Off-topic / Steam Autumn Sale
Date: Wed, Nov 27 2013 18:46:48
The Steam Autumn Sale just started, with a ton of games on sale. Let us know what games you're going to grab on this thread! The Autumn Sale runs from 27/11/13 till 3/12/13 (date format is dd/mm/yy). Also there will be a winter sale soon too running from 19/12/13 till 2/1/14. Apparently the discounts will remain the same throughout both sales, so if there is a game you want now on sale there isn't really any point to wait until the winter sale. Here's the leaked email of the sale dates I'm about to grab Skyrim Legendary Edition and Crysis 2 Maximum Edition since Skyrim is a daily deal and Crysis 2 is a flash sale. Here's a guide to make sure you buy it at the right sale. Only buy games straight away if they are a flash or daily deal, because they won't be on sale at that sale % again, eg 75%. So if there is a game you want, and it isn't on the flash or daily deals wait until the last day till you buy it because it might be on one of those sales then. Also my friend told me that at the end of the sale there's this thing called encore sale, whatever that is. Here's a diagram to help you make the most out of a sale.
Here's a site with all the current sales Since I've got 13 games on my wishlist, RIP in peace wallet!
Date: Wed, Nov 27 2013 19:44:32
Skyrim would be interesting. I really want the game for a while now, only played it at friends their account.
Date: Wed, Nov 27 2013 20:34:21
fang wrote: Skyrim would be interesting. I really want the game for a while now, only played it at friends their account.
It's 75% off at the moment, at £3.74 (not sure in dollars you can do conversion yourself or check steam) which is really cheap and worth it! But I got the Legendary Edition for extra DLC :D -
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 23:05:08
Bioshock infinite 75% off :)
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 14:38:27
I bought besides Skyrim: Bioshock Infinite and Dishonored. Dahmit.
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 22:20:45
So here's all the games I bought from the sale, and yes my wallet has officially died, but hey, think of all the money that I saved :D Borderlands 2 Torchlight II Saints Row IV Bioshock Infinite Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package Surgeon Simulator Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Sleeping Dogs DLC Collection (Only DLC, got the game from the Halloween Sale) Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 11:07:08
I bought Trials Evolution: Gold Edition. It doesn't recognize my gamepad. It requires me to log into some shitty Uplay application. I'm not gonna play it. I'm pissed.