Trading / Buying / Original miffy bonkura kt
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 06:12:39
Auction Rules from iMatt. He has awesome rules. Hope he doesn't mind Rules: ------------------------------ (Bidding in increments of $0.01 - $0.99 is (NOT ALLOWED) 1.) Auctions will End TWO week after the reserve has been met UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE!!!! 2.) Once bid has been placed there is NO OPTION of backing out. 3.) After the bid period has ended the winner will be presented via PM and on this Topic 4.) Contact Information will be exchanged PM for record 5.) The winner/buyer MUST SEND PAYMENT FIRST 6.) Once payment has been received I will ship such item out 7.) Feedback is then given upon successful arrival Buy It Now Policy: ------------------------------ 1.) The Buy It Now price is an over-ruling auction for up to (12) days after the auction has begun. 2.) The Buy It Now price will last until (2) Days before the auction ends if no B.I.N. requests have been made. 3.) The winner of the Buy It Now will be declared by who posted first in the forum in such manner EX: I place B.I.N. on [insert item] for [insert dollar amount] 4.) The winner of the B.I.N. also gains access to FREE SHIPPING regardless of location unless the B.I.N is $15.00 USD or less. Payment Methods ------------------------------ Paypal Shipping Information ------------------------------ 1.) Auction-Winners will receive a confirmation message about their winning bid 2.) Auction-Winners will then reply with Shipping Details as requested previously Rates: ----------------------------- Shipping: $5.00 Buy It Now: Free if exceeding $59.99USD NOTE: ------------------------------ •False Bidding or Price Jumping 1.This is when an individual places a fake bid in order to raise the auction price knowingly for another person to pay more with little or no effect to the false bidder 2.This kind of thing is NO-TOLERANCE, if a person who places a false bid and ends up winning yet DENIES being auction winner WILL GET (-1) FEEDBACK NO EXCEPTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This pen uses a brand new untouched miffy barrel. Caps modded by froggy. Mint condition. BIN: $60 S/B : $15 Post here for bid pm for bin
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 20:10:57
S/B stands for starting bid right? 16$ regards Zen
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 04:33:11
Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 07:37:19
/closed bin sold
Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 07:59:21
how much