Linkages & Combos / Linkages after pinky bak

  1. JoloPSPH
    Date: Fri, Sep 6 2013 02:28:01

    im wondering what linkages i can do after pinky bak ?

  2. MarcusPS
    Date: Sat, Sep 7 2013 06:33:08

    Well you can use neosonic 34-TF palm up after it :)

  3. Ignator
    Date: Sun, Sep 8 2013 10:04:31

    You can do a sonic rise after it. :-)

  4. Fluffey
    Date: Mon, Sep 16 2013 12:46:12

    Pass to 2-3 and inverse shadow?

  5. HobbyLogics
    Date: Sat, Sep 21 2013 08:37:20

    you can do it to pinky bust :P It just tends to feel weird when you try to link stuff from pinkybak, because you hold the pen in between the webbing if your fingers more, so once you get used to that, it shouldn't be a problem.

  6. Walkaz
    Date: Mon, Sep 23 2013 01:36:47

    pinky ar pd 34 - 34 ( not fl )

  7. Awesome
    Date: Mon, Sep 23 2013 03:02:42

    You can do whatever linkage you practice from that position. Its pretty hard to link out of smoothly generally so don't try for too many links at once. my favorite is pinky around (direction change) but some kinda shadow/neo bak rev would be better imo. you can also get a charge rev going and go into twisted sonic rev

  8. Obstracized
    Date: Mon, Sep 23 2013 14:12:34

    JoloPSPH wrote: im wondering what linkages i can do after pinky bak ?
    Pinky Bak Reverse as a Directional Change, PU Index Bak > FL TA Reverse. Just come up with your own Linkages and improve them. :)

  9. snoopy1218
    Date: Mon, Oct 21 2013 01:26:29

    one thing I like doing is reverse thumbaround into pinky bak and catch it palm down, then flip it palm p as I am finger passing. you can add sonics, inverse sonics, twisted sonics to it so it looks flashier THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS lol

  10. Xitra
    Date: Sat, Nov 16 2013 07:27:28

    at that position i like to do a trick with a very dramatic hand movement since I think it looks nice so maybe a Fingerless pinkyaround , Palm down if possible.. (PD) FL pinkyaround 34-34 or Charge 34> Inverse sonic 34- 23 ~ rev palm spin Pinky Bak to air > Bakfall Moonwalk sonic > ..... Alot of possibilities and different possible linkages... though not so obvious