Off-topic / Hearthstone
Date: Tue, Oct 29 2013 23:23:09
Anybody else in the closed beta? johncraven#1529
Date: Tue, Oct 29 2013 23:52:16
god, do ever use a name thats not johncraven?
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 00:11:43
My friend wanted a key, so I gave it to him if he still wanted to play. He didn't take it, and instead gave it some random kid I don't know wtf so now I'm pissed that he just gave it to some nigga rather then tell me he didn't want it THAT NIGGA DON'T EVEN PLAY COMPUTER GAMES I'm now waiting to get another beta key zz
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 02:55:46
Nope, I would love to get into the beta though, the whole game looks really neat. :/
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 08:47:51
dyrus failing promos twice
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 18:05:51
Loanshark wrote: god, do ever use a name thats not johncraven?
uhh what's my username on UPSB -
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 18:38:30
I see a lot of League of Legends streamers play this while they wait in que. I haven't really looked into this game but it seems to be some sort of card game?
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 18:40:16
Supergirl wrote: I see a lot of League of Legends streamers play this while they wait in que. I haven't really looked into this game but it seems to be some sort of card game?
its a digital collectible card game maybe ill record a video -
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 19:44:11
Zombo wrote: its a digital collectible card game maybe ill record a video
This would be cool, at first I thought it was a spin off of WoW, idk why -
Date: Wed, Oct 30 2013 20:33:11
Tentcell wrote: This would be cool, at first I thought it was a spin off of WoW, idk why
well... yes it is a spinoff of WoW, just like WoW is a spinoff of Warcraft... -
Date: Thu, Oct 31 2013 00:09:34
It's a really easy version of MtG. Michael Jacob, an MtG streamer has a 90+% winrate on Hearthstone, it's ridiculous.
Date: Thu, Oct 31 2013 09:27:29
I got bored with it really fast. It seems like a fun game to play every now and then for a game or two but I've never played a card game like MtG and it seems like you need so much knowledge of all the card and theorycrafting behind picking decks. I don't like playing games casually, I want to know what is going on.
Date: Fri, Nov 1 2013 05:03:54
Date: Sun, Nov 3 2013 20:30:42
I am playing hearthstone, on eu server though. It's quite enjoyable. After playing the game for 1 week you can manage to get a pretty good grasp on what is going on. This is mainly because there are so few cards, after playing a bit you will at least recognize almost all of them. If Blizzard manages to introduce a couple of good expantions, I would be able to enjoy the game over a longer timeframe. As to the 80% winrate of MtGpros: During the last few weeks so many betakeys have been given out, new players who barely know the concepts behind the game are flooding into the game, obviously a MtG pro is able to get to such a winrate.
Date: Mon, Jan 20 2014 22:02:54
So I made a battlenet account a while ago to try and get the beta key but then it asked me to install something to check my system or something so I wasn't bothered with that. And then today I received an email saying I now have access to closed beta, so I'm installing the game right now. Anyone else still play?
Date: Wed, Jan 22 2014 03:49:52
Open beta is out lol you dont need a key anymore
Date: Wed, Jan 22 2014 16:41:18
Zombo wrote: Open beta is out lol you dont need a key anymore
Oh, in my email it says I now have access to closed beta :insertemoticonofhandsupinairandshruggingshoulders: -
Date: Wed, Jan 22 2014 18:32:54
Supergirl wrote: Oh, in my email it says I now have access to closed beta :insertemoticonofhandsupinairandshruggingshoulders:
you got it too late lol you can still play tho -
Date: Wed, Jan 22 2014 21:17:19
add me guys Vesque#1766
Date: Sun, Jan 26 2014 03:04:07
arena run 6-2 yeeeeeeee druid quite flexible after card changes, control druid is actually fotm now o_o paladin is also op with buffs and stuff mage got fked
Date: Mon, Jan 27 2014 19:01:59
Jazz wrote: arena run 6-2 yeeeeeeee druid quite flexible after card changes, control druid is actually fotm now o_o paladin is also op with buffs and stuff mage got fked
battle id? -
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 02:24:05
"no way he can win unless he has hammer of wrath"
fuck btw zombo i added you
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 02:32:00
SecondHeaven#1279 main asian server though, smurfing on na yee @Zombo
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 15:22:56
what are the odds of getting rid of all 4 of your cards at the start and redrawing all 4 of them back because fuck you too, game
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 15:32:04
Loanshark wrote: what are the odds of getting rid of all 4 of your cards at the start and redrawing all 4 of them back because fuck you too, game
Really, they changed that? You used to never be able to redraw cards unless you had them in your deck twice if you mulliganed. That's silly. -
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 15:46:24
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Really, they changed that? You used to never be able to redraw cards unless you had them in your deck twice if you mulliganed. That's silly.
