Pen Modifications / Deactivated ammunition weighting
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 17:57:53
Now, I'm in the UK, so getting hold of say, a bullet without it having to be deactivated and specially ordered is a pain. However, these things are like perfect weights, copper coated with lead inside: perfect heavy weighting for a mod. We know that a13x did this. Obviously you'd have to pry it loose from the casing itself, using just the tip instead of the whole round. Could anyone get pictures of various rounds in comparison to say, airfit tips? Such as 9mm and .44
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 18:06:46
wutwutwutwut x5
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 18:19:36
that would be way to heavy for most spinners
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 18:34:38
Awesome wrote: that would be way to heavy for most spinners
Depends on the bullet -
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 19:09:26
I tried, almost broke my fingers.
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 19:11:22
#MAXIMUMYOLOSWAG #EUROCRACYSNEWLEAKEDMOD jokes aside though, im sure there are places where you could find well formed pieces of heavy metals. maybe go to a blacksmith? is the point of this just to make a mod heavier or what?... i dont really get it...
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 19:19:21
I already used bullet desactivated in my "bullet mod" (I posted photos on SOYP or in my "galery thread on FPSB"). I made them desactivated in a "gun shop" and after, I put in it some metal melt to have heavy weights. Was 9mm bullet. (FPSB thread : bullet mod) Approximetly : 45g for the mod (sry if I made english mistakes)
Date: Sun, Dec 15 2013 20:02:42
sky-returns wrote: I already used bullet desactivated in my "bullet mod" (I posted photos on SOYP or in my "galery thread on FPSB"). I made them desactivated in a "gun shop" and after, I put in it some metal melt to have heavy weights. Was 9mm bullet. (FPSB thread : bullet mod) Approximetly : 45g for the mod (sry if I made english mistakes)
This one?
Date: Mon, Dec 16 2013 03:13:34
Yes, I put the bullet in the caps
Date: Tue, Dec 17 2013 05:20:03
well crap i posted something after reading the post incorrectly pretend this isnt here