Trading / Buying / Pen Trading Partners
Date: Wed, Jun 23 2010 20:00:03
Continued from: I. Use this thread for finding trading partners II. How to post correctly [LIST=1] [*]First post what you're looking for. [*]Then list what you have available for trade underneath [/LIST] Example: ================ Want: ================ RSVP HGG Anyball Dr. KT ================ Have: ================ Beifa G3 Hyperjell ================
Date: Thu, Jun 24 2010 13:20:48
I have something for sale: -RSVPS -Anyballs -Nike Penicl -Bellcolors -Spokos -ZTs -Dr Grip Grips -Zebra Airfit Grips Make a Good offer! =D
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 07:05:12
I have Duraflashes Pilot super grips super pirats pentel line styles xx pack color express xx pack Super Tips Grip Matic I want Pilot dr.grip Rare stuff AC packs CT packs Zebra Airfits G3 Plastic Sailors HGG packs Belcollors M&M's RSVP's Sunbarst's Anyball's Emboss pens M&M pens
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 17:43:39
I have +5 in UBSP and +36 in GPC I want: Fibracolors and light Airfit Tips I have: Superlavables
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 21:31:38
i have : _Rushon (blue/red, pink/skyblue, yelow/green) i want : _money (euro)
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 04:00:04
Have- lots of Color RSVPS/Razzle Dazzle Zebra telescopics Dr. Grip Neon (check with me first) Old Sarazas Super Tips Metallic Sunbursts Profiles, Dr. Grip COG, Ph.D Multi, etc./other stuff just ask if you're curious --------------------- Want- >LOTS AND LOTS OF DR. GRIP TIPS< (I might not trade unless you have these) Airblancs and Supergrips/Fure for writing Specific Alpha Gel Pencils Old Namaes M&M's Bellcolors (not too much) Superlavables/Stabillo Trio's Metal G3's (not so much) Keityo (not so much) Pentel Watercolor Drafting pencils/Fountain pens specific yoyo's >MONEY< via money order or paypal, money order preferably. somewhat low on cash, so it might take me ~2-5 days to get the pen to ship. I like large orders, unless otherwise.
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 13:49:16
Hi, I'm from FPSB and I have +64 Whitelist and -0 I Sell and trade differents pens/mods, please talking in PM ;)
I have: -5 RSVP UCPSB -3 RSVP UCPSB MX -1 Bic UCPSB Mod -2 Bic UCPSB no mod -3 Gripaviaire -1 Frat MX V3! I want: -Money -Bonkura kt Black -Dr.kt M&M pink and white blue -2 M&M: 1pink 1 white blue -2 keytou black caps PM me ;) Bye Bye NemZ (fpsb)
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 22:04:50
Error Sorry...
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 18:27:43
Hi ! I'm from FPSB I HAVE : - 3000*F - F-3000 no mod red (Photo and webcam if you want) - Comssa V6 I would like: - One CLOSE UP Fingerskate ( I hope someone can find it for me ! Thanks !
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 11:24:57
Hi! I'm from Poland. I have 22+ on PPP and 0 - ;). I want: - CT Packs, - RSVPs, - G3s, - Dr.Grips, - Anyballs - Mod parts, - HGGs, - Comssa, - Key-To Sign Pen, - Rushon, - Art Colors I have: - Super Lavables, - Spoko Minis, - Pastel HyperJells, - Super Pirats/Sheriffs/Lady Killers - Mods - PayPal Money, - More...
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 15:50:40
Hi! I'm from Singapore. I'm quite new to pen spinning. [B]I want:[/B] -HGGs -Pentel Colour Twins -RSVPs(all variarions except for the retractable one) -HGRs -Keityo -Sailors -Anyballs -Computer Sign Pens [B]I have/can get:[/B] -G1 Grips -G2(clear and tinted)s -G3(metal tinted)s -Jimnies(tinted) -Signo DXs -Better retractables -Ballsigns -Supergels -Round Stic Grips -Money(not paypal)
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 19:18:37
Hi! I'm from PPP :) I want: -Sailors -Minwoo Mod -Seven G3 Mod -Dr. Grips -Dr. m&m -m&m -RSVP -Money I have/I can get: -Spoko minis -Anyballs -HGGs -Papermate Flexigrip Ultra -Super pirats -Pilot G1 -Pilot G2 -Pilot Super Grips -bk77 -Line Styles -PPP Wristband
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 20:22:19
i have ppp pencilcase ppp wirsbland black pds black wirsbland pack fibracolor many spoko mini many duraflashes many ring hoops black orginal cap to s777 mx 2 stylish pirat 2 line style mod(green and orange ) i can get super pirat g1 g2 i want sailors dr.grips CT pack AC pack hj g3 sunburst hgg rsvp signo many pencilcase M&M ask :D
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 08:38:14
i want ---> firefly mod i have ---> money to much to say just pm me , with what u want!
