brainstorm - Def Cut The Great Amateurhythm - Rhymester Going the Distance (Amen Remix) - DJ Junk Hard Victory - DJ Pablo Untouchable Instrumental (Remix) - Above the Law Hall of Fame Anthem - J-Squad Cypher Black - Fusik* Dump the Clip - Army of the Pharaohs ft. JMT Bboy Song _ Def Cut - Funky Beats Place to Be - DJ Nas'D Enemy Crush - Skrip Breaks BBoy Bloodline - DJ M@R The Mexican - Marc Hype Shake Break Bounce - The Chemical Brothers Forbidden Colours (Remix) - DJ Binhtendo* Taken from the Street - DJ Nas'D watch out now - beatnuts Have fun @A.Sate
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 23:09:35
@Tetsip o.o Thanks a ton! This will keep me occupied for some time XD
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 23:39:38
I'm sore
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 22:32:22
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 00:23:50
Wonder wrote: poop
can u do those ccw flares too? -
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 04:34:57
@Tetsip thats a pretty decent list of songs.. to be honest though i love breaking to old school beats. like James Brown and i like the group Bamboo. but very nice play lists:)
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 05:00:51
yeah i jacked em from my friend lol its his list. @itzDaKine
need to practice more zzzzz
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 09:46:46
so slow. I'm still at freezes. Maybe I should lessen my stay here T_T
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 16:49:20
exclusive wrote: can u do those ccw flares too?
wtf are you talking about? what does a loser have to do with flares going ccw? -
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 11:47:04
everytime I do windmills, I always hurt my right shoulder (doing CW windmills). What am I doing wrong? If you need vid, it might take a while.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 22:57:56
chrisPS wrote: everytime I do windmills, I always hurt my right shoulder (doing CW windmills). What am I doing wrong? If you need vid, it might take a while.
its fine if your shoulder hurts, that means you're doing it right. Just wear a jacket or something so you can lessen the impact and make it a smoother collapse -
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:14:08
Gah, legs are so low now. :P
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 19:52:47
@chrisPS i don think your shoulders are supposed to hurt... but what do i know?! windmills are not my forte:)
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 21:29:40
I cannot extend my right leg. So when I windmill, it looks like I'm rolling or sth D:
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 00:44:31
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 02:51:21
umm so i just got into this about a couple weeks ago and i can 6 step and sorta 3 step and i can baby freeze and do this other freeze but idk wat its called and i need help with my handglide. lik wen i try to hold it my right wrist and elbow start to hurt and i can barely hold it. advice would be appreciated :)
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 03:11:28
@catfish stretch stretch stretch! your wrists are very important in this. You HAVE to stretch them. otherwise, its all practice. Just practice holding the hangglide freeze for a while and you will build the strength
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 03:21:39
haha ok thanx for the advice :)
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 21:15:54
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 17:49:44
why is nobody posting anything? POST PROGRESS GUYS @chrisPS POST YOUR WINDMILLS
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 09:58:44
Haven't fucking practiced in days. O.o
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 03:56:11
I got the six step and helicopter down, currently working on turtles and trying to work ob toprock. Should I bother with the two/three/twelve step?
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 04:25:57
@A.Sate Yes. Learn all the steps.
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 17:00:27
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 20:34:45
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 21:33:23
My friends are teaching me this.... :) You need upper body strength.. keep on practicing you will get better
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 23:19:46
@Mufoofee teaching you what? just bboying in general? you dont really need strength
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 21:00:25
Yeah just bboying.
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 00:51:08
Mufoofee wrote: My friends are teaching me this.... :) You need upper body strength.. keep on practicing you will get better
not really, you need balance more than anything and strength wise.... it's mainly wrist strength that most people worry about cuz those give out fast/easily injured -
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 15:12:25
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 22:45:14
forgot about this thread.
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 19:25:09
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 02:08:02
BBOYING IS BACK, YE DAWG YE oh and uh bump o_ o
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 20:05:43
bumpitty bump bump o3o
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 06:07:08
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 23:31:26
did you guys watch turn it loose? redbull bc one 2007 o_o Oh and let's start posting some sets if you guys made any, sessions too, i'm not that great but i'll post more vids if you guys post more vids
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 21:52:34
/EPIC REVIVE I started bboying today :D this is really fun and it is a really good workout :) gonna post my toprock vid after 1 week . What do I learn next after toprock?
