Tutorials Pending Approval / CW Mod by Dern Goid
Date: Sun, Sep 1 2013 00:45:33
Hey guys, This is a tutorial on a mod I made recently when I was bored :P. It's a pretty simple mod and its got decent weight and momentum. Stats (don't know exact stats...sorry): Length- Aprox. 23.5 cm Weight- About a the weight of a ZT with out the back pieces... (sorry don't know exact measurements) COG- COP Style - Double sided. Barrel is A bit thicker than an RSVP barrel. [B]NOTE: This uses the THIN Crayola Washable markers.[/B] Materials:
[*]2 Crayola Washable Markers
[*]2 ZT Tips (Can Be whatever you prefer)
[*]Grips of your choice.
[*] Tape, any kind will do.
[*]Super Glue.
Grips and Tips can be substituted but I used ZT tips because I had some spare and they add some nice weight to the mod. Hope you liked it!! Leave feedback and questions beelooww! Thanks! [B][COLOR="blue"]-Dern Goid[/COLOR][/B]Spoiler
Step 1. Take the back-cap off one of the markers and take the ink out.Step 2. Put back-cap Back on and (optional) use acetone to take the writing off of the body.
Step 3. Put some super glue on the back cap, this is optional but I recommend it since with-out it it may be loose and fall of.
Step 4. Double cap the marker and let the super glue dry.
Step 5. Get your tape (Duct tape, electrical tape, teflon, etc. doesn't matter) and put it on the end of the ZT tips. [B]NOTE: If you are using other tips like HGG signo, etc. This step does not apply.[/B]
Step 6. Put both tips on the caps.
(Sorry for my hand :P ) Step 7. Add grips of your choice, I used 1 Zebra Z-1 grip cut in half (I suck at grip cutting... :facepalm: )
That's it! Pretty simple eh?
Date: Sun, Sep 1 2013 01:59:15
Cool! But putting super glue seems makes it permanent to the barrel. I like it anyway :D
Date: Sun, Sep 1 2013 02:26:36
Ha ha not bad, not bad at all. Although I personally think it looks like a bictory. I might mod it. Anyway good job on following the guidelines, however don't expect it to get approved, @Froggy have been pretty slow (lazy) these days. (LOL) :) Don't give up continue modding!!! Best of luck :) Regards Zen
Date: Sun, Sep 1 2013 05:18:19
Thanks for the feedback guys!! @Zen thanks for the feedback :) . The mod is pretty plane, I just made it with what I had, so you can defenatly make it look prettier :D . And I don't really mind if it doesn't get approved I just wanted to get a tutorial out :)
Date: Sun, Sep 1 2013 10:38:29
Thanks for the tut ! <3
Date: Sun, Sep 1 2013 15:02:37
@Semikolon2 No prob :D
Date: Sun, Sep 8 2013 13:36:16
Cool mod but superglueing the cap isnt a good choice IMO
Date: Sun, Sep 8 2013 16:01:27
@ItsNick Thanks :) And yeah Super glue isn't the best choice, but the cap is loose otherwise, and with the weight of the ZT Tips it'll come off quite easily.
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 10:19:56
this is be honest, like really nice. gonna be in my list.woooo
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2014 22:25:13
Great mod! I like it :)