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 13:02:00
[B]I have / can get:[/B] -Spoko minis -G1s -Fibracolor 6 packs [B]I want:[/B] -CT packs -AC packs -M&M bodies / packs
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 04:28:49
hey you guys :] i was an old member! and i need new pens >.
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 14:58:14
Hi guys ! My auction has been cancelled... So I Sell : - 2 comssa pendolsa v6 : 35 euro each
- 1 3000*F : 35 euro
I really need money, it's urgent, please contact me ! I can give pictures, videos If you want Adress: [email][email protected][/email] Thanks !
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 19:47:53
Hi, I'm from PPP. I have/ I can get: ppp wristbands ppp pins Double white capped comssas Signo Tips Flexgrip Linestyle pilot hi-tec (For Toro MX) Super Pirat Pilot Super Grip Pilot G2 Maybe Pilot G1 HGG (metallic and white) I want: KillerGel (s777 mod) Dr CT parts Ask me!
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 14:14:20
hi. i have: - GPC Comssa : - Minwoo Mod - Reynolds 094 - Emboss Mods black/blue -> new ! i want: - Emboss Mod full black ( very very very want ! ) - rare pens/mods - french dr. grip - flexgrip ulra red ( very very want ! )
Date: Thu, Aug 26 2010 22:40:24
HI, GPC:7wl(soon 10) and 0bl UPSB:1wl and no bl HAVE: -Bictory Mod -Ballsign Mod -Rsvp MX2 -Pencilmod -Rsvp MX(minwoo signed it) -2 Airfit tips -4 half airfit grips -3 comSsa Backplugs -2 white comSsa caps -1 yellow cartoon comSsa cap WANT: -M&M Pen (Very very want) -2 dr grip tips and 2 green and 1 black sailor (very very very very want) -Stuhl mod MfG Rb
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 10:13:55
I have : _ money(euro) _2 CT grey I want : _2 keityou _money
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 23:23:43
I WANT: bellcolor packs so damn badly.. and some marvy marker oso I HAVE: money! (paypal)
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 18:33:19
Hello, +2 on fpsb 0 blackliste I'have Hgg many colors Grip matic Ayatori mod Signo broad signo 0.7 Flxgripe money I want Profiles' black grip titenloscher body Frat mx2 cap for s777 mx
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 11:24:40
Hi Members I search: A Japanese Spinner who trades dr grips with me Dr Grip Tips and Grips Green and Orange Sailors I Have: Money, HGGs( and other german stuff) 1 unmodded Comssa 1x colored rsvp Pink hope we'll trade
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 22:18:47
+10 Previous UPSB +50 FPSB I've got some stuff for sale only : 2 Roxx Mx 4 UCPSB Bic v1 moddés 1 PDS com.ssa v6 1 PDS com.ssa v3 1 Zebra 3000*f : 3 UPSB Rsvps red 1 FPSB Rsvps 2 UCPSB Rsvps ( Orange, Skyblue) 1 FPSB Wristband 1 PPP Wristband No fixed price, just offer, in € ;) Paypal only.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 22:39:04
WANT: Money Signo tips MP Patints Flouro hggs HAVE: Stuff in here->
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 19:18:52
Hi, I'm Marvin from PPP, I have 12"+" on WL on PPP and 0 "-" Have: Key3 G3 mod A lot of spoko minis Fibracolor Packs Color Express normal and neon Packs 2 x used Light Airfit tips Want: Marvy Markers F*3000 Rushons Sunbursts Dr. Grip grips Signo DX Comssa caps Ask me!
Date: Mon, Sep 27 2010 12:37:58
I have Duraflashes Pilot super grips super pirats pentel line styles xx pack color express xx pack Super Tips Grip Matic I want Pilot dr.grip Rare stuff AC packs CT packs Zebra Airfits G3 Plastic Sailors HGG packs Belcollors M&M's RSVP's Sunbarst's Anyball's Emboss pens M&M pens
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 13:28:59
hi, I realy need: - RSVP skyblue(fine) - HGG skyblue(in same color as RSVP) I have/can get: - Grip matics - Super Pirats - duraflashes, - lt green and orange ct new - and many pens avaible in Poland
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 11:55:07
================ Want: ================ HGG Sailors Comssa black (would like logo if possible) comssa white white comssa cap(that fits HGG tips) ================ Have: ================ rsvp's black bic round stick grip bic round stick papermate profile crayola supertips ================ PM me it's faster that way =] thanks!