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 06:04:36
Sooooooooooooooooooo I went to my first jam. Sirqix 6 HELL YEAH. Met bboy cico, saw bboy pelezinho, bboy roxrite. so dope. Here some pics Oh. Red Bull BC Cypher was here. VICIOUS VICTOR WON. He's so sick. @TheAafg Here's some pics i took:
Vicious Vic^
Vicious Vic^
^Taken at prejam Oh. and yeah a vid of me... I haven't practiced in so long. Time to start up again! [video=youtube;UKXQTm55k-w][/video] [video=youtube;KZm3m1neh-g][/video] Judge showcase^ My brother took the videos [video=youtube;u9C1mcdRKlw][/video] ^ Finals Vicious vic and Fantum
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 06:16:05
Tetsip wrote: Sooooooooooooooooooo I went to my first jam. Sirqix 6 HELL YEAH. Met bboy cico, saw bboy pelezinho, bboy roxrite. so dope. Here some pics Oh. Red Bull BC Cypher was here. VICIOUS VICTOR WON. He's so sick. @TheAafg Here's some pics i took: 875_n.jpg 48_n.jpg Vicious Vic^ 513_n.jpg 094_n.jpg 695_n.jpg 402_n.jpg Vicious Vic^ 394_n.jpg 493_n.jpg ^Taken at prejam Oh. and yeah a vid of me... I haven't practiced in so long. Time to start up again! [video=youtube;UKXQTm55k-w][/video] [video=youtube;KZm3m1neh-g][/video] Judge showcase^ My brother took the videos [video=youtube;u9C1mcdRKlw][/video] ^ Finals Vicious vic and Fantum
the pics are HAWWWWWWWWT :O nice toprock, the sound your shoes were making kinda overcame the music xD -
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 06:19:39
haven't practiced in a long time.
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 06:23:02
TheAafg wrote: the pics are HAWWWWWWWWT :O nice toprock, the sound your shoes were making kinda overcame the music xD
Yeah... sucks having tile haha. My shoes are pretty grippy. I have more pics on my fbook and more videos to come :D -
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 20:39:40
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 21:34:35
Tetsip wrote: Sooooooooooooooooooo I went to my first jam. Sirqix 6 HELL YEAH. Met bboy cico, saw bboy pelezinho, bboy roxrite. so dope. Here some pics Oh. Red Bull BC Cypher was here. VICIOUS VICTOR WON. He's so sick. @TheAafg Here's some pics i took: 875_n.jpg 48_n.jpg Vicious Vic^ 513_n.jpg 094_n.jpg 695_n.jpg 402_n.jpg Vicious Vic^ 394_n.jpg 493_n.jpg ^Taken at prejam Oh. and yeah a vid of me... I haven't practiced in so long. Time to start up again! [video=youtube;UKXQTm55k-w][/video] [video=youtube;KZm3m1neh-g][/video] Judge showcase^ My brother took the videos [video=youtube;u9C1mcdRKlw][/video] ^ Finals Vicious vic and Fantum
You put zero effort into ur toprock -
Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 01:53:08
Breezy wrote: You put zero effort into ur toprock
cuz i suck and i'm bad. -
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 11:19:46
Tetsip wrote: cuz i suck and i'm bad.
lol you bad -
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 14:43:52
Wonder wrote: lol you bad
lol no u bad -
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 00:52:59
I haven't bboyed in awhile, about a week and a half, I fked up my knee during a set =.= But when I get better, I'll film something for this place :P
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 01:58:46
Tetsip wrote: cuz i suck and i'm bad.
Ya no shit. -
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 17:00:05
baby freeze windmill almost a flare crickets helicopter toprock baby swipe that's what I know as of now
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 22:18:48
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 04:39:42
Wonder wrote: MOAR FLARES
Is flares the only thing how to do or u tryin to perfect it? BTW if you are able to do leg splits it makes your flares a lot more sexy -
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 14:12:14
Breezy wrote: Is flares the only thing how to do or u tryin to perfect it? BTW if you are able to do leg splits it makes your flares a lot more sexy
Can you do leg splits o-o? -
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 15:27:13
BboyEnGee wrote: Can you do leg splits o-o?
yeah I can =] for me it took 4 months to het the complete forward split and 2 months for the side splits -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 05:06:00
Breezy wrote: yeah I can =] for me it took 4 months to het the complete forward split and 2 months for the side splits
Can I see o: ? -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 05:34:15
BboyEnGee wrote: Can I see o: ?
See a leg split? -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 15:55:17
Breezy wrote: See a leg split?
Yessir, well, I wana see you do one o______o -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 20:31:21
Breezy wrote: Is flares the only thing how to do or u tryin to perfect it? BTW if you are able to do leg splits it makes your flares a lot more sexy
1) no its not the only thing I do, it just takes a long ass time to gt good flares, and I want to use them as a base for power, so that I can go into othwr moves with a flare. 2) I dont wanna do leg splits because I like the way it looks with how much I spread now, it works fine -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 21:12:25
Wonder wrote: 1) no its not the only thing I do, it just takes a long ass time to gt good flares, and I want to use them as a base for power, so that I can go into othwr moves with a flare. 2) I dont wanna do leg splits because I like the way it looks with how much I spread now, it works fine
your flares are great. no need for work except when your coming forward into the next one... your leg kinda sweeps the ground:) but i like!! Have you seen Taisuke's flares? those are sik! -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 22:30:45
I have never tried flares since i can't find the space to. But i will try. Any tips?
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 11:11:53
Mufoofee wrote: I have never tried flares since i can't find the space to. But i will try. Any tips?
all I can say is to practice. After you get 1 flare I can help more @itzDaKine thanks, but what I need to work on is going from flare to handstand, which is damn hard :/ -
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 17:30:31
@Wonder fuuuuu! i believe in you bro! i believe!!!!
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 02:13:03
Mufoofee wrote: I have never tried flares since i can't find the space to. But i will try. Any tips?
do it outside? -
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 04:16:53
@exclusive There is mostly concrete, but I will go to a park.
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 15:09:26
Mufoofee wrote: @exclusive There is mostly concrete, but I will go to a park.
Just get a nice cardboard mat bro :P -
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 11:00:14
I am forever saddened. I have not practiced since last video and i cannot do anything anymore.
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 11:11:18
it's ok, I'm still stuck at footwork :P
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 13:49:25
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 14:49:18
Nice hollowback, respect. Oh and how do you handstand for so long?
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 14:55:59
what do you suggest for "spasmic" muscles? say, I exert effort on my arms/hands/legs/etc. and then it starts shaking like hell. kinda like an involuntary thing, you know. :/
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 15:22:40
@chrisPS stretch. take a break. relax
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 00:25:58
This one was out of boredom
Breezy wrote: Nice hollowback, respect. Oh and how do you handstand for so long?
Practiceeeeeeeeeeee a lot. Check my channel, the "bored" video. when you figure it out you can hold it as long as your arms can take it, in the video I had to stop because my arrms started hurting. The trick is to use your fingers, you can see how I grip the floor in the hollowback vid -
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 04:48:54
Tetsip wrote: @chrisPS stretch. take a break. relax
jeez, I hope I can. not when this varsity sport of mine is here to stay. :/ *sigh* -
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 13:03:17
Wonder wrote: This one was out of boredom Practiceeeeeeeeeeee a lot. Check my channel, the "bored" video. when you figure it out you can hold it as long as your arms can take it, in the video I had to stop because my arrms started hurting. The trick is to use your fingers, you can see how I grip the floor in the hollowback vid
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 22:21:34
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 22:46:13
vicious vic lost :(
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 02:25:08
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 04:46:35
the fuck? im battling the black guy. marcus.
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 02:21:38
[video=youtube;xsFZz1dUAGA][/video] lololololol
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 02:22:52
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 17:59:43
[video=youtube;uQhntFE8gRw][/video] poop ill be posting updates on this whenever i can
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 18:11:01
havent been able to practice at all, dad been home all day :( I went and took my dog for a walk and decided to just take a long walk with him out of boredom. I brought my ipod along so started toprocking whenever my dog stopped to find a spot or something, it was pretty good actually. I thought up some new toprocks for myself, started groovin with the music, while getting a workout :p
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 00:18:31
[video=youtube;3Z4l40JttV4][/video] GJODOAJGDSGKDOSAPKOP PAIN IN THE ASS
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 19:53:18
Hey so i started bboying a few days ago and can i ask you guys which tutorials did you use for learning toprock?
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 19:57:58
wotu1 wrote: Hey so i started bboying a few days ago and can i ask you guys which tutorials did you use for learning toprock?
bboy byu gogogogogogo and like the thing about toprock is that you should just feel it and do whatever, it shouldnt be you having to think about doing a routine -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 19:59:46
Wonder wrote: bboy byu gogogogogogo and like the thing about toprock is that you should just feel it and do whatever, it shouldnt be you having to think about doing a routine
Ok cool thanks. And also, what exactly is style? Ive been reading up on how theres powerheads and styleheads, but what IS style in bboying? -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 20:06:33
wotu1 wrote: Ok cool thanks. And also, what exactly is style? Ive been reading up on how theres powerheads and styleheads, but what IS style in bboying?