yea, it was during mulligan and i just redrew all the cards' twins =.= -
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 15:52:51
Loanshark wrote: yea, it was during mulligan and i just redrew all the cards' twins =.=
Oh okay, then it's still ridiculous odds but it's not the game's fault. :P I really was worried for a second, haha. -
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 15:58:39
i wonder how high of a rank i can go with a basic only deck at 19 now, and so hard to deal with peoples' legendaries i was 30 hp the whole game, and this guy plays alextrasza and then 2x fireballs me next turn and wins =.=
Date: Wed, Jan 29 2014 20:23:12
Loanshark wrote: i wonder how high of a rank i can go with a basic only deck at 19 now, and so hard to deal with peoples' legendaries i was 30 hp the whole game, and this guy plays alextrasza and then 2x fireballs me next turn and wins =.=
i think some dude hit legends with a no-legendary rogue deck. -
Date: Thu, Jan 30 2014 17:51:46
holy shit, millhouse manastorm turn 1 so op
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 03:41:18
look at that fucking gorgeous mana curve look at it
Date: Mon, Feb 3 2014 04:29:21
>he plays ragnaros >holyfuckingshit im so dead >topdeck mindcontrol, gg >he uses faceless manipulator on the ragnaros >fuck what do i do >topdeck mindcontrol again, gg
Date: Wed, Feb 5 2014 16:52:07
gg opened 80 packs zz got golden millhouse, centaruis, deathwing and captain greenskin zz
Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 00:51:12
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 00:46:17
Almost unlocked all the heroes. What's arena btw?
Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 02:32:03
Supergirl wrote: Almost unlocked all the heroes. What's arena btw?
The game gives you 3 heroes at random and you pick one Then it shows you 3 random cards, and you choose one of the cards out of the 3, and it repeats again for a total of 30 times, so you have chosen 30 cards. Then you use that deck you just made against people who made a deck with the same method, and see how long you last. Once you lose 3 times, you're out, and the more you win, the better prizes you get. -
Date: Mon, Feb 10 2014 02:17:29
1-3 arena run RNGesus is my savior
Date: Mon, Feb 10 2014 17:08:39
Loanshark wrote: 1-3 arena run RNGesus is my savior
you went 1-3 with that pally? wow... only thing you were missing was equality -
Date: Thu, Feb 13 2014 01:18:49
Zombo wrote: you went 1-3 with that pally? wow... only thing you were missing was equality
nonono, that pally deck i posted was 10-3 this 1-3 run was an attempt at miracle rogue in arena -
Date: Fri, Feb 14 2014 04:28:39
really shitty mage draft BUT PLEAAAAAAAASSEEEE
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2014 13:21:57
> watch trump's free mage to legend > get excited > cant get past rank 11 with free mage I got to rank 14 without a problem, then went like 14-15-14-13-14-13-12-13-12-11-12-11-12-11 here's my deck help pls
EDIT: I have replaced 1 flamestrike with 1 water elemental
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2014 15:33:37
rofl, exact same situation dude
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2014 23:48:32
god damn it literally every single opponent has a ysera or ragnaros
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2014 14:22:35
Why the fuck does everyone at rank 18 have legendaries.