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 21:56:16
how many Dr. Grip tips do you want? Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: what do you consider rare? whatever it is, I can most likely get it Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: I Have/ can get: -Dr. KT -metal comssa mods -waterfall mods -Dr. Grip tips -HGG tips -airfit grips -3+ RSVP MX mods -RRMMX mods -Sailor gel grips -any color ring hoops -2 clear Keityo pens -dong A yellow caps -Buster CYL mod part - 20+ bic roundsticks I WANT: -Firefly mod -Vic got game mod -CK mod -rare pens or pen parts -
Date: Thu, Nov 4 2010 15:34:55
I Have: DR CT (Red vs Skyblue and Yellow vs Yellow) 14 Super Pirats Color Express Neon Pack Super tips pack Spoko Mini Line Style Grip Matic Uni Lacknock Fibracolor Polish Stuff I want: Paypal Money Send me email [email][email protected][/email]
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 22:52:02
I HAVE/ CAN GET -just tell me what you want and I can get it I WANT -money (euro, US dollar ONLY. I will also set up a paypal soon)
Date: Sun, Nov 14 2010 19:24:38
[COLOR="lime"]I want:[/COLOR] -Hal KT [COLOR="lime"]I have:[/COLOR] -Super pirate -Emboss pen -Faber Castell -HGG (all colours) -Pilot Vega or if necessary money
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 19:10:01
I want: -Full oryginal Watercolor mod I have: -$$$$ (actually PLN but it doesn't matter ^^)
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 16:53:42
I can get Polish stuff: Fibracolors Super Pirats Spokos Line Styles ask me I want trade
Date: Sat, Nov 20 2010 13:49:09
hi, have on GPC +10, on UPSB +0 of course -0 i want: money M&Ms/ Dr. M&M i have: supertips in white or black buster cyl HGG in black, red, green and blue emboss bellcolors in red, brown, orange, green and yellow
Date: Sun, Nov 21 2010 19:32:39
Hello everyone ! I am Kea from FPSB :) I'm selling some mods ! I want money (only € !) or 2 CT/KT or 1 Kuzu's Mod I have +7 on fpsb -3 Rsvp mx² -2 Fr.Kt -1 Rsvp Mx -1 Emboss mod -1 Japenese pencil Mod -1 Firegly G3 mod -1 Key3 G3 mod -1 LSH MX (some SGM grips are fake) -3 Grip Aviaire Many Supertips R94 caps and body (not a full pack) G2 Body Hgg body Grips... Tips... Papermates... G2... For photos : Thanks you and b(u)y :p
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 16:35:31 this is my trade thread Only 7$ dollars for red or clear Tornado, not available on PenWish or 10$ for two black or blue, if you pay via PayPal until tomorrow to about 3PM EST if you're interested, ask for photos shipping - 2$
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 09:29:50
Hey guys, i want to trade some pens i have +4 Upsb [B]i want[/B] 2x Black AC's Clear Dr Grip 2x MP Dr Grip tips (ones with sharp tips) [B]I have[/B] 2x Pink Marvy Marker (No.9) Pack of new Namae pens(x3 in pack)
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 20:20:15
Hi guys, I have to buy som good webcamera, I have M&M (look on my trade topic) and moneys. thanks
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 20:23:48
i have american stuff such as g2, profile/anyball, RSVP, hi tech c, white sunburst, crayola ST, and more I want g1, s777 cap
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 11:48:04
1. i have unimod bictory my self bought mod 2. i want dr.kt
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 15:07:48
I have: -Muji DC -Stabilo Trio (a lot of) -Super Pirats (white capped too, a lot of) -Spoko Mini (a lot of) -white Lakubo grips (a lot of) -colorella duo (many, but not all colors) -Bic Round Stick - blue, black and red caps; white bodies (a lot of) [COLOR="red"][B]-WHITE PPP WRISTBAND -YELLOW PPP SILICONE BAND[/B][/COLOR] I want: [COLOR="red"]-VERY WANT SWEET DROP MOD OR BODY DC[/COLOR] Ask me what do you want ;)
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 15:43:38
I have: Hi tec-C White Sunburst G2 Profile I want: [B][COLOR="red"]Yellow Spoko Mini Grips (2)[/COLOR][/B]
Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 16:24:05
Hi This is my first post on this forum so I'd like to say hello. I have 10 + and 100% feedback on the PPP I have: [COLOR="navy"]Black and dark blue PPP Silicone Band[/COLOR] Spoko Mini(lot of-80-100) Super Pirat(lot of) Eliteball(lot of) Pentel Line Styles(lot of) HGGs (k118) (lot of) Papermate Flexgrip Ultra(lot of)(lot of) PENAC (longer body than Papermate Flexgrip Ultra, quite heavy metal tip(very useful)) Pilot G1s(lot of) Pilot G2s(lot of) Color express(lot of) Faber Castel Grip Matic(lot of) and many of polish pens I want: Dr.Grips