k umm, to sum it up, style is you dancing and feeling the music, but there's nothing you can say is a definition of style. Style usually is like footwork, toprock, just grooving to the music, doing whatever you want, there's no set definition to what bboying is, but the main fact of style is that you're DANCING to the music, actually feeling it. Basically anything else that's not power lol. thats a poopy explanation so i guess go to if you want someone to explain it to you, and while you're there read the comprehensive bboy guide -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 20:11:41
Wonder wrote: k umm, to sum it up, style is you dancing and feeling the music, but there's nothing you can say is a definition of style. Style usually is like footwork, toprock, just grooving to the music, doing whatever you want, there's no set definition to what bboying is, but the main fact of style is that you're DANCING to the music, actually feeling it. Basically anything else that's not power lol. thats a poopy explanation so i guess go to if you want someone to explain it to you, and while you're there read the comprehensive bboy guide
Ill check out the site but dang that guide is freaking HHUUUGGGEE. And one last thing, what should i focus on for now? Ive only been at it for 3 days.. EDIT: and if you remember, what was the order of things you learned in so i could get a good idea on how to progress? -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 20:19:19
wotu1 wrote: Ill check out the site but dang that guide is freaking HHUUUGGGEE. And one last thing, what should i focus on for now? Ive only been at it for 3 days.. EDIT: and if you remember, what was the order of things you learned in so i could get a good idea on how to progress?
for now work on toprock and footwork. keep practicing those forever, you never stop improving footwork. start handstands IMMEDIATELY. practice them every day, you will need to be able to do a handstand. then learn handglide freeze while you're at it, i learn everything at the same time it's more efficient. learn some basic freezes, go learn windmill if you want, learn whatever you want to learn it doesnt matter, just dont forget about the fundamentals of bboying. i didnt really have an order of what i learned i just was like doing handstands and tryign handglide while i did that, i learned toprock, basic footwork which i still need to work on. i went on with windmills, after a windmill i got a flare, and then from there it doesnt really matter, you'll understand when you get there, its not really about learning its about being a bboy the order i learned i dont -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 20:23:22
Wonder wrote: for now work on toprock and footwork. keep practicing those forever, you never stop improving footwork. start handstands IMMEDIATELY. practice them every day, you will need to be able to do a handstand. then learn handglide freeze while you're at it, i learn everything at the same time it's more efficient. learn some basic freezes, go learn windmill if you want, learn whatever you want to learn it doesnt matter, just dont forget about the fundamentals of bboying. i didnt really have an order of what i learned i just was like doing handstands and tryign handglide while i did that, i learned toprock, basic footwork which i still need to work on. i went on with windmills, after a windmill i got a flare, and then from there it doesnt really matter, you'll understand when you get there, its not really about learning its about being a bboy the order i learned i dont
Alright thanks for all the info man Ill go work on that stuff. -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 20:34:59
wotu1 wrote: Ok cool thanks. And also, what exactly is style? Ive been reading up on how theres powerheads and styleheads, but what IS style in bboying?
STYLE is how you express yourself through your bboing. The two main ones are powerheads and styleheads. There are also people who do other things such as blowups.. but calling them blowup heads is quite strange. I'll start out with examples and such. Powerheads. Powerheads focus on moves that require lots of skill and "power". Such tricks can be quite difficult to master and are usually very flashy. Prime examples are airflares, windmill variations, flares, and 1990s/2000s. For example, when I think of powerhead, first person i think of is bboy The End (or KYS). The End does INSANE powermoves. Moves that are RIDICULOUS. The amount of power that man hold is clearly... over 9000. [video=youtube;LWA7ztS0iMw][/video] Style is a bit more tricky. Style requires a lot of time in developing it. [B]Style is a bboy's unique way of expressing[/B]. Typically styleheads are VERY expressive in their emotions, which is solely reflected in their style. Its very difficult to explain style, but easier to show. When I think of style I think of bboy Cloud. bboy Cloud is amazing on the floor. Each of his moves are shown in unique ways, even the moves he uses are very unique and are pretty much set to him. For example, his king spins. I have not seen anyone else do king spins except him. If you continue to watch him more on his videos on youtube, you'll notice that he has trademark moves that are quite difficult. Same goes with bboy the end. That man does INSANE moves, prolly his most insane that i always remember is his transitions from jackhammers to airflares. I donno much about the end cause i dont watch him a lot... but if you ask @Wonder he would know. This is cloud. He prolly has the best style of all bboys imo. [video=youtube;eDSLLIi-2NI][/video] Also other people have their unique styles respective towards their name. I love bboy casper for his footwork and such. [video=youtube;qjBgT0YKcp8][/video] There's also the "blowup" heads. Blowups use a lot of strength and balance because blowups usually target freezes, handstands, one hand hand hops, elbow handhops yadadadada, and transitions from freezes like from: Turtle >headstand>one hand handstand > handhops. Like the first portion of this video. [video=youtube;SmMEgeO2cVI][/video] jajaja i kinda explained everything bad. But in the end, no style prevails over the other. But equality between all in one prevails... jejeje -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 21:20:12
Wonder wrote: for now work on toprock and footwork. keep practicing those forever, you never stop improving footwork. start handstands IMMEDIATELY. practice them every day, you will need to be able to do a handstand. then learn handglide freeze while you're at it, i learn everything at the same time it's more efficient. learn some basic freezes, go learn windmill if you want, learn whatever you want to learn it doesnt matter, just dont forget about the fundamentals of bboying. i didnt really have an order of what i learned i just was like doing handstands and tryign handglide while i did that, i learned toprock, basic footwork which i still need to work on. i went on with windmills, after a windmill i got a flare, and then from there it doesnt really matter, you'll understand when you get there, its not really about learning its about being a bboy the order i learned i dont
tips for multiple windmills/flares? -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 21:26:43
Explosion101 wrote: tips for multiple windmills/flares?
