Off-topic / Sit or Stand

  1. Soren
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 01:00:32

    So I recently found out that some of my friends stay seated while they wipe their arse after taking a shit. Personally I stand. I don't even understand how you can wipe your arse while seated on the toilet seat.

  2. Dakrowl
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 03:11:10

    Sit, then stand. Thorough cleaning, that's why my asshole is always so clean

  3. MightAsWellGG
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 03:47:42

    I bleed, so

  4. Chobi
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 04:48:58

    Well I stand. But more importantly, how the hell did you and your friends start a conversation about how you wipe your asses?

  5. Eshor
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 08:58:51


  6. Tommy
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 10:23:29

    Stand, unless your from Jeb than you probs sit on your hightech Japanese toilets with bum washers and if you're in china you probs squat

  7. DioBrando
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 10:27:12

    how can u wipe your asshole while standing your buttcheeks contract dont they? sit

  8. ChainBreak
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 15:37:57

    Half sitting and half standing really.

  9. webspider
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 15:57:42

    Oh my. You guys make me question my anus wiping posture. What the fuck is wrong with you all. Yes, I stand upwards and wonder why I'm using up so much paper.

  10. neXus
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 16:46:27

    Chobi wrote: Well I stand. But more importantly, how the hell did you and your friends start a conversation about how you wipe your asses?
    How does it not come up, the fuck do yuo talk about with oyur friends.

  11. exclusive
    Date: Sat, Sep 28 2013 17:34:50