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 11:12:43
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 13:27:36
I have Duraflashes many fibracolors many stabilo trio many Bic round stics many Pentel Color Pen Fine packs(all colors) - Marvy Markers Sub many super pirats many pentel line styles many xx pack color express many xx pack Super Tips many Grip Matic some I want Pilot dr.grip Rare stuff AC packs CT packs Zebra Airfits G3 Plastic Sailors HGG packs Belcollors M&M's RSVP's Sunbarst's Anyball's Emboss pens M&M pens offer you
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 12:36:37
i Have: CT(2X red,blue,green,brown, 1X gray,orange Ac(1X skyblue 1X orange 2X gray ONLY CAP) Mboss(red vs. Yellow) Ga lakubo (red,Blue) 3 white sunburst duraflash spoko super pirat(rare with white cap) Normal super pirat signo tips some HGG (ask color) My self (tayfun mod) I CAN TAKE FOTO NEED: dr.grip airfits(LIGHT) 2X artfit(YELLOW) Yellow sailor
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 15:01:40
I want to ct light green sailor grip (grey and light green) dr grips signo dx g3 Airfits (light version) I have RSVP sunberst yellow color express super pirat spoko mini 2x body ct (with little caps) body ac (with little caps) pilot G2 Hgg Signo broad black Ga RSVP mx Easy duraflash
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 23:18:00
Hi I have +38 on FPSB [B]Want :[/B] Watercolor Alpha Gel Yellow Hyperjell AirBlanc Sweet Drop HGG Sailor [B]Have :[/B] French stuff And many more, just ask me
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 01:38:24
[B]I Have:[/B] •American Stuff —G2 —RSVP —Hi Tec C —White Sunburst [B]I want:[/B] —KS Sporty —Blue cap from a blue single F-3000 —
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 02:06:32
Jan wrote: [B]I Have:[/B] •American Stuff —G2 —RSVP —Hi Tec C —White Sunburst [B]I want:[/B] —KS Sporty —Blue cap from a blue single F-3000 —
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 16:37:09
Hi I have +38 on FPSB [B]Want :[/B] Watercolor Alpha Gel Yellow Hyperjell AirBlanc Sweet Drop HGG Sailor Highlighter Rikota [B]Have :[/B] French stuff And many more, just ask me
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 16:39:59
Hi I have 0 on white list cause I stop 2 years ago So I sell: -[B]2 com.ssa Pendolsa v6[/B] -[B]1 3000*F[/B] -1 comssa pendolsa v18 -1 comssa metallic -1 red F-3000 (no mod) Just pm me for all proposition !
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 16:47:45
hi i have : -money -frenche stuff (i can do many s777 mx, waterfall, Frat mx2, GA, emboss mod, ajisais CS, killergel mod, s777 blakc mod, and many many many others!) I want: Sister-r g3 mod rex mod sweet drop Enot rsvp mod saizen rsvp mod riason g3 mod baaron dc mod zyavuxa playcolor2 mod mesi playcolor2 mod jap mods. ask! I want the mods if they are perfectly made, beautifull. Ask by pm or by msn: [email][email protected][/email]
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 19:05:59
Hi!!! Im new on UPSB, and Im from Poland
I have: Duraflash Anyball subs Milans ( colorful ct,ac,kt,mm body ) Comssas body Spoko Mini Signo Super Pirats Grip Matic Airfit grips I want: sailors ct/ac/kt/mm a lot!!!! Dr. Grips ( japanise only ) G3 plastic hyper jels light tiped airfits rsvp (a lot all versions) sey what you have ^^
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 18:20:29
hi i have : -money -frenche stuff (i can do many s777 mx, waterfall, Frat mx2, GA, emboss mod, ajisais CS, killergel mod, s777 blakc mod, and many many many others!) I want: Sister-r g3 mod rex mod sweet drop riason g3 mod baaron dc mod zyavuxa playcolor2 mod mesi playcolor2 mod Nz DC Mod Hibachi mod I want the mods if they are perfectly made, beautifull. Ask by pm or by msn: [email][email protected][/email]
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 14:13:35
Hi, I've 3 + on PPP Rules: I send first I trade with people who has lots of positive in trading I have 15 spoko mini's (RARE, OLD COLORS;Gray,Yellow,Skyblue),And VERY VERY RARE skyblue Durflash. I can trade them after 14 may,
Photos will be about 5 may. I want: Emboss Mod (white) MM Body Dr.Grip (japan) AC/CT
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 01:39:11
I want: Bellcolor I have: offer me,too much=/
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 02:44:10
i will trade u 5 hggs and i want 2 reynolnds caps for waterfall and 1 super pirat.
