Linkages & Combos / How to get back in 34 positon

  1. Raco
    Date: Fri, Dec 6 2013 11:20:13

    can someone please tell me a trick/s to get back in 34 position in clockwise motion thnx:)

  2. Whirlpool
    Date: Fri, Dec 6 2013 14:03:32

    There is a. Lot of ways. A pass 23-34. There are Baks. I mean it's not clockwise, you can do a shadow. You can do a FL Rev. thumaround catch in 34. There are more but I don't have a wide selection of tricks but this is what I know a rev. Sonic and or inverse sonic to pass

  3. shadow2226
    Date: Fri, Dec 6 2013 16:49:01

    You can try doing rev shadow, bak arounds ,bak riser, rev inverse sonic, rev twisted sonic 23-34, rev sovic 23-34, rev sonic clip 23-34, bak around 12 to pinky bak 34, rev inverse sonic 13 to rev pass 34 to pinky bak, rev devil shadow 23-34, devil sonic 23-24 or devil shadow around. Well devil sonic and shadow aren't clockwise but they can help you out. so i would recommend you try these trick in all finger slots that should help you out in getting more tricks in to the 34 slot. o and with the rev sonic to make them go clockwise try doing it palm down.

  4. Infiknight
    Date: Mon, Dec 9 2013 12:41:07

    i think many tricks can, just experiment and see what works