Collaboration Organization/Signups / Asian Collab
Date: Wed, Aug 14 2013 18:58:25
I want to organize a [B]asian only collab[/B] . (sun) It doesn't matter what board you're spinning from or which asian country you're from. Applications for Editor are open untill 25th of August. Applications for Spinners are open untill 1st of September. Send applications to: [email][email protected][/email] If you want to apply as editor please send the following: - current occupation ( just wanna know how much time you have) - example of editing (Link to video or DL link) If you want to apply as spinner please send the following: - DL link for your video - Board you're spinning for - Asian country that you are from Depending on how many applications I get filtering may be necessary. I hope this gets rolling. (sun)
Date: Wed, Aug 14 2013 20:44:50
Date: Wed, Aug 14 2013 21:39:18
I am going to start my own collab, with blackjack and hookers!