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 18:37:08
[B]i need:[/B] Airfit tips Ballpoint Color express orange and black Rsvp Color Blue signo dx skyblue or lightgreen g3 metal tipped [B]i have[/B] German stuff emboss bellcolor some lakubos
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 19:04:15
I want : 2 old ST I have : French stuff DC's pics on demand.
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 15:40:53
does anyone have some of these they want to sell/trade?
Date: Thu, Jun 9 2011 13:33:37
i have 3 ppp pencase black i need offer
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 02:53:44
Looking for a Watercolor pen body or sub. White would be preferable.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 09:11:39
strat1227 wrote: does anyone have some of these they want to sell/trade?
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 09:10:20
Teiito wrote: I have Duraflashes Pilot super grips super pirats pentel line styles xx pack color express xx pack Super Tips Grip Matic I want Pilot dr.grip Rare stuff AC packs CT packs Zebra Airfits G3 Plastic Sailors HGG packs Belcollors M&M's RSVP's Sunbarst's Anyball's Emboss pens M&M pens
Zebra airfits........ 25 pcs! -
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 13:42:21
I can get: -Slickpens in red,blue,black and green(original part of the middle of a grip aviaire) Want: -Offer
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 02:33:14
I have: 28 NEW white body supertips 9 NEW black body super tips 12 OLD white body supertips 5 OLD black body supertips I want: offer
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 03:29:25
have emboss ck twister buster cyl with namae body other stuff want money rare stuff good mods good looking mods gf (just for the lolz) your bid
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 03:53:50
strat1227 wrote: does anyone have some of these they want to sell/trade?
i have the black ones at the botm -
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 14:12:32
I have new ppp pencase I want dr. grips, airfits, mods and offer
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 17:01:57
Anyone have an AC body they'd like to trade?
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 10:23:13
I Search: M&M Body Seven Watercolour Mod Have: Money Bellcolour regards
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 17:44:45
Hello! I've got +30 on PPP (here's the proof), just started to trade here. I have: [B]a) 2x[/B] Orange Color Beifa grips (brand new!)
I want RSVP Mini (must be in excellent condition, very welcome colors are: black and skyblue/violet) Feel free to send a message to me. Simon
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 22:30:35
Need MESI G3 or MESI PLAYCOLOR MOD Have cash, kuzu g3, dr ct (mm caps) pink vs skyblue with dr grip grips
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 21:56:24
Hi. Want : 1 Hal KT (I don't care what the caps are while it's purple or lavander, but I want m&m body ^^) Have : Money
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 22:26:46
hello want: lavender ct white jimnie offer have money my trade thread in my sig
Date: Fri, Sep 16 2011 13:17:42
need: Dr.M&M(blue or black caps or bonkura pink&sky blue) have: kUzu g3 orginal, key3 g3 orginal, rsvp rzdz violet mx, cheat commsa and Polish stuff
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 12:18:47
I need: M&Ms in all colours Gripcuts rare pens have: airfits german stuff MoNeY!! want: your offer :D
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 14:47:11
1 nameory DC, 1 original kt, 1 firefly, 1 kuzu, 2 ck mods, 2 s360 kts and 2 turndont g3s for 200 USD dollars anyone?
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 10:38:16
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 01:37:41
i have bonkura kt. the tips are quite brand new. i also have black CT caps since they're almost the same as KT caps
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 15:54:25
uhm hey there. i need: - BSPC - Joey DC - Mesi G3 - M-301 X Pencil Mod - any cool JEB mods (favored long and medium-weight double capped mods) i have: - GPC Comssa from Minwoo
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 16:08:27
Hi, I'm MrJack from FPSB, I Have +9 on FPSB: Want: -Money (€ because I don't have the time to go change it) Have: -French mods and stuff, ask me and I'll tell you if I have or not.
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 15:50:50
i have 3x new ppp pencase black offer ^^
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 18:56:01
I have black ppp pencase yellow spoko minis black grip of spoko mini Super Pirats Pentel Line Styles. Many things more, ask. I want: Offer :D
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:20:51
Want: G3 caps Commsa Sailor grips Have: RSVP Papermate profiles Hgg bodies 2 memento pens (emboss) Ask! Have access to U.S. Pens Willing to trade with any one within the U.S. Will follow trading rules. Although this is my first time trading, I buy and sell many things on eBay with 100% positive feedback.