honestly, just watch other people doing it, and keep practicing. film yourself to see whats wrong and keep trying to fix it, but the main thing is practice practice practice -
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 21:12:51
FUCK YEAH I LEARNED BABY FREEZE. I jizzed myself when I realized I was standing on my hands :banana: the feeling you get is soooo freaking epic.
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 21:43:23
TheAafg wrote: FUCK YEAH I LEARNED BABY FREEZE. I jizzed myself when I realized I was standing on my hands :banana: the feeling you get is soooo freaking epic.
the most amazing feeling for me was when i first did a flare, it felt like i was flying :D but then after that it wasnt as cool of a feeling -
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 22:02:10
[video=youtube;U-mrJ58vy4M][/video] DOBLE POST
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 23:01:04
Wonder wrote: [video=youtube;xsFZz1dUAGA][/video] lololololol
i used to bboy. i can do hollow back one leg, and touch the ground then came back up. the reason i can't do it for a long time because my face got really red and all the blood just pour down to my face. i don't know if you have the same problem as me. btw grea form. i think you can do handhop pretty easy. -
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 23:02:52
@GeeGeeGee that used to happen, but then i just started breathing, which is where the sounds come from lol
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 23:18:17
whenever i do handstand for a long time, i still have the potato face and i did breathe. they called me bboy potato lol but i don't like it. btw did you try 1990 yet? or air flare?
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 23:24:35
GeeGeeGee wrote: whenever i do handstand for a long time, i still have the potato face and i did breathe. they called me bboy potato lol but i don't like it. btw did you try 1990 yet? or air flare?
a little bit, but i havent really stressed it. im going to work on airflare soon, but not yet, whenever i can get a practice place. look on my youtube channel i have a videos of 2000s -
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 01:07:28
did way too many baby freezes today, over practised and ended up having a bloody elbow. I was wearing jeans so the constant friction was too much :facepalm:
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 03:04:09
@TheAafg im losing a lot of blood when i do mills lol so many rugburns [video=youtube;7acbW0MFaBk][/video] SO CLOSE BUT SO FUCKING FAR
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 16:21:14
im tired of being the only one posting here T_T
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 17:00:03
hey im pretty new to bboying started about two weeks ago i have a couple of toprocks down, and for floor work i somewhat have 6 step and 12 step and 3 stepand i can do baby freeze handglide freeze and turtle freeze but im actually having trouble with handstands i can only keep them up for like 6 seconds and im trying to learn windmill but it's not going that well i always stop after my first one p.s bboy toyz got robbed at the u.s qualifier for bc one 2011
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 17:05:54
acdcse1 wrote: hey im pretty new to bboying started about two weeks ago i have a couple of toprocks down, and for floor work i somewhat have 6 step and 12 step and 3 stepand i can do baby freeze handglide freeze and turtle freeze but im actually having trouble with handstands i can only keep them up for like 6 seconds and im trying to learn windmill but it's not going that well i always stop after my first one p.s bboy toyz got robbed at the u.s qualifier for bc one 2011
i agree, he did get robbed, i was sure he would win :/ el nino didnt deserve it IMO, but i still dont understand judges. thats a good start for you in bboying, handstands dont worry it takes a lot of time and practice, just keep trying -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 00:04:27
someone help me with chair freeze ...please :whut: its so hard to turn your body :(
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 00:12:09
wonder you r a pro
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 00:12:25
@TheAafg Just pretend you're going into an airchair, except just put your head on the ground lol. and keep your chest facing up
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 00:41:30
overstretched leg ftl. :/ now I'm back to toprocks. meh, I'll get creative on this for awhile.