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2014 13:23:16
[QUOTE='[TGN];279581']> watch trump's free mage to legend > get excited > cant get past rank 11 with free mage I got to rank 14 without a problem, then went like 14-15-14-13-14-13-12-13-12-11-12-11-12-11 here's my deck help pls EDIT: I have replaced 1 flamestrike with 1 water elemental[/QUOTE] really really late reply, but why do you have pyroblast? its too hard to play unless you reconstruct your whole deck around pyroblast (ice block, frost nova, doomsayer mage) also you need card draw. 2x azure drake is not enough, you really need the acolytes where is your ooze against paladin/control warr? if your opponent puts up a gorehowl, you have literally nothing against it the only taunt you have is defender of argus, which is really slow to play efficiently. this deck will instantly lose to any aggro hunter/zoo lock, which are the most popular decks at the time. you need dat sunfury argent commander makes your deck too expensive considering the fact you have pyroblast. argent commander is generally used for immediate removal, but as a mage, you have fireball/frostbolt, so what is the purpose of investing in the card? every card in trump's mage deck has a specific purpose and he built the deck with the goal of being a mid-range deck with control against aggro (sunfury protector, argent squire). if you change around the cards in the deck, you need to consider how that affects the overall goal of the deck. it looks like you tried to copy trump's deck, but didnt have all the cards, so you put in some other cards you have that seemed good, which is okay. but, what you have is not trump's deck, since many of its key elements are missing. this is the basic rundown of basically why trump chose each card argent squire ----- stops aggro in its tracks mana wyrm ------- efficient 1-drop. the presence of wyrm is scary so your opponent will most likely spend more than 1 mana to kill it frostbolt ----------- extremely efficient spell ooze ---------------- gg card vs gorehowl or sword of justice. slows down rogue tempo. if a rogue dagger > pass on turn 2, ooze is a huge tempo gain amani berserker -- scary card considering you can ping it. even though it wont trade up like a 3/2 can, the enrage is fearful and your opponent will be forced to play around it sunfury protector -- your only taunt in the game. defender of argus is too expensive and you need the 4 slot for water elemental/fireball/poly acolyte -------------- your 1 of 2 card-draws. the ability to ping your acolyte raises its value a lot earthen ring -------- used to heal water elemental or ogre. this card is kinda iffy, you can swap with blood knight, worgen or MC tech, but you just need a 3 mana 3/3 harvest golem ------ most value 3 drop in the game fireball --------------- obvious poly ------------------ obvious yeti ------------------- 2nd best 4 drop in the game water ele ------------- best 4 drop in the game azure drake ---------- 4/4 is solid, its the sweet spot vs priests, it draws a card, its spell damage faceless -------------- if you can't draw poly ogre ------------------- efficient 6 drop flamestrike ----------- obvious the 4 questionable cards you have are sorc apprentice -- trump mage is not a spell-reliant deck. only 7 spells in total. this card isn't bad..but there are better cards for the 2 slot, notably sunfury defender of argus -- your 4 mana slot is really full from water ele/yeti/fireball/poly. you cant afford to run an argus when you can just run a sunfury to do the same thing argent commander -- really great card by itself, but it doesnt work well with this deck. you have fireball/frostbolt/poly for immediate removal, so the value of charge on a minion goes down pyroblast -- too hard to play well. it doesnt really help you at all when you're losing, since it eats up your whole turn and provides no board control. if you're winning, all it does is speed up your win
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2014 14:55:09
Hey guys, I've recently started playing Hearthstone so I was wondering if you guys could give tips for a newbie likeme, like deck builds , strategies etc. Thanks :)
Date: Mon, Apr 21 2014 00:17:49
So Hearthstone is now out on iPad, but not for android tablets >.< I have a Nexus 7
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2014 21:37:34
Voracity wrote: Hey guys, I've recently started playing Hearthstone so I was wondering if you guys could give tips for a newbie likeme, like deck builds , strategies etc. Thanks :)
if you really want to get serious, you should watch trump's stream. he streams mostly arena and every single play that he does, he takes the time to explain it I guess for general advice with hearthstone, you should always try to find the best play possible and spend your mana/cards efficiently. That being said, regarding deck building, you generally only want to take efficient cards. A good way to test is the Vanilla test: if a card costs 3 mana, it should give you 3/3 in stats. If it doesnt, then ask yourself if the card's extra abilities is worth the trade-off in stats. For example: let's take 2 different cards that are the same mana cost, and compare them: Boulderfist Ogre and Lord of the Arena Both cost 6 mana, but a Boulderfist Ogre is a 6/7, while the Lord of the Arena is a 6/5. By the vanilla test, the ogre is an extraordinary card, giving us extra health than we should expect. Now let's look at the lord of the arena, it has 2 less health than the ogre, but it has the taunt ability. Is the taunt ability really worth losing 2 health? The answer is no. Generally, the purpose of taunt is to protect something, so you would want to have your taunt have a lot of health. But, at 6 mana, 5 health is very poor, and your opponent can kill your 6 mana minion with only 5 mana (for example, Stranglethorn Tiger). This makes Lord of the Arena a very inefficient card, and its extremely bad. So, back to Boulderfist Ogre, it's a 6 mana 6/7. Why is this card so good? Well, look at all the other cards in the game that cost 6 mana. Most of them can't kill the ogre. There are only two 6 mana minions in the entire game that can kill the ogre without dying, and they're both legendaries: Illidan Stormrage and The Beast. So this is the general mindset you want when picking a deck. For the amount of mana the card costs, you want the most value possible, so your opponent will have to spend extra mana deal with your cards. Regarding beginner decks, in my opinion, there are two must-have cards that you should add in all of your decks, and they are: Harvest Golem Chillwind Yeti Both of those cards are extremely good, as it will always cost your opponent more mana to kill them than the amount of mana it took you to play it. -
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2014 23:10:19
Out of curiosity, what rank are you? @Loanshark
Date: Sun, May 4 2014 12:30:30
kinda playing it 2-3 games every morning and every night, on both ipad and comp. Froggy#3449 going F2P all the way xD Frog~
Date: Thu, May 8 2014 05:44:58
Lettuce wrote: Out of curiosity, what rank are you? @Loanshark
I don't play ranked, i usually play only arena, but my highest rank was 6 from last season obligatory posting of my arena stats since game release date :3 -
Date: Fri, May 16 2014 13:41:54
beat a legend player in arena pretty easily i'm basically legend i guess
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2014 13:17:54
trying to climb as far as i can this season, rank 10 atm. playing mostly handlock
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2014 15:24:48
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 01:56:17
started new spreadsheet over 50% of my arena runs are 7+ wins
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 03:13:44
Okay guys, sadly, since this thread is basically dead, I will be attempting to revive it with a series of quick guides on all the decks I'm currently using to help YOU get better at Hearthstone :D This post is as of the September 2014 patch (the RIP in pieces hunter patch, because fuck hunters) edit : I will gradually update the posts with more in-depth class-specific matchup tips when I get time.
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 03:31:48
[B]Overview[/B] This deck is pretty much a standard ramp-style Druid deck that utilizes cards like Innervate and Wild Growth to ramp up your mana to play huge minions quickly, but it's slightly faster than typical ramp decks since it runs Harvest Golem to help you against aggro. The basic gist of the deck to lay down huge minions, make effective trades, and keep up on tempo. [B]Card-by-Card Analysis[/B] Innervate & Wild Growth - Staple ramp Druid cards, as they define the whole theme of the deck, must-have. Wrath - Very good removal, can also be used for card draw. Bloodmage Thalnos - Cheap spell power and card draw. If you don't have this, then it's fine to just put a Sunwalker in your deck to make a stronger lategame. It's not worth putting in a Kobold Geomancer to substitute the spell power. Loot Hoarder can be okay, but it weakens the strength of your deck since it doesn't have the potential value as Bloodmage Thalnos does. Big Game Hunter - Kinda needed, as the metagame in this state will shift heavily towards Handlock and Warrior. Harvest Golem - Most efficient neutral 3-drop in the game. Will help you stabilize in the early-game if you don't draw your ramp cards. Swipe - A must have in every single Druid deck, no question. Chillwind Yeti - Extremely efficient minion. Coin > Innervate > Yeti is extremely powerful. Keeper of the Grove - Efficient and flexible card, must have. Druid of the Claw - See above. Faceless Manipulator - Pretty good at copying huge cards, can easily turn the tide of a board. Loatheb - Very good card at securing victory, will prevent your opponent from clearing the board. Cairne Bloodhoof, Sylvanas Windrunner, and The Black Knight - Very efficient 6-drops. Replace with Sunwalkers or Boulderfist Ogres if you don't have them. Ancient of Lore/War - Key cards to ramp Druid, irreplaceable. Ancient of Lore is extreme value as it draws 2 cards for basically 2 mana. Ancient of War can potentially be replaced with Ironbark Protector, but it's not as strong. Ragnaros - Very strong end-game drop. Can be replaced with Kel'Thuzad. [B]Mulligan[/B] When going first, always keep Innervate or Wild Growth. If you get both, I generally throw away the Innervate unless I can ramp to a quick Druid of the Claw. Keeping both Innervate or Wild Growth will very often leave you with a dead hand from turns 3-5. Harvest Golem is also a pretty good card to keep. When going 2nd, you can look for Chillwind Yeti, and if you happen to pick up both Innervate and Wild Growth, you should keep them both, since you have an extra card in your hand. [B]Match-Ups and Tips[/B] Most match-ups will play out the same way. This deck is more about putting down your own threats rather than dealing with the opponent's. If against aggressive decks like Zoo, prioritize keeping Wrath/Harvest Golem. Otherwise, there's not really any special notes for specific match-ups.