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 10:16:11
mapjay wrote: Hi! I'm from Singapore. I'm quite new to pen spinning. [B]I want:[/B] -HGGs -Pentel Colour Twins -RSVPs(all variarions except for the retractable one) -HGRs -Keityo -Sailors -Anyballs -Computer Sign Pens [B]I have/can get:[/B] -G1 Grips -G2(clear and tinted)s -G3(metal tinted)s -Jimnies(tinted) -Signo DXs -Better retractables -Ballsigns -Supergels -Round Stic Grips -Money(not paypal)
you want anyball i have around 20 anyball color black i want g3 you trade me 5 g3 i 'll trade 10 anyball and 3 rsvp Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: i have g2 EX (just search on google to see what ballpen is that) Anyball (color black 2Skyblue 1RED) Buster pinksky Firefly KUzu (Crappy GRipcut) I want KUzu SEven g3 MOd -
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 13:48:33
zphine wrote: you want anyball i have around 20 anyball color black i want g3 you trade me 5 g3 i 'll trade 10 anyball and 3 rsvp Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: i have g2 EX (just search on google to see what ballpen is that) Anyball (color black 2Skyblue 1RED) Buster pinksky Firefly KUzu (Crappy GRipcut) I want KUzu SEven g3 MOd
this is pretty old. dunnid anything now -
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 13:17:03
i have :
5 ppp wirsbland spoko mini super pirats PC2 (no many) grip airfit cheat commsa rushon mod signo tips signo dx grips bellcolor satrun mod skyblue vs yellow g-mod i can get: many spoko mini many duraflashes money I want ; CT PACK 24 and 36 !!VERY WANTED sunburst g3 094 signo dr.grip tornado Marvy marker M&M airfits rsvp hgg and all what you have but i must have CT PACK !!ALL
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 09:00:05
hi i'm japanese I want bellcolor pack(10pens or 25pens) I have DrGRIP supergrip sailorgel G-3 plastictype keityo sign pen rushon ayatori mod parts pencil mod ballsign playcolor airfit I have +105 whitelist in JEB please PM
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 15:40:21
Hi ! I have +32 on FPSB and around +6 on UPSB (last version) I sell : 1 [B]pencase FPSB[/B] (limited edition) If you want more informations and pictures, PM ME !
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 02:39:24
Hello I'm yoppi000 !!!! I hav 13+ on upsb!!!I live in the us I want : -kuzu g3 (preferably one worth $25) and without grip cut -Japanese dr grip grip -needlepoint -gripmatic tip or full pen -yellow spoko -white signo broad -yellow anyball -hgg and signo tips I have/can get: -LOTS of black barrel embosses (any color) -rsvps -some clear metal ink less g3s -sailors (light green,orange,pink,skyblue,maybe grey) -money(no PayPal)
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 09:22:23
i have :
5 ppp wirsbland spoko mini super pirats PC2 (no many) grip airfit cheat commsa rushon mod signo tips signo dx grips bellcolor satrun mod skyblue vs yellow g-mod i can get: many spoko mini many duraflashes money I want ; CT PACK 24 and 36 !!VERY WANTED sunburst g3 094 signo dr.grip tornado Marvy marker M&M airfits rsvp hgg and all what you have but i must have CT PACK !!ALL
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 01:49:04
I have: supertips dr. grip(grip only, american) dr. grip g spec(i think thats the name) g2's dr. grip mecahnical pencil tip(heavy) random metal tips I want: 2 reynolds 094 caps 1 super pirat 2 japenese dr. grips 2 signo tips or just 1 of each except reynolds 094 caps
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 15:38:24
I have: Gelly Roll HGG K118 HGG K116 I want: money
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 12:30:54
Hello I have +10 -0 in FPSB I have : 12 Donga_A Sign Pens : 1,5dollars / each or 13 dollars for the pack Shipping INTERNATIONAL : 5 DOLLARS
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 05:48:25
what can people give me for 50 usd
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 05:53:37
Hi I am from Malaysia quite new to pen spinning ======== I can get ======== G1 grips G2 clear barrel and tinted barrel G3 metal tips tinted barrel Signo broads Hi tec Supergel Papermate Sport II Bic rounds Round stic grips ======================= ======= I want ======= Pentel RSVP clear or rzdz or UCPSB version HGG any color but not Gold or silver Jiminies Airfits PlayColor2s Supertips =========================== PM me and give me offers
