Advanced Tricks / Helpful tips on 2h1p spinning?

  1. ChowCow
    Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 22:58:15

    My left hand is like totally crap compared to my right hand, and I really like either 2h1p or 2p2h style. I think some of the coolest combos come from this style so are there any flexibility tips or an easy way to work on transfers and being able to do a trick well on both hands?

  2. Reason
    Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 23:55:31

    just teach your left hand the same way your right hand learned. do the same training and practice. unfortunately, there really arent any short cuts in this case, but most of the time it is easier to learn spinning on your non dominant hand after you already know it on your dominant. your brain already understands what the trick is and what it feels like, but it hasnt been used on your left hand. good luck. i still spend some time trying to teach my left hand, but its pretty tedious so i dont do it a whole lot.

  3. Awesome
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 01:04:38

    you gotta train your off hand first, I would recommend focusing on sonic based tricks and variations, since they seem to be most demanding of dexterity. charges and passes are important too. Once you can spin decently on your off hand then worry about transfers, but those are practiced just like any other trick. You're probably best off being able to spin simple yet smooth combos on your off hand and save hard tricks for your dominate.

  4. DioBrando
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 02:21:24

    FINALLY!! someone who can spin the pen use 2 HANDS!! mb U can use both ur finger... i wonder wat else u can do with ur finger LOL. k peace guy stay off da drug

  5. ChowCow
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 03:54:55

    I was talking more like transitions and power tricks or hard tricks like devils sonic 3434 or flush sonic or inv flush sonic fundys are easy to learn

  6. JackyMacky
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 06:32:51

    ChowCow wrote: I was talking more like transitions and power tricks or hard tricks like devils sonic 3434 or flush sonic or inv flush sonic fundys are easy to learn
    It's a matter of experimenting and trying things out for transitions. At least that's what I did when I started 1p2h. You'll start to notice that certain tricks on one hand can link into a trick on the other hand. Maintaining the same rotation is the key for transferring from one hand to another. Videos of 1p2h spinners ARE GREAT REFERENCES. Don't be afraid to slomo some 1p2h combo and steal some ideas. Fundamentals are easy to learn but are they really [B]mastered[/B] in your non-dominant hand? Can you perform a simple combo with that hand? No? As Awesome said, your left hand still needs the dexterity and flexibility part. So of course it would still be difficult to do flush sonic, demon sonic, or any linkage/trick that's dexterity heavy. Just because it's easy to learn fundamentals doesn't mean that your hand has overcome its physical obstacle. That's why he recommended that you keep on doing fundamentals so that your non-dominant hand gains the physical properties needed for other tricks. As for power tricks, Idk what to say about that because I can barely perform a consistent power combo on my dominant hand. :/

  7. Tommy
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 07:49:47

    Do you have a YouTube channel? That would help

  8. fang
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 08:29:13

    Check video's of good 2 hand spinners like i.suk and JackyMacky. The rest is all said by Jacky! ^_^

  9. ChowCow
    Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 14:06:30

    ok thanks guys :)