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:10:20
[B]Overview[/B] Do you like to yolo? Is "not even close baby" part of your life motto? Then Handlock is probably best for you. The main premise of Handlock is to constantly use your hero power to obtain a huge hand size so you can drop powerful Twilight Drakes and cheap Mountain Giants. After, when your life is low from all that Life Tapping, you drop Molten Giants completely for free. You try to get your health down as low as possible, without actually dying, and then make a huge swing in tempo and win the game. [B]Card-by-Card Analysis[/B] Sacrificial Pact - This is a huge wild card, since this used to be Leeroy Jenkins before he got nerfed. I added Sacrificial Pact to my deck because Handlock is an extremely popular deck, and many times you will be facing against Jaraxxus. If that happens, just play this card and win. Can be easily replaced with Faceless Manipulator. Soulfire - Staple warlock card, allows for huge tempo swings with no mana at all. Be careful to take into account the discard though. Mortal Coil - The 1 extra damage is potentially useful for clearing the board after a Hellfire or a Shadowflame, and the card draw is a nice perk too. I don't run two, as it tends to be a dead card in your hand. Power Overwhelming - Very useful for using alongside Shadowflame for immense board clear. I don't run two Power Overwelmings for the same reason as above. Ancient Watcher - Pretty much a must-have for Handlock. It's very cheap for the high amount of stats it gives. Who cares if it doesn't attack? You're not relying on the card to kill your opponent. This card is very useful to taunt, or to use Power Overwhelming > Shadowflame for cheap board clear. Ironbeak Owl - If you want to silence your Ancient Watcher to attack, you have that option. Owl also gets you to bypass annoying taunts. Sunfury Protector/Defender of Argus - After you've been Life Tapping so much you need the taunt to help you stabilize. Earthen Ring Farseer - Backup heals in case you go too yolo. Hellfire - Good board clear, brings your health down lower for Molten Giants. Shadowflame - Also good board clear. Twilight Drake - One of the core cards of Handlock. It's very common for you to Life Tap every turn and play a 4/8 Twilight Drake on turn 4. Loatheb - Very good card to help you secure victory, prevents opponent from clearing the board with spells. Sludge Belcher - Extremely efficient taunt cards, takes at least 2 hits to kill it if not silenced. Siphon Soul - Your primary removal spell, use it wisely. Sylvanas Windrunner - Really terrifying minion to play against. Even if she doesn't actually steal anything from your opponent, it will force your opponent to make a sub-optimal play, which is usually good anyway. Potential replacements would be The Black Knight or a Faceless Manipulator. LORD JARAXXUS, EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION - Think of this card as an extra win condition. If all your Drakes and Giants get removed, this card is pretty good at securing a win. It will heal you for a significant amount, allow you do deal 3 damage immediately, and let you summon 6/6s for 2 mana. Can be replaced with Alexstrasza, but I prefer Jaraxxus. Mountain Giant/Molten Giant - Your key threats in this deck. Cannot be replaced. [B]Mulligan[/B] In every match-up, you always want to try to mulligan for Twilight Drakes or Mountain Giants, and throw away everything else. This does not apply when playing against Zoo (if you see another Warlock, it's safer to assume it's Zoo, rather than Handlock). In that case, you want to try to find Ancient Watcher and Sunfury Protector. [B]Match-Ups and Tips[/B] If you're going first, you want to Life Tap on turns 2 and 3, and play Twilight Drake or Mountain Giant on turn 4. If you're going 2nd, you Life Tap on turn 2, and turn 3 you either play Ancient Watcher, or coin Twilight Drake/Mountain Giant, then continue from there. If you're playing against another Warlock, you need to determine whether or not he's Zoo or Handlock. When mulliganing, you should watch his hand. If he gets rid of all his cards, it's okay to assume it's Handlock, but if he keeps some of his original cards, it's more likely he's Zoo.