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 00:51:16
I think I found my dream move in bboy. Air flares :wub:
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 03:55:53
TheAafg wrote: I think I found my dream move in bboy. Air flares :wub:
lul go practice for a year maybe you'll get them, they're ridiculously hard -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 04:02:01
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 21:19:31
i dont understand why people think the dance is called "bboy" the dance is called bboying ._. the dancers are called bboys, i am a bboy who bboys. To bboy you wouldnt call it "breakdance" you would call it "breakdancing" even though thats not the right term
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 00:50:07
"Breakdance" is the media term. :facepalm: I get pissed at people who call it "breakdancing." Good job wonder, clears things up for a lot of people.
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 17:10:09
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 18:41:38
i am kinda nervous about filming myself o.o i have been bboying my butt off as of recently. Got zulu spin, did my first handstand (flipped over, hurt like a bitch), CCs, one handed baby freeze :?, 7 step, and am working on toprock in general. I want to attempt air flares........kinda scared though
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 20:51:57
TheAafg wrote: i am kinda nervous about filming myself o.o i have been bboying my butt off as of recently. Got zulu spin, did my first handstand (flipped over, hurt like a bitch), CCs, one handed baby freeze :?, 7 step, and am working on toprock in general. I want to attempt air flares........kinda scared though
dont attempt air flares if you cant do windmills or flares... -
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 07:13:19
FOOTWORKS ALL DAY. :/ since I'm at it, forgive me if it seems stupid/retarded, but... how do you do this Smoothly?
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 23:30:49
[video=youtube;1WDQ8Yc2Aw8][/video] my first bboying video :excited: yes, my pyjamas have canadian flags on them. Don't be judging people and shit, what's wrong with you?
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 00:59:44
TheAafg wrote: [video=youtube;1WDQ8Yc2Aw8][/video] my first bboying video :excited: yes, my pyjamas have canadian flags on them. Don't be judging people and shit, what's wrong with you?
it looks alright from the legs but what you dont understand is that toprock isn't just about doing a certain step, it's just feeling the music. So your arms, your body, your head, everything is incorporated into your toprock. arms are a big piece of toprock because people aren't just gonna be staring at your legs while you're breaking, they're going to be looking at YOU, your whole body. so post another vid with a full view and just let loose :p [video=youtube;uL49nqPrql8][/video] barrels again -
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 11:53:07
still working on windmills can't restab without sliding on my head tips?
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 12:04:43
damn strong ass mothafuckaz...gonna get into b boy when I'm in shape
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 23:45:41
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 00:05:47
made some progress on air flares. Got the first part, the turn while having both legs in the air is just :facepalm: i need more practise to keep up legs straight though :/
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 00:22:21
TheAafg wrote: made some progress on air flares. Got the first part, the turn while having both legs in the air is just :facepalm: i need more practise to keep up legs straight though :/
trust me, you're nowhere close. can you even do windmills yet? post a video of what you have with your airflare ill tell if you're doing it right -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 07:23:45
How do you even start :facepalm: :?
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 02:54:53
I got chair free down, kinda hurt my wrist a bit :/ working on headstand atm. I need more moves to practise, help pl0x @Jazz you start by learning toprock and then freezes ( I think) then you build from there :) its really not that hard, trust me. I have never danced before this in my entire life, but I can do this this :woop:
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 00:16:56
because I keep stopping and going back... darn me and no inspiration stuff... back to swipes....and footwork and freezes, till further notice. need help getting air in swipes and combining 6-step>swipe
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 03:55:12
Hey how do you transition from a handglide to a baby or a chair freeze? I got them down but i don't know how to link them. My arm always gets stuck when i try to transition to the baby or chair from handglide. Do i have to push myself up to get to the stab spot of the baby?
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 16:26:27
i can do a head stand, and im like 180 lbs ^^; it gives me a headache sometimes lol. I practiced since last winter though, but i JUST got the confidence to get balance for it. I need to bring up my legs to make it an actual headstand, cuz for now its pretty much a tripod without my arms supporting my legs. My toprock is ok, my footwork is probably bad and sloppy from no practice. The next day i can practice would probably be tomorrow.
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 03:13:56
@chrisPS you have to keep your hip high when you swipe. like hump the air.
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 15:48:45
why so dead
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 05:30:03
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 05:32:48 subscribe to my channel guise
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 22:28:28
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:16:23
ive been slowly learning handstand but can only do it for 2-3secs after pushing myselfa little away from wall with the wall, i can do it for 40sec -1 min any tips?
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 13:03:42
exclusive wrote: ive been slowly learning handstand but can only do it for 2-3secs after pushing myselfa little away from wall with the wall, i can do it for 40sec -1 min any tips?
keep on doing the same thing, really. if that doesn't help you, try doing pushups while on the wall, really helps your arm and shoulder strength. -
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 03:08:24
hello, I'm a noob, I can do baby freeze, hanglider freeze, turtle freeze, swipe (or whatever), and helicoptort (or whatever). I'm working on windmill, toprock, and steps. but I kinda suck at all of it
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 18:09:11
@Wonder Nice Munchmills or babymills... Whatever you wanna call em:)
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 18:14:44
just learned 6 step and 3 step!
