Off-topic / Prefered Deoderant Spray/Stick?

  1. RR24
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:07:57

    What kind of deoderants do you guis prefer? lols post below, and what you likes about it

  2. mintypaladin
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:09:24

    axe.. its made from dragonfruit its the only one that i believe is good from axe

  3. blahblahting
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:10:23

    spray deodorant = NO. i'm using this old spice fiji stick right now. i had a degree ultra sport stick but it melted at a campout so i tossed it EDIT: btw old spice fiji smells like shit when mixed with body odor and sweat. i smell like crap every day after cross country lol.. EDITEDIT: i had an axe clix stick too at one point in time, wasnt bad if i remember correctly

  4. nateiskewl
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:28:00

    Asians don't sweat. 'Nuff said. And who the fuck uses plain deodorant? That shit sucks. Get some antiperspirant.

  5. blahblahting
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:43:55

    asians may not have hair, but they sure as hell sweat

  6. Nachoaddict
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:48:21

    Agreed with Blah. I use Old Spice as well but it ran out a while ago so had to throw it out. Haven't had time to go to the store and get a new one yet though :/

  7. whysosrs
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 03:34:01

    I spray Febreze over my body. Don't know what you kids are talking about, this "de odor ant"

  8. SJ
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 09:13:05

    old spice ftw. i used to use aqua reef but i recently fell in love with "matterhorn" its amazin.

  9. neXus
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 10:06:07

    Spray. Would probably use Old Spice if I could buy it.

  10. Kirby
    Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 11:09:48

    nateiskewl wrote: Asians don't sweat. 'Nuff said. And who the fuck uses plain deodorant? That shit sucks. Get some antiperspirant.
    The 2 sweatiest kids in my grade (neither of whom are fat), both Asian. 'Nuff said

  11. VendettaBF
    Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 02:07:55

    i use gillette gel.

    Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 15:00:14

    spray, adidas line. strong enough for the whole day, although it smells like crap at the first moment you spray

  13. hoiboy
    Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 21:24:16

    Isn't AP supposed to be bad for you? I heard it closes up sweat pores O.o.

  14. Vassenato
    Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 21:42:14

  15. nateiskewl
    Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 22:33:06

    hoiboy wrote: Isn't AP supposed to be bad for you? I heard it closes up sweat pores O.o.
    How the fuck do you think it stops you from sweating?

  16. poisoned
    Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 00:44:38

    hoiboy wrote: Isn't AP supposed to be bad for you? I heard it closes up sweat pores O.o.
    Yea it is, and it has aluminum in it.

  17. SJ
    Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 04:06:31

    hoiboy wrote: Isn't AP supposed to be bad for you? I heard it closes up sweat pores O.o.
    eh, it cant be that bad... people have been using them for a while just dont use too much or just use the ones w/o ap or ones w/o the aluminum crap if they were that harmful, we wouldnt even be allowed to use it in the first place mang

  18. Prince
    Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 19:12:13

    RightGuard ap, its like all day protection