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:10:57
[B]Overview[/B] A lot of people think that Zoo is an aggro deck, where you just try to rush as much face damage as possible. This is false. Although Zoo is very fast-paced, it is a control deck. With Zoo, board control is the most important thing, and you use extremely cost-efficient minions to make better trades than your opponent, slowly giving you board advantage. A lot of people think it's good to put cards like Leper Gnome or Leeroy Jenkins into Zoo, but these are aggro cards, not control cards. They don't help your board or help you clear minions at all, which is why they're bad and I don't include them. [B]Card-by-Card Analysis[/B] Soulfire - Literally the most mana-efficient card in the game. 4 damage for 0 mana. Use this wisely for massive tempo swings Abusive Sergeant - Useful to buff up your minions to trade upwards against your opponent's more valuable minions. Also good for activating Nerubian Egg. Argent Squire - Good 1 drop Elven Archer - Very cheap 1 damage. You can argue that Mortal Coil is better, but that doesn't put a body on the board Flame Imp - 1 mana 3/2! Such value! Voidwalker - A solid taunt for a very cheap price. Helps protect your stronger minions for at least a turn Young Priestess - Can buff your minions to survive a trade they would have otherwise died in Dire Wolf Alpha - 2 mana for a total potential of 4 damage. Dire Wolf Alpha will definitely help you make better trades Haunted Creeper - One of the best 2-drops in the game now. Annoying to deal with and gives a lot of stats for the mana cost Knife Juggler - Since Zoo is all about flooding the board, it only makes sense to include Knife Juggler for the extra damage Nerubian Egg - Although this card is a bit slow, it's a 2 mana 4/4, which is extreme mana value Harvest Golem - High-value 3-drop Shattered Sun Cleric - Also another high-value 3-drop. Use this to buff your minions to make efficient trades Void Terror - Another way to activate your Nerubian Egg, but only take 1. If you take 2, there's a higher chance it will end up as a dead card in your hand Dark Iron Dwarf - Huuge attack boost to let you trade upwards, and is a 4 mana 4/4 on top of that Defender of Argus - Another high-value minion. Buff your other minions to make better trades Doomguard - Staple zoolock card, must-have [B]Mulligan[/B] You always want to try to look for PRIMARY 1-drops. These are Argent Squire, Flame Imp and Voidwalker. The other 1-drops in the deck are buff minions, and you DO NOT want to play these on turn 1. If you are going first, you should throw away your entire hand if you do not have primary 1-drop. However, if you're going 2nd, you can afford to keep good 2-drops like Haunted Creeper or Knife Juggler [B]Match-Ups and Tips[/B] In Zoo, minion positioning is absolutely crucial. In order to make the best trades possible, you want to always put Dire Wolf Alpha in the center, with your weaker minions also close to the center. Stronger minions should always be towards the edge of the board. A 2-attack minion buffed to 3 attack has a lot more potential cards it can trade against. However, if you buff up your 5/7 Doomguard to 6/7, there's not much of a difference it makes. The general gist of playing Zoo is to play as many minions as possible and empty your hand as fast as possible so that you can play Doomguard without discarding. With Zoo, you should value mana efficiency over card efficiency unlike most decks. You should not be afraid to discard cards if you need to, since you can easily replenish them via Life Tap.
