Tutorials Pending Approval / [DC] ChowCow DC Mod
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 05:15:59
Hai guys this is my first tutorial. It's my mod that I made a few weeks ago and have been spinning secretly for a while now. It's a cross between an Ivan mod, a Mirror Tip mod, and a Buster cyl. So yeah here's a tutorial. I hope I won't get flamed for making a post like this incorrectly.... Anyways here ya go:
================ Stats: ================ [B]ChowCow DC Mod[/B] Length: 22-24 cm (adjustable depending on how much you extend barrel) Weight: 21 grams (or about in between a dr kt and a buster) Style: Double-sided (duh) Writing-Mechanism: Non-Retractable Ink Type: N/A Estimated Price: 10-15$ if you get your stuff of penwish Modding Difficulty: Easy-Medium ================ Materials ================ 2x Crayola Supertip or cyl sub 1x Dr grip grip 4x Signo tip 2x ComSsa cap 1x ZT plastic Tube Thingy [B]Optional [/B] extra grip for colors i.e sailor, penwish hoop, anyball/profile =============== Tools (bare minimum) =============== -Power Drill+Drill Bit -Hot Glue Gun -Barrel Cutting blade -Grip cutting blade -A phone book (or unnecessary surface that you're willing to destroy) -spondge [B]Optional[/B] -File -Sandpaper ============== Tutorial ==============
============ Pros and Cons ============ [B]Pros[/B] -Very good Length:Weight ration -Great spinning effect -pretty cheap considering how well it spins -quiet drop sound so you don't annoy teachers -wonderful stablity (won't break very easily) [B]Cons[/B] -Not able to write which is a downside for those in me... -many will most likely yell at me for calling it a personal mod if it's been done before -semi hard to get used to this pen while spinning -hard for beginners to spin this pen =========== Q and A =========== -I don't have a power drill in my garage is there any way to hollow it out without using a drill? Just try using a file on it for many hours or use a steak knife or a drill bit and just waste your time on the first step. -many people consider you to be a beginner, why are you spinning such a heavy pen? Lol bro call me a beginner all you want, you aren't ktrinh93 (unless you are then i say hai), I can do what ever I want. plus vgg started heavy -ChowCow you suck at spinning why havn't you quit? Because I enjoy spinning and unless you know where I live, you can't grab all my mods, break my fingers and burn it all up. lol yup imma wrap up this tutorial now. Also btw if you see any spelling and grammer erros let me know. add me if you want but yeah good bye *waves hand*Spoiler
[B]Step 1:Use your power drill and drill bit to hollow out the comssa cap completly (optional use a file to go over any missed areas inside of cap)[/B] Please be careful here power drills can cut a hole through your hand. Just put the drill bit inside of the comssa cap and lit it rip until it goes through.[B]Step 2:Cut the ZT plastic piece and make signo mirror tip package.[/B] Cut the plastic piece thingy to about 1 centimeter, you may have to trim it town depending on how badly or how well you cut it. Then just screw in a signo tip on both side. Make Two of the packages.
[B]Step 3: Place your Mirror Signo Tip package into the hollowed out comssa cap.[/B] This is the MOST DIFFICULT PART OF THE MOD. How I do this step is to place the phone book on the table, place the tip package somewhat into the comssa cap, then face the tip into the phone book, and place the spondge in between my hand and the cap as I push with all my might into the cap to force the signo tip into the cap. Note that the cap will look a little buldgey, my answer, don't worry it doesn't really matter.
[B]Step 4: Cut your grips.[/B] This should be pretty self explanatory.
[B]Step 5: Place your grips on the cap. [/B]Again self explanatory.
[B]Step 6: Prepare an Ivan Style Barrel Mod[/B] Here on my mod I used the new gen cyl body so it might depend on where you cut it if you use the old gen cyl body. For a good length I recommend cutting 2 centimeters after where the tip ends on one side and 2 centimeters on where the backplug is. then put the uncut side of the backplug side into the tip of the uncut barrel and the tip of the cut side into the backplug..ughh the picture will explain...And for added stability I recommend hot gluing the two body extensions to the cyl body itself so that it doesn't fall off in spinning because it's a heavy mod and if it falls off it will go flying. [B]CUTS DO NOT HAVE TO BE CLEAN.[/B]
Step 7 (final step): Shove them comssa caps on the ivan cyl body. Don't be afraid to use some brute strength because the caps go in pretty far and the farther the go in the harder it is to get them off, good for stability (no perv joke intended) and then you have successfully made a ChowCow DC Mod. Congrats!
hehe I made 2 of them in the process of this tutorial.
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 06:52:35
im not gonna lie but the fact that you came up with the sponge idea so you can push things in without the pain is amazing now i wont have to kill my hands and interesting concept with the tips being jammed in though i will have to say lol those are the bad kind of supertips thay aren't as long and also are not the ones to use generally so i do recommend you put the bad supertips or shorter supertips in your tutorial the reason why is because the good supertips lol a comssa cap would crack easily if you try to shove it in minus the front side at least.
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 11:16:28
man i love spinning this mod! perfect for sticky finger situations
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 12:44:08
looks like a decent mod. unfortunately i used all my super tips and signos on my personal dc >_> btw, i would suggest using a dremel tool to really smooth out the inside of the comssa cap. its a fast way to get rid of all the random bits hanging off the side.
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 13:59:36
lol the bad super tips was to show that you can make a mod no matter how stupid the super tips have become and also because i didnt have any more super tips.
Date: Thu, Oct 24 2013 23:48:28
actually those supertips are more valuable @flaming oracle
Date: Fri, Oct 25 2013 07:04:38
wait are they? cause i can get tons of them at stores good ones and bad ones lol @N!k
Date: Sat, Nov 9 2013 18:17:59
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 10:37:13
woooottt, looks fine mate! pretty heavy tho
Date: Tue, Jul 8 2014 06:35:17
Misspelled errors xD
Date: Tue, Jul 8 2014 16:48:41
This is a good variante of the buster cyl =) But I prefere a colored mod !