Member Introductions / Why Hello There.

  1. HonestlyArchon
    Date: Thu, Oct 3 2013 01:45:33

    Hey all, So I was sitting in debate about a week ago, and one of the other team members was unleashing mad thumbarounds, so I dedicated the rest of my classes that week to unlocking the secrets of said thumbaround. It was a huge success, and from there I began my journey across the ENTIRE INTERNET that eventually led me to this board. The tricks I saw in a few videos were pretty nifty, but what really sealed the deal for this hobby was the active modding community. Now I've been modding Nerf blasters and the likes for a few years, and that just happened to be exactly my cup of tea. As of now I have the thumbaround and charge more or less down and I'm working on the sonic with something that once was a G2 that is somehow balanced and useable. I look forward to my ventures in this hobby!

  2. Awesome
    Date: Thu, Oct 3 2013 02:08:18

    [marquee]:welcome2:[/marquee] Welcome. The way of pen spinning isn't easy, but anything that ever worth it never was. You are joining a proud elite of individuals that entertain people bored in lectures. Keep practicing and you too will become a great pen spinner.

  3. Zen
    Date: Thu, Oct 3 2013 02:10:06

    Hahah, Welcome, Welcome, Keep at it! Make a mod, an RSVP MX or Bictory. Or just use a pencil. Noob rule #1 stay away from Heavy mods/pens. You may think this is better because it helps slow down the pen.....NO. This is a common mistake. This destroys your hands because it strengthens them. At an early stage you want to learn and master all tricks. Mastering means to do it on every pen/instrument. So if you start with heavy mods you can not spin light mods. They get too light. Enjoy your stay and free to pm me or leave a quick shout on the shoutbox Regards Zen

  4. Giotto
    Date: Thu, Oct 3 2013 14:18:34

    Welcome to upsb:D

  5. Eshor
    Date: Thu, Oct 3 2013 16:57:52

    Welcome ! Penspinning is the best hobby ever