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 20:15:11
Hi I'm from FPSB and I have +4 on the whitelist. I have1 -1 Key3 G3 mod purple -1 GA blue (The middle grip is black and is not slickpen but it's the same) -1 Coulomb G3 mod -1 Comm.Ssa luminous -1 Mx color black -1 Mx green and yellow -1 personnal GA black with yellow grips -All kind of stuff just ask me I want : -1 Dr. ac with dr. grip grips and two green, red, purple, black or blue caps (two caps of the same color and a dark color) -Money For pictures you can ask me by MP or at MSN at [email][email protected][/email]
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 15:33:45
Hello I have +12-0 IN fpsb i HAVE : Waterfall peemalux : blue and yellow caps I want : Paypal money
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 14:56:45
Looking for a korean seller/trader. I want a lot of stuff badly.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 22:32:28
Hi I have +5 on GPC I want Hi-Tec C Hyper Jell Japanese Jimnie Signo DX Pilot G3 RSVPs Dr. Grip grips/tips Modrod grips Keityo Sign Pens Sailor grips M&M I have PayPal money
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 19:15:30
Hello, I have +6 on GPC I have: -Wopex -G2´s -Grip Matic´s I want: -money
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 11:42:58
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 20:27:08
Hello i have +1 on FPSB (ridiculous) and -0 : I have : Flexgrip ( tips + body + useless backaps) blue/red/gray/green I can mod for you grip aviaire ( i don't have slickpen or HGG for the middle grip ) I want : propose me mod or pen
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 20:58:01
Hello I have +17-0 in fpsb I want: HIBACHI MOD or Akashiya Brush Pen ( body for Hibachi mod ) Tombow reporter 2 1 Black CT cap HGR tips or pen Sailor Cap 6 Black Anyball Grip 2 Orange Anyball Grip 1 G2 Grip Have : Money by Paypal
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 17:15:38
LF/Want: Old Namae Yellow HGG Yellow Hyperjell Dr. Grip Tips Papermate Aspire (the tip WITH the mechanism/lead holder) Sweet Drop and Watercolor (I know, unlikely) Have: [B]Money via paypal[/B] M&M body Color RSVP's, Razzle Dazzle, etc. Metallic Sunbursts Old Sarazas Super Pirat x2 Hyperjell (Black x2, Red x1) Spokos (Gray x1, Green x1, Light Blue x1) ASK
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 02:01:59
Only trading with canadian pen spinners ================ Want: ================ Comssa's ( double or single capped ) Water fall Mod Flying Panda Mod F1r3fly's G3 Mod Any good Dc Mods Buster Retractable comssa Any Good Retractable mods DC LED mods Seven Mod ================ Have: ================ rsvp black bic round stick grip bic round stick bic SF Loads crayola supertips Tons Of grips Tons of tips Tons Of caps Metal rings Random Pen parts Rsvp MX BICtory ================ Please Pm me if your willing to trade
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 02:54:52
Have: Mods Money Want: 6 airfit ballpoint 1 blue sailor Tornado grips Signo tips impact tips
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 13:02:59
[COLOR="lime"]+7 GPC, +1 UPSB [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="2"]I have:[/SIZE][/B] - HGG´s fluoro - HGG´s metallic - HGG´s pastel - HGR´s - signo broad´s - schneider slider´s - pilot g2´s - pilot g2 ex´s - g-tec´s - super pirat´s - grip matic´s - flexgrip ultra´s - wopex´s [B][SIZE="2"]I want:[/SIZE][/B] - Money
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 17:26:56
I have: g1 g2 super grips super pirats spoko minis flexgrip elite clear waterfall body and caps i want: airfits g3 hgg white emboss mod seven g3 ajisai mod white comssa pilot g2 ex
Date: Sat, Aug 11 2012 03:51:05
anyone selling M&Ms i want the real thing
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 12:48:06
I just found one M&M body also i have bunch of crap like comssa, anyball grips, some rsvp. I want money.
Date: Fri, Nov 23 2012 23:24:21
I have: - Money I want: - RSVP retractable BK92 x2 (for BaoO mod) - Yellow Signo DX - Yellow Supergrip
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2013 13:57:28
Hi! I have: Pendolsa V4 (damaged) & V5 (in good condition) Many com ssa's Pentel Color Pen Dr.Kt (yellow) PDS Wristband (black) 2 or 3 rare UPSB RSVP (red) I want: Old Pentel color pen (SCN-10_) Money Feel free to pm me!