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:15:00
[B]Overview[/B] This deck is slow. Extreeemeelly slow. If you're uncomfortable with not playing a single minion for the first 5 turns, then this deck is not for you. With control warrior, you should expect each game to go to fatigue. The general premise of control warrior is to play for survival. Just survive as long as possible while playing as few minions as possible, so you can dump them all in succession later. In a mirror matchup, you shouldn't play a single minion until turn 5, which is generally Sludge Belcher or Harrison Jones. You survive with weapons, stack armor, and try to hold out as long as possible until you draw a win condition. [B]Card-by-Card Analysis[/B] Execute and Shield Slam - these are core warrior cards and must be included Fiery War Axe - Helps you survive the early game against more aggressive decks Cleave - Good for early game removal Slam - Good for early game removal, can also be used to activate execute or combo any other damage Armorsmith - Use this minion to gain tons of armor. Combo with Death's Bite, Unstable Ghoul and Acolyte of Pain for insane combos Unstable Ghoul - Cheap minion to protect your armor, also includes a free whirlwind for execute procs or combos Shield Block - Armor and card draw, what more could you ask for? Acolyte - Your primary source of card draw. You should never play Acolyte on an empty board unless you need the "taunt". You should generally try to use these in combos with Death's Bite or Unstable Ghoul for value Death's Bite - 4 damage on turn 4 and 5 damage on turn 5, one of the best weapons Brawl - AOE clear, very useful Faceless Manipulator - This minion can give huge value seeing that this deck has so many legendaries Loatheb - Really solid 5-drop. Secures your board and prevents your opponent from clearing it so you can push for lethal Sludge Belcher - One of the best taunts in the game now. Requires at least 2 hits to kill it, and is resistant to Black Knight Cairne, Sylvanas, and Black Knight - Your core mid-game minions. These cards are very high in value and will help you survive to late-game Grommash Hellscream - Win condition #1, use Slam/Shield Slam/Whirlwind proc to activate Grom and burst 10 damage Ragnaros - Win condition #2, Rag kills almost anything and secures your win if your opponent can't clear it Alexstrazsa - Win condition #3, can potentially burst 15 damage to your opponent's face, and allow you to finish him off with other minions Ysera - Win condition #4, gives you free cards when you have drawn your entire deck already [B]Mulligan[/B] Generally, you want to look for weapons and removal, as well as Sludge Belcher. Very often, you will do nothing but Armor Up for the first 4 turns and play Sludge Belcher turn 5. If you have weapons, they can be used to help keep your opponent's board down. Cards like Armorsmith, Ghoul or Acolyte are generally bad in the opening hand since it's not advised to play them early. [B]Match-Ups and Tips[/B] Again, this is a slow deck and you want to play as slow as possible. Generally, you should not play Armorsmith, Unstable Ghoul or Acolyte of Pain on an empty board, even if you have the mana to do so. The later you play these cards, the higher in value they get when you can use them to combo. Also, try to delay playing the big 4 legendaries as long as possible, so that your opponent will have exhausted all his removal by then. Be careful when playing weapons in a mirror matchup. A common mistake people do in control warrior vs control warrior is to play Fiery War Axe on turn 4 after using Armor Up. This allows your opponent to play Harrison Jones on turn 5 for the insane value. Against Handlock, you should be always counting your removal and counting the amount of Giants he has played, and try to anticipate them (i.e., don't use both of your Executes on Twilight Drakes).
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:16:59
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:20:00
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:39:52
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:45:55
medium-rare reserverhouse with a side of thick-cut reserved fries
Date: Tue, Sep 23 2014 04:48:16
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2014 05:26:27
Loanshark wrote: DECK FIVE: CONTROL WARRIOR Guide soon to come
nice, but i would put the taskmasters back in and take out the ghouls, not enough aggro decks and taskmaster is sick with bgh. spellbreaker also really useful to deal with sylvanas. here's my CW:unfortunately I had to cut cairne to make room for stuff. it seemed like the worst legendary i had in the deck. my main is my handlock
Most recent changes is cutting mortal coils, which are shit imo right now. put in the PO + sylvanas combo, which is awesome, and PO is really good for shadowflame, it keeps me alive against undertaker priests. they sometimes dont kill my early drops or watchers and i surprise them on turn 5 with po+shadowflame. btw guys add me if you play HS: johncraven#1529
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 04:25:41
Zombo wrote: nice, but i would put the taskmasters back in and take out the ghouls, not enough aggro decks and taskmaster is sick with bgh. spellbreaker also really useful to deal with sylvanas. here's my CW: unfortunately I had to cut cairne to make room for stuff. it seemed like the worst legendary i had in the deck. my main is my handlock Most recent changes is cutting mortal coils, which are shit imo right now. put in the PO + sylvanas combo, which is awesome, and PO is really good for shadowflame, it keeps me alive against undertaker priests. they sometimes dont kill my early drops or watchers and i surprise them on turn 5 with po+shadowflame. btw guys add me if you play HS: johncraven#1529
Why whirlwind when you can unstable ghoul tho? -
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 21:15:08
Loanshark wrote: Why whirlwind when you can unstable ghoul tho?
i needed another activator for grommash, and ghoul doesn't do that well. thats because i use the taskmasters aggressively, so i dont always save one up for gromm