Tutorials Pending Approval / (Update)Shadow mod by shadow2226
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 04:37:24
Hey this is an update on my personal mod the shadow mod i also call it triple s mod or super sharp shadow. in case picture don't work vist my photo album
====================== [SIZE="5"]Stats[/SIZE] Length: 20cm cm to 22 cm (depending on how you adjust the cap and tip ) Weight: medium-heavy COG: COP Style: DC Writing-Mechanism: N/A Ink-Type: N/A Estimated-Cost: 9-12 USD ======================= [SIZE="5"]Material needed[/SIZE] 1X Caryola super tip body 1X air fit grip 2x fine point sharpie cap (the one with the plastic clip) Any-ball grip ( 2x orange 2x blue 2x black) 1X sailor grip white 1X sharpie back plug 2X g3 tip 2X signo tip 2x screw nut ======================== [SIZE="5"]Tools[/SIZE] pliers scissors electrical tape Teflon tape Utility knife scotch tape ======================== [SIZE="5"]Tutorial[/SIZE] 1) remove the clip from sharpie cap and sand it down
2)then hollow out the sharpie cap.
3) Now asembly the tips like this g3 in front signo in the middle and screw nut last (i got the screw nut from my skateboard so if you have one use it)
now but some tape on the bottom of the signo along with the screw nut and on the tip of the signo as shown in the picture
now but the g3 tip over the signo then but tape at the bottom of the g3 and on the signo as shown
[SIZE="5"]This step ignore the tips[/SIZE] 4) now this is the hardest part of making the mod. first cut the air fit grip in half now get some pliers or scissors put the grip on it and use hot water to stretch the grip then keep the grip on the pliers and use it as leverage to get it on the cap one you do it will look like this
5) next you must cut the any ball grips like this use the large side them like this in the picture and cut the sailor like this
6)once all the grips are on it should look like this
7) now insert the tips as shown
8) now take the sharpie back plug and push it in the barrel You don't need tape it will snap on the super tip body
9) now put electrical tape on the back plug make sure the sharpie cap fit snug
10)n now put teflon tape on the tip of the super tip body until its level with the body
11)now put a piece of electrical tape on the barrel tip like this this it to make the front sharpie cap not crooked and not look wobbly when you roll it
12) now put the cap on the barrel like this once you do make sure it not wobbly or crooked by rolling it on a flat surface
Congrats u finish the shadow mod let me know what you think and i thank you for your time to create this mod i am most proud of.
[SIZE="4"]This is my mod Update this is the newer version what change about it was instead of electrical tape in the cap i put in signo therefore giving the mod better weight with out the grip spamming so i also took both the any-ball grip under sailor off as you can see in the picture[/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"]Here's how my first version of my shadow mod[/SIZE]
Again Thank you for time.
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 07:23:12
My post was edited before, my bad.
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 15:33:46
it fine just a misunderstanding
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 18:43:52
Ew, grip spamming lol.
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 19:31:07
Decent mod for a beginner. Perhaps you should have posted in Show Off Your Pens before creating a tutorial.
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 20:28:48
well yea i was going to do that first but i forgot were it was but i think i remember now so im going to do that now yea maybe a little much grip spamming but im still looking on improving it in the future to give it the decent weight without having to much grip on im going to take what u said and use it in the future.
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 21:38:36
wow nice! like the colors even though it's more than I normally want the mod to be. But NOT BAD.
Date: Wed, Oct 16 2013 01:28:18
thx but im going to update the mod later by making it have less grips and more weight at the ends
Date: Wed, Oct 16 2013 07:47:59
Hey! Nice mod but there are things that you can consider to improve on :) 1. cleanness of modding. - Just try to make the modding abit cleaner ;) 2. Simplicity, for this mod i believe simplicity is the best, maybe you can add a few rings of bright sailor on the cap on the bottom of the airfit grip, It will keep the spinning effect clean and simple 3. Weight Well with i like your idea of the tip package being able to go inside the cap like a namae but to make it look that bit better i think that what you could do is cut down on the weight of tips and compensate that using dr grip grips What i mean is you can have about 4 cm of dr grip grip, in which about 1 - 2 cm of grip over hanging the cap, that will give it a nice clean feel and once again help with the spinning effect but that's just how i would of made the mod using these caps :) It's really up to you but a nice concept of mods none the less! Good job :) :)
Date: Wed, Oct 16 2013 14:18:31
Nice mod out there shadow
Date: Wed, Oct 16 2013 16:34:25
Thanks a lot i will use the advice in the near future. but some people might say it's grip spamming so i try to avoid that by taking off the blue and orange any-ball and then i took out electrical tape the was in the cap and replaced in the cap so that the weight just don't be on cap but toward the end of the cap therefore giving it better momentum and weight again thanks for the advice Thanks Zelphus