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 05:11:33
Hey Guys, i've been bboying for about a year plus and recently I cant seem to do even a basic handglide freeze. My abs and wrists hurt really bad when i try to stab. Any tips? I've taken about a week or two break already. :/
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 01:45:48
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 01:50:50
Jamal wrote: I DID A WINDMILL TO ELBOW TRACK !!!!!!!
vid nao -
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 01:58:30
painting or it didnt happen.
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 01:58:31
strat1227 wrote: vid nao
friend has the video, waiting for him to send it to me -
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 03:31:15
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 03:44:17
where the fuck is my painting. and i did not know quality like that existed anymore what the shit
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 04:08:55
Tetsip wrote: where the fuck is my painting. and i did not know quality like that existed anymore what the shit
His camera is actually good, it was just butchered through messaging at a low ass res -
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 04:10:28
I did not know quality could ever become so shitty.
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 16:07:52
normal quality @Tetsip
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 04:24:59
this video makes no sense, but goddamn that little kid puts you all to shame
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 04:42:32
strat1227 wrote: this video makes no sense, but goddamn that little kid puts you all to shame
Date: Sat, Aug 11 2012 23:24:31
strat1227 wrote: this video makes no sense, but goddamn that little kid puts you all to shame
search jubafilms on youtube, they have other similar videos -
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 17:48:10
it does make sense
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 23:49:17
I just learned windmill!!!!!!!!
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 02:36:37
anybody else still bboy? :( I feel lonely posting on this thread
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 02:51:45
SA1 wrote: anybody else still bboy? :( I feel lonely posting on this thread
holy fuck I actually haven't practised in such a long time. Even forgot most of the moves names and stuff. I am gonna get back into this starting tomorrow. Wish me luck. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 02:54:52
awesome! are u newb? we could learn together, luck has been wished btw
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 03:15:10
SA1 wrote: awesome! are u newb? we could learn together, luck has been wished btw
yeah pretty much, I was doing pretty good tbh, I quit cause no one was doing it and I got busy with other stuff. I am an idiot. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 03:19:03
wut can u do?
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 03:31:07
SA1 wrote: wut can u do?
toprock, basically whatever the bboy.ryu (?) shows in his yt videos. Baby freeze, chair freeze, 7 step, 6 step, zulu spin, 12 step, CC, and helicopter. Yeah that's it I think. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 03:51:58
just learned zulu spin and it make me really wanna learn king spin cause they would link so well (sig is king spin)
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 04:11:05
^ lol only cloud does king spins. otherwise................ BITER. sucks to suck. its like his signature move
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 21:33:04
Tetsip wrote: ^ lol only cloud does king spins. otherwise................ BITER. sucks to suck. its like his signature move
you're a gigantic fucking faggot. -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 00:05:09
Tetsip wrote: ^ lol only cloud does king spins. otherwise................ BITER. sucks to suck. its like his signature move
I do wut I wanna do, ok -
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 19:03:47
clap clap
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 00:24:56
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 03:18:28
Jamal wrote: clap clap
haha, nice -
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 00:10:46
nice...sooo um who's the best bboy on here again?
Date: Sat, Jul 13 2013 01:32:49
heyyy i didnt know this thread exists I'm a popper but @Dakrowl here is learning bboying (sun)
Date: Sun, Jul 14 2013 07:16:22
how long have you been popping?
Date: Sun, Jul 14 2013 16:51:40
Walkaz wrote: heyyy i didnt know this thread exists I'm a popper but @Dakrowl here is learning bboying (sun)
wanna make a popping thread? -
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2014 02:26:49
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2014 04:07:29
@Jamal mad clean mills
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 04:10:23
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 12:29:25
why not bgirl
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 17:52:32 wrote: why not bgirl
b-boying is the general term for the dance. To b-boy. bgirls can bboy. -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 19:56:58
Jamal wrote: b-boying is the general term for the dance. To b-boy. bgirls can bboy.
okay then assuming that why is the term bboy and not something more general like bperson -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 20:29:37 wrote: okay then assuming that why is the term bboy and not something more general like bperson
You can call them "breakers" or "breaking" if you're so bothered by gender roles. Google it! :D -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 20:53:19 wrote: okay then assuming that why is the term bboy and not something more general like bperson
Why? Because at first it was just guys, they were bboys, the name of the dance was bboying. Yes, girls came along, but they weren't going to change the name of the game for some bullshit gender entitlement, besides bboy sounds a lot better than bperson. Nobody's outing you, it's just a goddamn name. When we say "mankind" we know that includes all of humanity /end sass -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:34:38
Jamal wrote: Why? Because at first it was just guys, they were bboys, the name of the dance was bboying. Yes, girls came along, but they weren't going to change the name of the game for some bullshit gender entitlement, besides bboy sounds a lot better than bperson. Nobody's outing you, it's just a goddamn name. When we say "mankind" we know that includes all of humanity /end sass
actually when someone says "mankind" i assume they mean all people; men = everyone , males = gentlemen , females = women. and please. calm down. breathe in, breathe out. count to 10 in your head. okay. -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:35:50 wrote: actually when someone says "mankind" i assume they mean all people; men = everyone , males = gentlemen , females = women. and please. calm down. breathe in, breathe out. count to 10 in your head. okay.
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:36:35
JackyMacky wrote: You can call them "breakers" or "breaking" if you're so bothered by gender roles. Google it! :D
oh, thanks for actually helping / giving useful info :) and um in my opinion breakers sounds better than bboys but -- -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:37:52
Jamal wrote:
okay thank you for listening to instructions. -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:38:39 wrote: oh, thanks for actually helping / giving useful info :) and um in my opinion breakers sounds better than bboys but --
it can sound as great as you want but we started as bboys and that's the way it is -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:48:32
Jamal wrote: it can sound as great as you want but we started as bboys and that's the way it is
our country (that we live in now) started as a country of slavekeepers and is that the way it is now? very accepting to positive change i see. -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 21:49:56 wrote: our country (that we live in now) started as a country of slavekeepers and is that the way it is now? very accepting to positive change i see.
that's not even close to comparable I'm talking about nomenclature and what defines the dance, you're talking about how things were done in a country and how the people acted. pls try not to cut yourself on that edge -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 22:24:54
Jamal wrote: that's not even close to comparable I'm talking about nomenclature and what defines the dance, you're talking about how things were done in a country and how the people acted. pls try not to cut yourself on that edge
lmao not even close to comparable x3 okay you're funny, i'll give you that. you certainly are very openminded and it's obvious that you like to think out of the box. very. -
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 05:26:23 wrote: lmao not even close to comparable x3 okay you're funny, i'll give you that. you certainly are very openminded and it's obvious that you like to think out of the box. very.
That's like trying to compare "I don't think it should be called a bathroom anymore because it's not just for baths" to "I think we should stone people to death if they sin" anyway nomenclature bullshit aside -
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 07:58:00
Damn i thought it was bboy jamal from predatorz.. Anyway guys stay on topic
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2014 23:10:58
Jamal wrote: That's like trying to compare "I don't think it should be called a bathroom anymore because it's not just for baths" to "I think we should stone people to death if they sin" anyway nomenclature bullshit aside
you don't really get this, but -- i didn't really expect you to. does calling a bathroom a bathroom offend anybody? do you have any other proposals as to what to call it? if so, tell me what i should call it, and i'll go ahead and use that term. and how is stoning somebody because they sin even related to this -_- we're talking about misnomers here, in case you haven't noticed. -
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2014 01:15:32 like darkrowl says, this is getting to be off topic (and kind of bitter). please stay on topic and try to avoid getting too caught up in the interpretations of the name.
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2014 02:39:03 wrote: you don't really get this, but -- i didn't really expect you to. does calling a bathroom a bathroom offend anybody? do you have any other proposals as to what to call it? if so, tell me what i should call it, and i'll go ahead and use that term. and how is stoning somebody because they sin even related to this -_- we're talking about misnomers here, in case you haven't noticed.
I only brought up something like that because you brought up slavery... If I remember correctly I said a few posts back that we're talking about nomenclature, literally exactly what you just tried to throw on me -
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2014 04:36:22
Reason wrote: like darkrowl says, this is getting to be off topic (and kind of bitter). please stay on topic and try to avoid getting too caught up in the interpretations of the name.
um. the name in general is offensive to me??? can i not stand up for something that i feel is right? should i not? would you like us to continue this through pm? -
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2014 04:39:28
Jamal wrote: I only brought up something like that because you brought up slavery... If I remember correctly I said a few posts back that we're talking about nomenclature, literally exactly what you just tried to throw on me
okay you didn't get the point of the post but -- the point was that our country changed, and for the better good. was slavery not offending to the Africans? it's offending to everyone else who practiced slavery. it's an abomination of human rights. and um. while i was talking about slavery, did i say anything about the naming of slavery? i said that we changed. -
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2014 06:03:42
@Reason it's dakrowl hahaa