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 19:10:51
Hi ! I'm from FPSB with +7 in whitelist (and 0 in blacklist) I have : Money some pens, ask me I want : Person's Kt (with picture to see what color) or Persons pens Miffy and Melanie pens Modrod grips Dr.Grip pens PM me for any questions or if you have what I need :) Thx
Date: Tue, Mar 5 2013 20:57:48
Hi, I'm from Poland. I have 150+ on PPP, 20+ on UPSB, some on other boards. No negative feedback. I'm looking for: Sunburst metalic skyblue (If you don't have it - don't ask me to trade, please) maybe some fine RSVP's and Playcollors I can get HGG, other things from Have 1x Dr.Grip Japanese shaker, white comssa mod with PDS body, comssa PDS v7
Date: Thu, Mar 28 2013 07:02:43
CAN I add you in FACEBOOK, I'm a Filipino too, I'm willing to do business with you .. thanks :)
Date: Thu, Mar 28 2013 09:19:02
HI! +81 PPP +over 10 on UPSB (old nick name - mastah), -0 I have: 2x Pilot Dr.Grip G-Spec 5x Pilot G-1 2x Pilot G-2 Grip can get: more g1, more g2, probably some hgg Want: miffy & melanie - even just body of those pens :) PM me ;)
Date: Mon, Apr 21 2014 04:09:45
Want: Needle point(for SEVEN G3) Have: Money Anything else I can try to get it
Date: Mon, Apr 21 2014 11:06:09
Look up my trading thread! Lots of cool MPs and pens! Dont worry, you can trust me. :)
Date: Fri, Apr 25 2014 12:22:31
Want spoko mini m&m Colored watercolor Bellcolor Have Money Supertips Comssa(all color) Anyball(all color) Airfit Playcolor Livecolor(sub for playcolor) Can get Probably g2,g3(metal tipped) 나의 LG-F180L 의 Tapatalk에서 보냄
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2014 17:20:57
Please check my trading thread. I want Neon Reynolds Money Can Get Ballsigns G2s Dr.Grips Rsvps Rsvp rts (HGG grip sub) Anything else, ask and i will try to get for you
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 12:00:54
Hello ! I hace on FPSB : +3 -0 I want : _Seven watercolor (with the white watercolor body, sarasa grip and alpha gel tip) _1 clear g3 (plastic or metal tip) I have : A13X mod (the yellow and white, the composition are secret) Money !
Date: Thu, May 1 2014 17:32:33
Hi! I am looking for 4 American Dr. Grip Tips. I can offer you money (got Paypal)
Date: Sat, May 17 2014 16:23:16
Hi, I have 'on fpsb) : +4 -0 I want : 2 needle point 1 tip of hgg and rsvp moonz I have : 1 pack of s777 mx' s cap (it' s out of production)
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2014 19:10:44
Hey, since I am new I am gonna send/pay first as long as you are a trustfull trading partner. Search: Modding Parts: - 2x Pilot G3 - Pilot G3 Metal Tip - Pilot G2 - Grip Matic Tip - HGG Tips& Grip (2x Skyblue,2xblack) - Sailor Grip (2x Pink, 2x White) - Anyball Grip (Pink, Rot) - 4x Dr Grip Grips - 2x Comssa Cap - R.S.V.P (Normal, Sunburst, Color) - Lakubo Grip (Black) - Super Lavable Mods: If possible not in black/ white - Seven G3 - Metal Comssa - KuZu Ext. - K7 Hybrid - Tornado Mod - Japanese Pencil Mod Biete: - Money
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 10:01:31
Hello want: -yellow bellcolor body -2 comssa caps yellow -airfit grip -signo tips -RSVP pack -some RSVP MX have: -money
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 10:42:11
Hello there, I have +10 on old UPSB, +1 on FPSB and a lot of + on PPP ( ) I got scammed too many times, so if you are having any willing for scam, I will find you and strike you down, to all others let's have a nice trade ;) Pens for trade:
DoubleCapped Zebra F-3000 RushonPen Mod Miffy&Melanie KT Bonkura KT COG=COP singlecapped mod HEAVY G2 COMSSA MOD that isnt in picture (it has 4 hgg tips inside and 2 g2 grips ) Luxury PPP Black Pencase Parts: 3x CT, 1x RSVP, 1x BellColor, 2x G2 Grip (both black - have blue too), 2x Sailor Grip (white, orange) , 1x AnyballGrip (orange), 2x G1 Tip Want: money (skrill and, gosh if u really want i can make paypal account) good pen mods? IF you want something pm me I'd rather sell it all together because pencase will make shipping more safer
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 10:52:25
Hello there, I have +10 on old UPSB, +1 on FPSB and a lot of + on PPP ( ) I got scammed too many times, so if you are having any willing for scam, I will find you and strike you down, to all others let's have a nice trade ;) Pens for trade:
DoubleCapped Zebra F-3000 RushonPen Mod Miffy&Melanie KT Bonkura KT COG=COP singlecapped mod HEAVY G2 COMSSA MOD that isnt in picture (it have 4 hgg tips inside and 2 g2 grips ) Luxury PPP Black Pencase Parts: 3x CT, 1x RSVP, 1x BellColor, 2x G2 Grip (both black - have blue too), 2x Sailor Grip (white, orange) , 1x AnyballGrip (orange), 2x G1 Tip Want: money (skrill and, gosh if u really want i can make paypal account) good pen mods? I'd rather sell it all together because pencase will make shipping more safer
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2014 09:25:33
I sell: Beifa Color and Black Grips
Only money. Offer.