Member Introductions / Hello spinning world!

  1. Niqesse
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 16:12:46

    Hi there, I'm Niqesse, a 29 year old spinning newbie from the GPC. I'm here to raise the counter of female penspinners :) with cold and small hands -.- I'm spinning for a week now (whohooo) and I'm still on bad terms with the thumbaround it's just freaking difficult. For me the TA rev is much easier:blink: My charge is getting better, fingerpass is hell and the sonic is still untouched. My only penspinning weapon til now is a pencil with two eraser caps. I would like to try modding my own pen so if you could recommend me some good writable mods I'll be grateful. If I have to haul my a.. to work I'm a teacher, so I thought penspinning would be good way to impress students chrchrchr:P I'm looking forward to reading the forum and having nice chats with you.

  2. fang
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 16:29:11

    As I already said, welcome on the board. I think you are the only teacher I know who likes penspinning. For your weapon on choice I suggest a RSVP, it's easy to mod and it's possible to make it writable. Anyhow, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. It's what I am here for! ;)

  3. JackyMacky
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 17:07:42

    :welcome: RSVP MX is good way to start but unbalanced. A BiCtory mod is also writeable, spinnable, AND pretty balanced.

  4. Reason
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 17:27:57

    hello :) rsvp mx would probably be your best bet for a writable pen... also, its cool that you're a teacher that wants to pen spin :) usually its the students. good luck with your endeavors!

  5. Eshor
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 18:11:12

    Welcome ! A teacher who likes psing ? lol

  6. Ignator
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 18:21:49

    Welcome again. xD

  7. Gash
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 19:38:08

    Interesting introduction :D Welcome haha :)

  8. sopi
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 20:07:43

    welcome and have fun :)

  9. Niqesse
    Date: Thu, Sep 26 2013 20:29:17

    Thanks for your warm welcome. Arrrgh I just double posted something because I was wondering that it doesn't show. Just after submitting the second try I glimpsed the message that the post will be viewed first. Shame on me the message was too fast for my old eyes.:O I apologize!

  10. Giotto
    Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 00:09:45

    Hey there. Welcome to upsb. comssa and comssa metallic is quite a nice one too. i really like the idea that you spin pen to impress students. very cool teacher.^_^ hope to see you around and feel free to ask me any questions. I'm looking forward to have a nice chat with you either:) :welcome2:

  11. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 03:10:35

    Middle school or high school? Single or married? I would love to be your student. You sound like a cool teacher.

  12. Niqesse
    Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 04:33:10

    Gymnasium in Germany. It's a little difficult to explain. I think it's like high school and preparatory high school together. My subjects are biology and chemistry. Do you still want to be my student? ^_^ Not married not single either:P Off to work and then WEEEEEEEKEND!

  13. Obstracized
    Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 13:49:30

    If only you came to my School, I can be friends with a Teacher who Spins too. XD

  14. Niqesse
    Date: Fri, Sep 27 2013 17:25:52

    I just plundered Tedi the 1€ market and the special sale at Real (local supermarket). Any suggestions?:excited: